where used
{{User:Mgcsinc/userboxes/linguistic change}}
a lot alot | This user recognizes that linguistic change is a natural and desirable aspect of human language. |
linked pages
{{User:Unimaginative Username/Userboxes/Majority error}}
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Userboxes/ad populum}}
majority ≠ ad populum fallacy | Although this user acknowledges the logical fallacy ad populum, they do not think that it applies to human language, and recognise that the majority determines grammatical "right" and "wrong". |
linked pages
{{User:UBX/userboxes/majority change}}
Majority Usage = Correct Grammar | This user recognizes that if most people make the same grammatical "mistake", it ceases to be a mistake and becomes proper grammar, for grammar has no immutable or moral "right" or "wrong" and "correct grammar" is determined by majority usage. |
linked pages
{{User:Mgcsinc/Userboxes/Majority is right}}
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