List of ambassadors of Peru to Russia

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Peru to the Russian Federation is the official representative of the Republic of Peru to the Russian Federation.

Ambassador of Peru to the Russian Federation
Juan Genaro Del Campo Rodríguez
since September 1, 2021
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Pereulok Obukha 6, Apt. 1, Moscow
AppointerThe President of Peru
Inaugural holderJosé Antonio de Lavalle
FormationMarch 18, 1874
WebsiteEmbassy of Peru in Russia

Diplomatic relations between Peru and Russia date back to the 19th century. Emperor Alexander II sent a letter, dated 29 October 1862, to Miguel de San Román, president of Peru, congratulating him on his election and expressing his desire to maintain friendly relations between the Russian Empire and Peru.[1][2] The two countries signed their first official document, a Trade and Navigation Agreement in 1874, and by 1909 Peru had six consular missions in the Russian Empire: in Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Warsaw, Odesa and Kherson.[1]

With the execution of the Romanov family and the downfall of the Russian Republic as a result of the Russian Civil War, both countries ceased to have any diplomatic relations from 1918 until the second half of the 20th century.[2]

Relations at the embassy level between the Soviet Union and Peru were established on 1 February 1969.[1][2][3] Relations were strengthened after the 1970 Ancash earthquake, with the Soviet Union sending helicopters and medical aid. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Peru recognised the Russian Federation as its successor state on 26 December 1991.[1][4]

