DC Database

After years of civil war between the white- and green-skinned races (referred to as the Pole Dwellers and the Desert Dwellers in their own parlance), Mars of the Earth-One universe was decimated by General Blanx, who was the Pole D

Mars is the fourth planet from the star Sol at a distance of 1.524 A.U.. It is 4,216 miles in diameter. Its day equals 1.03 Earth days and its year equals 686.98 Earth days. Mars has a thin atmosphere, its surface temperature ranges from -190°F to 80°F, and its gravity is 0.38 that of Earth. Mars has two moons, Deimos and Phobos.



After years of civil war between the white- and green-skinned races (referred to as the Pole Dwellers and the Desert Dwellers in their own parlance), Mars of the Earth-One universe was decimated by General Blanx, who was the Pole Dweller commander. Unbeknownst to all except Blanx himself, Blanx incited the war with the explicit objective of destroying both races, out of personal disgust for the philosophical and peace-loving cultural values of Martian society and because he intended to sell the entire planet to an intergalactic mining corporation, which refused to recognize Blanx's legal claim to property rights unless he were the only Martian alive on the planet. In spite of the best efforts of the Justice League of America, Blanx unleashed an unquenchable blue flame which consumed almost the entire planet and took the lives of all who remained on its surface. With only Blanx and his mortal enemy J'onn J'onzz left alive (except for a group of Desert Dwellers who escaped the planet in spaceships before it was too late), the two engaged in combat, and J'onn avenged his people by slaying Blanx. Green Lantern then tore up the entire burning surface of the planet and hurled it into space.[1] The few green-skinned survivors were transported by Martian Manhunter to another planet, which they colonized and renamed as New Mars.[2] After the near-extinction of the indigenous Martian race, there was an attempt by a controversial astrophysicist to blackmail Superman into helping him fake evidence of another Martian civilization to be discovered by unmanned NASA space probes in the future. However, Superman outfoxed the scientist by taking up a new alter ego for a day to mislead the scientist into believing that he was a savvy financier named Chris Delbart, thereby protecting his true secret identity as Clark Kent.[3]

The space probe Viking 1 was sent to Mars by NASA in 1975, just as it was on Earth-Prime. However, Supergirl also (with NASA's cooperation) used Viking 1 as part of a plot to trick Lex Luthor into revealing his hidden spaceship.[4] In the 30th century, the Nix Olympica volcano on Mars will have been converted into the Solar System's most luxurious vacation resort, in addition to the location for the wedding of Legionnaires Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel.[5]


In the Earth-Two Universe, Mars has several different intelligent species, apparently living on different areas of the planet. These species include:

  • Bug-like Martians encountered, on Mars, by Alan Kane, Ted Dolliver, and Professor Lutyens.[6] These Martians transplanted Professor Lutyens's brain into a robot body.[7]
  • Beings called Kriglo, a race of eight-limbed people.[8]
  • The dictator Martler and his Solazis.[9]
  • The green-skinned beings represented by the detective Roh Kar and the criminal Quork, who visited Earth in 1953.[10]

Also, the Roman god Mars and his hench-gods: Earl of Greed, Duke of Deception and Count of Conquest live on Mars.[11]

In 1942, the Atom visited a Mars that was inhabited by two rival groups of humanoids, the southern nation ruled by Butor and the northern nation ruled by Kagar, who intermittently went to war over access to the planet's scarce supply of canal water. Al Pratt helped these Martians to resolve their conflict.[12].

  • The German rocket carrying the Atom to Mars crossed an inter-dimensional border along the way, and his adventure actually took place on the Mars of another universe (not the Mars of the Earth-Two universe).[13]

New Earth

The planet Ma'aleca'andra was home to a supremely powerful malignant race simply known as the Burning. These beings possesed vast pyrokinetic abilities, reproduced asexually, and made extensive plans of intergalactic conquest.

Fearing that these beings would ruin untold lives and species, the Guardians of the Universe intervened and defeated the evil race. In order to make sure that the Martians never again rediscover their burning origins, the Guardians split them into two distinct races and instilled both of them with a deep weakness and fear of fire. Thus the two Martian races were born; the White Martians and the Green Martians. One such Green Martian called J'onn J'onzz, was transported to the Earth in the mid-20th Century.

It would be some time before he learned that he was transported not only through space but also through time . he learned to his dismay that his race had become extinct a few centuries earlier.

It is almost certain that his race had ties to the red-skinned shape-changers who colonized Saturn's moon, Titan.

New Earth, Future

Mars was first colonized by humans in the 21st Century. The original colony zone is now known as Nix Olympia and has grown extensively over the centuries since humans originally settled there. The United Planets had begun terraforming the formerly barren planet, and up until the disaster over a tenth of the planet had been populated.

Before the Great Terran Disaster, Mars was becoming well known for its vacationing spots and was chosen by many for honeymooning. After being battered by the destruction of Earth, it is expected to take nearly a decade to complete the repairs. Mars is also the location of the Science Police Academy. It was during his Science Police training that Gim Allon gained his powers as Colossal Boy.

