User:Sunwoo Lim/Essays/Vandalism


What is Vandalism?


On Wikipedia, vandalism has a very specific meaning: editing (or other behavior) deliberately intended to obstruct or defeat the project's purpose, which is to create a free encyclopedia, in a variety of languages, presenting the sum of all human knowledge. Vandalism is dangerous to Wikipedia.

The Principles and The Laws


Here are list of Principles and Laws for Vandalism.



Principle 1 (P1): Vandalism rate increases when depth of the wiki increase. (at least, normally.)

Principle 1b (P1b): Vandalism rate cannot increase too high by P1.

Principle 1c (P1c): Vandalisms (especially, from P1) may get reverted over time.

Principle 2 (P2): if Vandalism rate is over just even a percent, the wiki may be damaged.

(Principle 2b (P2b): if Vandalism rate is over just a ten percents, the wiki will be destroyed irreversibly.)

Principle 3 (P3): Most vandalisms are by IPs, while most edits by IPs aren't vandalism (as IP may change and may shared between others.)



Law 1 (L1): There are always a chance that edits by mistake could be mistaken for vandalism. (This cannot be avoided.) Reverting a vandalism may could be mistaken for vandalism.

Law 2 (L2): There are always a chance that vandalism remain undetected. (This cannot be avoided.)

Law 3 (L3): The vandalism rate cannot get exactly 100% if a good-faith editor is present. (because of they will not do vandalism)

Law 4a (L4a): The vandalism rate cannot get over 5% for a long time sufficient to destroy the wiki. (because of most vandalism getting reverted and vandals getting blocked)

The Start of the Essay


First, Vandalism rate will be sustained high-enough only if there are enough vandals present (T1[P1b+P1c])

The required amount of vandals can be calculated like: Nv >= AVERAGE[Rev/R, [for a long time (just over a month?)]] (EQ1) Where Nv is Number of vandals, Rev is vandalism reverting rate (per day), and R is rate of vandalism (per day (per person)).

but it can may be inaccurate. so, more calculation may could be needed.

Second, Let's add Rbl (Rate of blocked vandals per vandals).

Then, Nv must be greater than AVERAGE[Rev/(R*(1-Rbl))].

But, this isn't The End (of the math). so, let's get further into it.

Further Math


We've calculated Nv >= AVERAGE[Rev/(R*(1-Rbl))] ...(EQ2). It is a good result, but we need to modify the results.

Let's add RUB (Rate of unblocking vandals).

Then, Nv must be greater than AVERAGE[((Rev)/(R))*((1-1/(Rbl))+1/(Rbl*RUB)] ...(EQ3). There could be errors here, but i will skip these.

Final Nv must be multiplied to fatal rate of vandalism.

The Danger of Vandalism

  • This section is not going to be only contain maths.

But, how dangerous is Vandalism actually?

Let's calculate it.

The Rev and R is the main variables. Rbl could be variable. RUB is expected to be low.


The result: Vandalism is dangerous, but actual danger level can vary.