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Wikipedia:Userboxes/Politics by country/United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This gallery includes userbox templates about the politics of the United States. You may place any of these userboxes on your user page. Some of these templates have multiple options, so visit the template for further information.

Before placing any of these userboxes on your userpage, please consider that many Wikipedians believe that the use of such userboxes runs contrary to the spirit of the guidance given at WP:USERPAGE, because they can be seen as being polemical. Please remember that the purpose of userboxes is to tell people about yourself as a Wikipedian (an editor of an encyclopedia), not as a human being in general.

There is no requirement that you follow this recommendation, which has no official status. By deciding not to post such content on your userpage, some of your fellow editors feel you could contribute to building a better editorial environment, while in no way renouncing your opinions as an individual.

Please feel free to contribute and add userboxes to this page; however, please remember that as this is effectively a very controversial page, please respect everyone's (not just your own) views. This makes Wikipedia what it is, a place for communication and information.

Please list any deletions on the discussion page (unless you are removing an already deleted userbox) and try and place the userbox in alphabetical under the correct category.

Political issues

Wikitext userbox where used
{{User 47%}}
This user is a proud
official member of the
worthless 47 percent.
linked pages
{{User against Sinclair Tribune merger}}
This user opposed the Sinclair-Tribune merger
linked pages
{{User Anti Police Brutality}}
SAY NO TO POLICE BRUTALITYThis user opposes police brutality
linked pages
{{User Black Lives}}
This user knows that
Black Lives Matter.
linked pages
{{User Black Lives in black}}
This user knows that
linked pages
{{User climate change}}
This user promotes efforts to counter
climate change
linked pages
{{User Confederate removal}} linked pages
{{User DEI}}
=This user ardently supports
linked pages
{{User dei}}
This user ardently supports
diversity, equity, and inclusion.
linked pages
{{User Democracy}}
This user knows that
Democracy Matters.
linked pages
{{User Empathy}}
This user knows that
Empathy Matters.
linked pages
{{User EN late}}
This user believes that
economic nationalism
is about a century too late.
linked pages
{{User Facts}}
This user knows that
Facts Matter
linked pages
{{User:UBX/film ban}}
A quote about "Aryan birthright" from an intertitle in The Birth of a Nation.This user thinks that films like The Birth of a Nation should be banned for their overt racism.
linked pages
{{User green new deal}}
This user supports the Green New Deal.
linked pages
{{User Homeland Security}}
HSThis user supports Homeland Security.
linked pages
{{User interest US politics}}
This user is interested in the
Politics of the United States.
linked pages
{{User no adr}}
This user supports believes that forced arbitration by corporations is unjust and supports the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act.
linked pages
{{User No Aid Israel}}
This user is AGAINST the United States giving foreign aid to Israel.
linked pages
{{User No Confederate flag}} linked pages
{{User No Lost Cause}}
The Lost Cause, by Henry Mosler, 1868.
This user is ardently opposed to the glorification of the so-called Lost Cause of the Confederacy.
linked pages
{{User No Neo-Confederates}} linked pages
{{User no secede}}
This user believes states should not have the right to secede from the United States.
linked pages
{{User oppose green new deal}}
This user opposes the Green New Deal.
linked pages
{{User Paris Agreement}}
This user ardently supports the
Paris Agreement
on climate change
linked pages
{{User proud American}}
This user is proud to be an
American !
linked pages
{{User Reason}}
This user knows that
Reason Matters.
linked pages
{{User Respect}}
This user knows that
Respect Matters.
linked pages
{{User Science}}
This user knows that
Science Matters.
linked pages
{{User secede}}
This user believes states should have the right to secede from the United States.
linked pages
{{User Sinclair dangerous}} linked pages
{{User Support US}}
This user supports the United States.
linked pages
This user is an Americophile.
linked pages
{{User:Warsaw Radio Mast/Userboxes/Americanophile}}
This user is not a citizen of
the US but loves and respects
the country
linked pages
{{User Truth}}
This user knows that
Truth Matters.
linked pages
{{User U.S. Constitution}}
This user ​ supports the
of the United States.
linked pages
{{User USA DEI}}
This user knows that diversity, equity, and inclusion are among the founding principles of the United States.
linked pages
{{User USA Gadsden}}
Don't Tread On MeProud American
linked pages
{{User WN}} linked pages
{{User:UBX/Alt-right foe}}
This user ardently opposes
the alt-right
linked pages
This user believes that
White Nationalism
is Anti-American
linked pages
This user opposes populist demagogues.
linked pages
This user supports
Egalitarian Democracy
in the U.S. and the world.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Elective Office}}
This user has run for elective office.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Lincoln Project}}
This user is a Republican who supports
The Lincoln Project.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Live Free or Die}}
🐍Live Free or Die
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Living wage}}
This user believes that
hard work
deserves a living wage
linked pages
This user wants to
linked pages
This user wants to
linked pages
This user believes American products should be made in the USA.
linked pages
as we were before European colonization
linked pages
This user wants to
linked pages
This user wants to
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Monarchy foe}} linked pages
{{User:UBX/Neofascism foe}}
This user ardently opposes the rise of neo-fascism.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/no trust USA}}
This user doesn't trust in the American government
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Puerto Rico colony}}
This user calls a spade a spade and Puerto Rico a colony.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Racism foe}}
This user ardently opposes all forms of RACISM.
linked pages
This user is a proud Republican who ardently opposes Trumpism.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Trump resister}} linked pages
{{User:UBX/Trumpism is Fascism}}
This user believes that
is the new Fascism.
linked pages
This user seeks to eradicate
wherever it slithers.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US alt-facts}}
This user believes that
alternative facts
are damnable lies
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US facts}}
This user believes that
facts trump
political propaganda.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US immigrant}}
This user's ancestors were not legal immigrants. They arrived before the Page Act of 1875.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US science}}
This user believes that
science trumps
individual belief.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US-China relations}}
This user is interested in US-China relations
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US-Russia relations‎}}
This user is interested in US-Russia relations
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US-Taiwan relations}}
This user is interested in US-Taiwan relations
linked pages
{{User:UBX/User Cuban thaw}}