In the 853rd century, Earth will have established a human colony on Mars. A black-market smuggling cartel will operate out of the colony, specializing in the sale of "Power Icons" - insignias that granted their wearers temporary super-powers. To counter the efforts of the smugglers, Earth will establish a branch office of the Department of Extranormal Operations for the express purpose of policing the colony and cracking the smuggling ring.[14]


In 1941, an Unnamed King of Mars invades Earth via robotic "Spider Men" programmed to attack Earth and die off, but is cowed into submission by Captain Marvel, who soon destroyed the Spider Men as well. The Martians depicted seem to look like humans in large, covering clothes [15]

In 1942, Mars has seemingly evolved to a world where the young rule over the elderly (and have for seemingly around 3,000 years) and can dive into sand effortlessly. Led by General Hddy, these young Martians resemble normal humans, but age into four-armed creatures with large bald heads like human babies, sometimes with feline whiskers. Captain Marvel's intervention would depose her (revealing she had aged out of the ability to rule and had been ruling illegally) before imposing the rule of the elderly over the young again under Premier Scientist Dr. Fzzphz. The Martians are more than willing to kidnap human children if it means ending youthful rule and wielded weaponry firing "electronic barrages," impenetron metal bombs and a "submission" gas that causes love-like feelings. Two humans decide to stay there to establish a Martian Ball Club [16]

In 1943, King Kull of Mars launches meteors that seed Earth with gigantic trees that choke life out of other plants and are poisonous to eat. By this time, four-armed green Martians with round bodies, fangs and gangling limbs have taken up an agrarian society with irrigated crops made by canals. After being captured by King Kull, a kindly Martian named Kylar frees Freddy Freeman from Martian captivity and assists him in the destruction of the seed-cannons. Kylar claims he is due to being democratically elected as President of Mars soon after. [17]

In 1948, a group of Martians (led by a Martian Emperor) traveled to Earth with conquest in mind. They covered the western half of the United States with a green substance that appeared to be mold or a bacterial colony, but was actually solidified energy. Kid Eternity was able to dissipate the substance (with the help of Charles Proteus Steinmetz) and defeat the Martians. These Martians look generally humanoid, but with green skin, pronounced bald heads, large yellow eyes and pointed ears, resembling goblins[18]

Later that year, Captain Marvel, Jr. would encounter Sivana, Jr.'s presumably Martian ally "Man-from-Mars," a teardrop shaped Martian with long gangling arms, large four-fingered hands, two-toed feet, suction-cup shaped ears, small round eyes, six slats in his face to communicate through and a small mess of black hair on his pointed head. Man-from-Mars speaks in an antiquated, overly formal manner and is seemingly arrested and incarcerated by the New York Police Department his defeat. [19]

In 1949, a militaristic set of Martians led by an unnamed leader give in to an invasion of Living Fireballs from Beyond Known Space, agreeing to their terms of destroying all life in the solar system, claiming a significantly militaristic society wherein power is the ultimate metric of respect, but their leader quickly surrenders when the Marvel Family defeat him, surrendering in five Earth languages. A dignitary of the Martians manages to demand terms of surrender at the United Nations HQ, but is easily defeated and the Martian POWs returned to Mars by Jupiterian refugees afterward. These Martians resemble humans with pinkish skin, pointed ears and sport colorful military uniforms. [20]

Quality Universe, Future

Late in the 21st century,[21] Earth will have established a human colony on Mars, called "Hispan". Gangs of spaceship-equipped pirates will be a problem, and the Space Legion will be hard-pressed to protect merchant space-shipping.[22]

Amalgam Universe

In the Amalgam Universe, Mars is inhabited by beings called Skrulls, a war-like race of shapeshifting conquerors with psionic abilities. J'onn J'onzz, a.k.a. Mister X, is the only peaceful member of his race, escaping to Earth to get away from his violent brethren.

Expeditions to Mars

According different sources, the first man to reach Mars was:

Points of Interest

  • Arsia Mons
  • Ascraeus Mons
  • Cydonia Mensae
  • Heliotropolis[31]
  • Marsopolis[32][33]
  • Mountains of Passion
  • Nix Olympia
  • Olympic Mons
  • Pavonis Mons
    • Science Police Academy
  • Tharsis
  • Valley of Sand
  • Xan'Xie Peaks
  • Z'onn Z'orr


Dominant life-forms

Known Martians


There are several species of creatures that are indigenous to the planet Mars. Among these are:

  • Chottas
  • Pralah-Beast
  • Sho'keer



  • On Earth-16, Mars is called M'arzz, while Ma'aleca'andra is the name of its capital.[37]
  • The appearance of Martian Underworld, Lesser Ma'aleca'andra, is heavily inspired by Mars itself.[38]

See Also

Links and References
