DC Database

Quote1 Well... The Joker was this wild, crazy rebel, doing whacked-out things on his own terms and having a great time doing it, without worrying about the consequences. It's like, the way he lived his life gave permission to all the kids who hated their teachers, or parents, or whoever, to do whatever they wanted, to not have to listen to anyone else. I was all for that. Also, he was creepy. People were scared of him, and I thought that was schway. Quote2
— Pally Otchee src

Pally Otchee was the right-hand man of Joker King.

Pally Otchee looked up to The Joker for his disregard of authority and for his intimidating aura. To this end, he joined the Jokerz, an organization of Joker-based criminals made up of multiple, loosely-connected smaller gangs. Otchee was apprehended and shared a cell at Iron Heights with fellow Jokerz member Doug Tan.[1]

When they were released, Doug made a powerplay, taking the name Joker King, as Pally acted as the middleman between Tan and the other sects of the gang.[2] In reality, Joker King drugged the clowns that met with Pally in order to have them commit mass suicide bombings. Eventually, Doug got tired of the chaos and decided to murder Pally.[3]


  • The name "Pally Otchee" is a reference to the opera Pagliacci which features a clown as a main character.



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Batman Beyond Villain(s)
This character is or was primarily an enemy of Batman Beyond. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Beyond Villains."