This user supports the Cuban Thaw.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/User No UN}}
This wants America OUT
of the United Nations
linked pages
Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinThis user is very concerned about the bromance of
Vladimir & Donald
Donald John Trump
linked pages
{{User:UBX/White nationalism foe}}
This user ardently opposes all forms of racial nationalism.
linked pages
{{User:Ackpriss/Userboxes/American European ties}}
This user supports the economic, political, and military ties between the United States and the European Union.
linked pages
{{User:afamiglietti/Supports Change Congress}}
This user supports Change Congress.
linked pages
{{User:AlexCovarrubias/Userboxes/North American Union}}
North American Union This user supports the idea of a North American Union. Canada
United States of America
United Mexican States
linked pages
{{User:Before My Ken/userboxes/liberal american patriot}}
This user is a
Liberal American Patriot.
linked pages
{{User:Charlie Smith FDTB/Userboxes/bluelives✔}}
----This user knows that---- BLUE LIVES MATTER
linked pages
{{User:Charlie Smith FDTB/Userboxes/Police Are Important Too}}
This user knows that
Blue Lives Matter Too
linked pages
{{User:ChristTrekker/MN flag}}
North Star Flag - 🏴󠁕󠁓󠁍󠁎󠁿Userboxes supports a new flag for Minnesota.
linked pages
This user supports the NSA and its surveillance missions. Why?
linked pages
Ask QuestionsThis user is involved in the 9/11 Truth MovementDemand Answers
linked pages
{{User:TheHerbalGerbil/UBX/911 Truth}}
9/11This user rejects the conspiracy theories of the 9/11 truth movement.TROOF
linked pages
{{User:Editor19841/nowr}} linked pages
{{User:Eternal dragon/Userboxes/CelebrityPoliticians}}
This user believes that movie stars and celebrities should stick to what they're good at, not become politicians.
linked pages
{{User:Firefly/Userbox Archive/User DC Home Rule}}
This user is for District of Columbia home rule.
linked pages
This user supports defunding and demilitarizing the United States Armed Forces.