List of representatives

Name Portrait Term begin Term end President Notes
José Antonio de Lavalle   March 18, 1874 1876 Manuel Pardo Lavalle's wife, Mariana Pardo y Lavalle, died on March 31, 1875, which led to Lavalle retiring from his duties in the Peruvian Legation of Saint Petersburg and leaving for Peru the next year. After his departure, relations between both states continued at a diminished level.[2]
1969: Diplomatic relations between Peru and the Soviet Union formally established
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar   1969 1971 Juan Velasco Alvarado Despite his appointment, Pérez de Cuéllar was opposed to the communist ideology of the Soviet Union.[3] He would later serve as Secretary-General of the United Nations.
José de la Puente Radbill [es] 1971 1973 Juan Velasco Alvarado
Juan José Calle y Calle 1974 1980 Juan Velasco Alvarado [5]
Hubert Wieland Alzamora [es] 1980 November 30, 1981 Fernando Belaúnde
René Hooper López February 22, 1982[6] ? Fernando Belaúnde
Róger Eloy Loayza Saavedra July 9, 1986[7][8] 1991[9] Alan García Previously the ambassador to neighbouring Romania.[10][11]
1991: Dissolution of the Soviet Union; relations continued between Peru and Russia
Armando Lecaros de Cossío October 1990
December 1991
December 1991
Alberto Fujimori Ambassador to the Soviet Union before, during and after its collapse.[13][14] As such, he was also the first Ambassador to the Russian Federation, being accredited to Ukraine from 1993 until July 1995.[15]
Pablo Hugo Portugal Rodríguez November 9, 2000[16] 2003? Alejandro Toledo
Juan Humberto Umeres Álvarez   October 5, 2004 2012 Alejandro Toledo
Gustavo Antonio Otero Zapata March 15, 2012 June 16, 2014 Ollanta Humala Concurrent to Belarus from July 5, 2012.[17]
Juan Humberto Umeres Álvarez   November 19, 2014[18] March 30, 2016 Ollanta Humala Also concurrent to Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.[19]
Carlos Manuel Alfredo Velasco Mendiola May 1, 2016 August 26, 2016 Ollanta Humala Unlike his predecessors and successors, he was only appointed to Russia.[20]
Luis Benjamin Chimoy Arteaga September 24, 2016 January 20, 2020 Martín Vizcarra Concurrent Ambassador of Armenia, Belarus (credentials presented on October 1, 2017)[21] and Kazakhstan.[22]
Juan Genaro Del Campo Rodríguez September 1, 2021 Incumbent Pedro Castillo Concurrent Ambassador of Armenia and Kazakhstan from 2 September.[23][24]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d "РОССИЯ-ПЕРУ: СТРАНИЦЫ ИСТОРИИ" (in Russian). Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Russia). Retrieved 5 January 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d Garcés Avalos, Galo; Vallejo Bulnes, Rafael (2020). Las relaciones entre el Perú y el Imperio ruso a la luz de los archivos diplomáticos (1860-1917). Agenda Internacional.
  3. ^ a b Adins, Sebastien (2019). Las relaciones entre el Perú y Rusia (in Spanish) (1st ed.). Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, PUCP. ISBN 978-9972-671-59-3.
  4. ^ Tereshkova, Eugenia (2019-08-29). "Ahora puedes descubrir la historia de las relaciones ruso-peruanas con fotos y cartas". Russia Beyond.
  6. ^ Ведомости Верховного Совета Союза Советских Социалистических Республик [Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR] (in Russian). Izd. Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR. 1982. 22 февраля Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Республики Перу Рене Хупер Лопес вручил в Кремле верительные грамоты кандиадту в члены политбюро Совета СССР В. В. Кузнецову. [On February 22, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Peru, Rene Hooper Lopez, presented his credentials to candidate member of the Politburo of the Soviet of the USSR V. V. Kuznetsov in the Kremlin.]
  7. ^ Ведомости Верховного Совета Союза Советских Социалистических Республик [Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR] (in Russian). Izd. Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR. 1986. p. 540.
  8. ^ Kravchenko, Leonid (1990). Кто есть кто в мировой политике [Who's Who in World Politics] (in Russian). Издательство политической литературы. p. 244. ISBN 9785250005135.
  9. ^ "Infidente en Madrid". Oiga. 1992. Crece el escándalo en torno al nombramiento del embajador Roger Eloy Loayza Saavedra como cónsul del Perú en Madrid, dispuesto por Fujimori y De la Puente el pasado 25 de agosto [25 August 1991] ...
  10. ^ "Address by Ambassador Roger Eloy Loayza Saavedra. Dean of the Diplomatic Corps". Romania, Documents, Events (1–25). Agerpres. 1983.
  11. ^ "President Ceaușescu has received: The Ambassador of the Republic of Peru". Lumea (1–19): 3. 1984.
  12. ^ Вестник Министерства иностранных дел СССР [Bulletin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR] (in Russian). Izd-vo "Mezhdunar. otnoshenii︠a︡. 1990. p. 12. Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Республики Перу в СССР Армандо ЛЕКАРОС де КОССИО. Родился в 1943 году. Окончи факультет права Католического университета г. Лимы и Дипломатическую академию. На ди штоматической службе с 1967 года. Работал в посольствах Перу в Мексике и Великобритании. В 1979—1980 годах был временным поверенным в делах Перу в Никарагуа и на Кубе; 1984-1986 годах посол Перу в Австралии, 1986-1988 годах посол Перу в Никарагуа; 1988—1989 годах - зам, генсекретариа МИД Перу. С 1990 следующей года о назначения послом в Перу а CCCP исполнял обязанности зам Министра инострамных дел. [Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Peru to the USSR Armando LECAROS de COSSIO. Born in 1943. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lima and the Diplomatic Academy. In diplomatic service since 1967. He worked in the Peruvian embassies in Mexico and the UK. From 1979-1980 he was Charge d'Affaires of Peru in Nicaragua and Cuba; 1984-1986 Ambassador of Peru to Australia; 1986-1988 Ambassador of Peru to Nicaragua; 1988-1989 - Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru. On 1990, he was appointed Ambassador of Peru in the USSR from the next year onwards, he served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.]
  13. ^ The Europa World Year Book, 1991. Europa Publications. August 1991. p. 2703. ISBN 9780946653690.
  14. ^ "Conferencia dedicada a la memoria de José Carlos Mariátegui". Rusia de Hoy (2–3, 5–7). 1993.
  16. ^ Дипломатический корпус в Москве: справочник [Diplomatic corps in Moscow: a guide] (in Russian). Министерство иностранных дел Росийской Федерации. 2003. p. 145.
  17. ^ "RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 157-2012-RE: Nombran a Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú en la Federación de Rusia para que se desempeñe simultáneamente como Embajador Concurrente ante la República de Bielorrusia" (PDF). El Peruano. 2012-07-05.
  18. ^ "Иностранные послы вручили Путину верительные грамоты" [Foreign ambassadors presented their credentials to Putin]. ИА REX. 2014-11-16. Archived from the original on 2016-08-08.
  19. ^ Humala Tasso, Ollanta; Rivas Franchini, Eda A. (2014-06-16). "RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 086-2014-RE: Dan término a nombramiento de Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú en la Federación de Rusia" [The appointment of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Peru in the Russian Federation is terminated]. El Peruano.
  20. ^ Kuczynski Godard, Pedro Pablo; Luna Mendoza, Ricardo (2016-08-26). "RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 176-2016-RE: Dan por terminadas funciones de Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú en la Federación Rusa". El Peruano.
  21. ^ "Nuevo Embajador del Perú en Belarús presenta sus Cartas Credenciales". 2017-10-02.
  22. ^ Vizcarra Cornejo, Martín Alberto; Meza-Cuadra V., Gustavo (2020-01-24). "RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 022-2020-RE: Dan por terminadas funciones de Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú en la Federación de Rusia y como Embajador Concurrente ante las Repúblicas de Armenia, Bielorrusia y Kazajstán". El Peruano.
  23. ^ Castillo Terrones, José Pedro; Maúrtua de Romaña, Oscar (2021-09-01). "RESOLUCIÓN SUPREMA Nº 112-2021-RE: Nombran a Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú en la Federación de Rusia, para que se desempeñe simultáneamente como Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario del Perú ante la República de Armenia, con residencia en Moscú, Federación de Rusia". El Peruano.
  24. ^ "Normas Legales: nombran embajador en Kazajstán y Armenia". Andina. 2021-09-02.