linked pages
{{User:FormalDude/Userboxes/Police State}}
This user recognizes that America is a police state.
linked pages
{{User:Gilgamesh~enwiki/Black Hills}}
This user knows the Black Hills were illegally stolen from the Sioux and believes they are not for sale.
linked pages
{{User:Grundle2600/userboxes/Favors free trade between the United States and Cuba}}
End the embargoThis user favors free trade between the United States and Cuba.
linked pages
{{User:Hunter9502/User Former Alt-Right}}
Regrettably, this user was formerly a member of the Alt-Right.
linked pages
{{User Anti Anita}}
Button distributed by opponents to the Save Our Children campaign, 1977.This user utterly disagrees with
and what she stood for.
linked pages
{{User:Instaurare/Tea Party movement}}
This user is a supporter of the Tea Party movement.
linked pages
{{User:Jc-S0CO/Userboxes/Tea party}}
This user supports the
Tea Party movement.
linked pages
This User doesn't think California is the First Communist State of America, they just like this flag.
linked pages
CONThis user is a conservative in the United States.
linked pages
{{User:LightandDark2000/Userboxes/US polarization}}
This user is very distressed by the increasing polarization in the United States.
linked pages
This user voted None of the above in the 2008 US Presidential election.
linked pages
{{User:Mgreason/Userboxes/User CanadaYes}}
This US citizen appreciates
our good neighbor Canada.
linked pages
{{User:Miller17CU94/Userboxes/User anti-Fairness Doctrine}}
NO FDThis user opposes the fairness doctrine and believes it is censorship.
linked pages
{{User:Oren neu dag/my userboxes/User Critical of TBL}}
This user is critical of the Thin Blue Line movement for its White Supremacist prevalence
linked pages
{{User:Oren neu dag/my userboxes/Imperial States of America}}
This User Believes that the USA is indeed a Global Empire.
linked pages
{{User:Oren neu dag/my userboxes/user Unamerican}}
This user is Un-American.
linked pages
{{User:Otolemur crassicaudatus/Userboxes/RAAN}}
This user supports the Red & Anarchist Action Network.
linked pages
{{User:Phoenician Patriot/Templates/Republic}}
This user knows that the United States is a republic and not a democracy.
linked pages
{{User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/BlackLivesMatter}}
This user knows Black Lives Matter.
linked pages
{{User:RazwshRhZgrc11234/userboxes/Hawaiian Kingdom}}
This user believes that the Hawaiian Kingdom was illegally overthrown. Long live Queen Liliʻuokalani!
linked pages
{{User:Rogue 9/Userboxes/CSA denied}}
Despite this user's Confederate States of America heritage, this user recognizes and is against the actions of the Confederacy.
linked pages
This user is interested in the politics of the United States.
linked pages
{{User:Scholarly Breeze/Userboxes/Gerrymandering}}
This user despises Gerrymandering.
linked pages
{{User:Tcr25/Userbox/User Marianas Reunification}}
This user supports reunification of
the Mariana Islands.
linked pages
{{User:The Homosexualist/U/HAWrevolution}}
Revolutionaries This user supports the Hawaiian Revolution. Vive le President Dole!
linked pages
{{User:The Homosexualist/NAU}}
North American Union This user supports the idea of
a North American Union.
United States of America
United Mexican States
linked pages
This user supports Sino-American relations.
linked pages


Wikitext userbox where used
{{User U.S. Constitution}}
This user ​ supports the
of the United States.
linked pages
{{User Bill of Rights}}
This user ​ supports the
Bill of Rights
of the United States.
linked pages
{{User First Amendment}}
This user ​ supports the
First Amendment
of the United States.
linked pages
{{User 1st Amendment}}
This user knows that the
First Amendment grants the
right to express your beliefs,
but does not make them true.
linked pages
{{User First}}
Amendment 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
linked pages
{{User Second}}
Amendment 2. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
linked pages
{{User Third}}
Amendment 3. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
linked pages
{{User:Cdw1952/userboxes/1st amendment}}
This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
linked pages
{{User:Gerrit Erasmus/Userboxes/Freedom from religion}}
This user believes the First Amendment guarantees freedom from religion.
linked pages
{{User:Gerrit Erasmus/Userboxes/Freedom of religion}}
This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not abolish it.  
linked pages
{{User:Huggums537/Userboxes/First Amendment Rights}}
This user supports citizen journalism and activism of our rights with First Amendment audits.
linked pages
We the PeopleUserboxes believes in a strict interpretation of the United States Constitution.
linked pages
We the PeopleThis user understands that a
republic is a system of law
while a democracy is a political system, and that the two are
opposing choices.
linked pages
{{User:RightCowLeftCoast/Userboxes/XAmendment}} linked pages


Wikitext userbox where used
{{Template:User 2 Amendment}}
This user pledges to NEVER vote for an anti-gun politician.
linked pages
{{Template:User disarmed}}
disarmThis user no longer carries a firearm.
linked pages
{{Template:User gun control}}
This user supports testing and
licensing all firearm owners
the same as motorists
linked pages
{{Template:User strict gun control}}
This user supports strict gun control, possibly including an outright ban on the civilian ownership of guns.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/No guns}}
This user's safety and liberty are threatened by all firearms.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Second Amendment}}
This user strongly supports
strict gun control
linked pages
This user believes in the 2nd Amendment.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Supports Second Amendment}}
This user strongly believes in the Second Amendment.
linked pages
As a decorated combat veteran, this user believes civilians should not possess military style weapons.
linked pages
{{User:Life in General/Userboxes/Guns}}
This user supports gun regulation, but not an outright ban on the civilian ownership of guns.
linked pages
{{User:Triadian/Userboxes/Second Amendment}}
This user is against
strict gun control.
linked pages


Wikitext userbox where used
{{User prelegal}}
This user's ancestors were not legal immigrants. They arrived before the Page Act of 1875.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/User leave USA}}
This user is trying to leave the United States of America.
linked pages
This user says, "Who you calling an 'illegal immigrant', Pilgrim?!"
linked pages
This user supports immigration.
linked pages
This user is in favor of restricting immigration, whether legal or illegal.
linked pages
LEGALThis user supports LEGAL Immigration.
linked pages
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
linked pages

Reproductive rights

Wikitext userbox where used
{{User PP}}
PPThis user supports
Planned Parenthood.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/US RF}}
This user supports
Reproductive Freedom for all.
linked pages


Wikitext userbox where used
{{User 911}}
In Memoriam: 9/11
Lest we forget…
linked pages
{{User:Heuh0/Userboxes/American terrorism}}
This user recognizes the US as a terrorist state
linked pages
{{User:Jc-S0CO/Userboxes/Terrorism}} linked pages
{{User:Dronebogus/Userboxes/1-6-21}} linked pages


Wikitext userbox where used
{{User no korean war}}
This user opposes a second Korean War.
linked pages
{{User US Gulf veteran}}
This user fought for the United States of America
in the Gulf War.
linked pages
{{User US Afghanistan veteran}}
This user fought for the United States of America
in the Afghanistan War.
linked pages
{{User US Iraq veteran}}
This user fought for the United States of America
in the Iraq War.
linked pages
{{User CIPTSD}} linked pages
{{User pacifist}} linked pages
{{User:UBX/Anti War in Afghanistan}}
This user opposes the war in Afghanistan and wants all foreign troops and military to withdraw from the country.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Iraq War Lancet}}
This user knows that there are
654,965 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Iraq War Refugees}}
This user knows that there are
2,000,000 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.
linked pages
{{User:Attafei/Stable Afghanistan}}
This user would like a stable Afghanistan.
linked pages
{{User:Goodnightmush/Userboxes/Mission Accomplished}}
"Mission Accomplished"This user knows today is the 7824th day since the declaration of Mission Accomplished in Iraq.
linked pages
This user supports the troops in Iraq.
linked pages
This user is a proud supporter of the Patriot Guard Riders.
linked pages
This user does not support the troops in Iraq.
linked pages
IraqThis user believes that there is still a cause in Iraq.
linked pages
This user supports the troops.
linked pages
This user recognizes the right of Iraqis to resist occupation.
linked pages
This user is against US troops invading other countries, including Iraq.
linked pages
{{User:Triadian/Userboxes/Stable Iraq}}
This user would like a stable Iraq.
linked pages
{{User:Serouj/UserBox/Against Iraq War}}
This user opposes the Iraq War.
linked pages
{{User:Serouj/UserBox/Against Iraq War And Poor Being Killed}}
Iraq This user opposes the Iraq War, and recognizes that only the poor are being killed on both sides.
linked pages

Political organizations

Wikitext userbox where used
This user supports the ACLU.
linked pages
{{User:Faustus37/UBX/ACLU card}}
ACLUThis user is a card-carrying member of the ACLU.
linked pages
This User is a proud supporter of the ACLU
linked pages
{{User:Stantheman8609/UBX/Club for Growth}}
Club for GrowthThis user is a proud supporter of limited government and economic freedom.
linked pages
This user is a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
linked pages
HRCThis user supports the Human Rights Campaign.
linked pages
{{User:Hagerman/Userboxes/User HRC}}
= This user supports the Human Rights Campaign.
linked pages
This user is a member or supporter of MoveOn.
linked pages
{{User NRA}}
This user is a member of the National Rifle Association
linked pages
NRA This user is a member of the National Rifle Association.
linked pages
NRAThis user is a member of the National Rifle Association.
linked pages
This User is a proud member of the
National Rifle Association
linked pages
  This user supports the National Rifle Association.
linked pages
This User is a proud supporter of the NRA
linked pages
{{User Progressive Democrats of America}}
PDAThis user is a member of the Progressive Democrats of America for a better America.
linked pages
RLCThis user is a proud supporter of the Republican Liberty Caucus.
linked pages
This user is a member of the Young Communist League USA.
linked pages

Political parties

See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Politics by country/United States/Political parties for Political party userbox templates.


See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Politics by country/United States/Politicians for Politicians userbox templates.


Wikitext userbox where used
{{User Dwayne Johnson}}
Dwayne "The Rock" JohnsonThis user supported Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for President in 2020
linked pages
{{User Jimmy President}}
This user would support Jimmy Wales if he would run for United States President.
linked pages
{{User John McAfee}}
This user formerly supported John McAfee for President of the United States.
linked pages
{{User RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg}}
This user is mourning the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Antiracist mlk admirer}}
This user opposes racism and admires Martin Luther King Jr.
linked pages
{{User:Malik Shabazz/Userboxes/Malcolm X MLK}}
This user opposes racism and admires Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.
linked pages
{{User:ZLEA/Bbb23 for president}}
Bbb23 for President!
Drmies for Vice President
linked pages

Regional politics

Wikitext userbox where used
This user recognizes that the
Upper Peninsula is in reality
Wisconsin's upper peninsula.
linked pages
This user believes the state of West Virginia is in the Northern United States.
linked pages
This user believes the state of West Virginia is in the Southern United States.
linked pages
This user believes Washington, D.C., is in the Northern United States.
linked pages
This user believes Washington, D.C., is in the Southern United States.
linked pages
{{User:Lux ex Tenebris/Userboxes/Delaware&MarylandAreSouthern}}

This user just does not understand why some people dispute the fact that Delaware and Maryland are Southern states.
linked pages
{{User:RedSoxFan274/Userboxes/Ohio MW}}
OH-MWThis user thinks Ohio should be grouped as part of the Midwestern United States.
linked pages
{{User:RedSoxFan274/Userboxes/Ohio NE}}
OH-NEThis user thinks Ohio should be grouped as part of the Northeastern United States.
linked pages
{{User:RedSoxFan274/Userboxes/New England is in NE}}
New Eng. in NEThis user thinks New England should be grouped in with the Northeastern United States.
linked pages
{{User:RedSoxFan274/Userboxes/No New England in NE!}}
NO New Eng. in NEThis user thinks New England should break apart from the Northeastern United States to form its own census region — because think about it...why should the Red Sox and Yankees inhabit the same census region? I mean, that is just ridiculous...
linked pages
{{User:Patricknoddy/Userboxes/User didn't know there were two Montanas}}
This user didn't know there were two Montanas, one in Bulgaria and the U.S. state.
linked pages
See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Politics/United States/Independence for United States secessionism userbox templates.

Political blogs

Wikitext userbox where used
This user reads AMERICAblog.com
linked pages
This user is a Kossack.
linked pages
{{User:UBX/Juan Cole}}
This user wonders why people won't listen to Juan Cole.
linked pages

See also


See Wikipedia:Userboxes
for a guide to userbox templates.

See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Galleries
for a guide to userbox galleries.

See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Galleries/alphabetical
for a list of all userbox galleries.