Translation:Artis Veterinariae

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Artis Veterinariae (c. 400)
by Pelagonius Saloninus, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapters I through XVII

A compilation of traditional remedies used by veterinarians around 400 AD, with commentary from Pelagonius

Nothing that it annotated in the manner below is from the Riccardian codex number 1179

R It indicates corrections from the codex of Angelus Politianus (which ordered that the original transcribing by Politianus, when it should be useful, should be noted R1)

B Fragment of the codex originally from Bobiensis and now Vindobonensis 16 having been written in chapters V—VI

H Hippiatricorum edition Basileensis from Simone Grynaeo printed in 1537

P Hippiatricorum Philipp. Codex 1538 from the book of Meermann. Now from Berolinensis chapters X—XI

M Hippiatricorum Parisinus codex 2322 chapter XI excerpt from Miller.

Col. Consensus from Collumella’s text.

Veg. Consensus from Vegetius’ text.

{} They surround fragments from codex B.

[] They surround that which we consider necessary additions.

✝ With a cross we note places still lacking editing.

* We placed asterisks by dubious fragments.

Pelagonius Saloninus2055012Artis Veterinariae — Chapters I through XVIIc/400Wikisource

By Pelagonius Saloninus

Concerning the Veterinary Art

That Which is Extant.

Pelagonius to Arzygius on his Health


I should admire [when] you praise your horse often, and always love it more vehemently — and it is not a matter so noble that lacks merit, you do not stop to love something totally, since the Sun itself is the master of the world, honor of the earth, is accustomed to the ministration of horses every day, content either with itself or alone and it shines desirable light — I should indeed imitate both you and it, so that I should write something worthy of their praise, if I offer fitting things: now nothing but calm speech, which by necessity must be proffered, repulses simple language, and I will begin to enunciate cures and medicines themselves. You, praise what you may, you who are worthy follow my directions, as for me it is enough to heal since I love and I am content to grow from your eminence. Since they ask of you what exists in us, and what it is in you that shines out to us. Therefore with cures and medicines, with which animals, particularly horses, should have healthy and lively bodies, this book should enumerate: whosoever should take it up eagerly, I hope you should not read so eagerly. Goodbye.

In this book these are the cures

I Cures for all disease.

II Remedies for emaciation.

III Cures for fever.

IIII Cues for the shoulders.

V Cures for the head or for head pain and tonsil pain.

VI Remedies for all coughs or for convulsions.

VII Cures for bellyache.

VIII Cures for dysuria.

VIIII About a hurt back and the hairs of the whole body.

X For those who lack limbs and for bulimia.

XI Cures for swelling.

XII Cures for sighing.

XIII Cures for dropsy or for the spleen and for tympanitis.

XIIII Also about genitals or about kidneys, thighs or legs.

XV Also about joints or about the feet or the neck.

XVI Cures for ozaena.

XVII For spasms of tetanus.

XVIII Concerning teeth.

XVIIII Enchantments for the barley of horses.

XX Concerning mice, spider bites, or concerning struck fingers or vipers.

XXI Cures and potions for bowel pain or for those who are betrayed with bad hay.

XXII Concerning the mobility of tails.

XXIII Drugs for strength.

XXIIII For those who urinate blood or shit or release through nostrils or vomit or if too much blood exits through a wound.

XXV Concerning wounds or concerning plasters.

XXVI Concerning scabs.

XXVII Concerning lethargy.

XXVIII All potions and all temporal necessities.

XXVIIII Concerning rabies or the course of the moon or on insanity in horses or paralysis.

XXX All care for eyes.

XXXI Mixtures of poultices.

XXXII Caustic mixtures.

XXXIII Concerning drawn of leeches and of tumors of the testicles and worms and woodworms.

XXXIIII Concerning warts on livestock.

XXXV Concerning sausages.

Pelagonius to his friend Falerius


I wander through horses that they assert are proper for both rituals and contests anywhere from five years of age up to twenty, for the most part, but when they have been used for domestic purposes from two years up until their thirtieth year most certainly their master must be most diligent. Each year the famous ones change with their bodies. For while one is two years and six months old, half of the upper teeth fall out; when the fourth year arrives, those which are called canines, having been lost, come back anew. Within the next six years the upper molars fall out; by the sixth year from which the first fell out, it is finished. By the seventh all are filled equally and from there teeth bear cavities, and not even after as many years that the horse lives, I show that it is understood that it is possible if not cared for by a most fine and most diligent man. For nature permits certain signs of age for particular bodies, which we comprehend with our clearer eyes instead of learning with reading. Nevertheless in ten years’ time they begin to be hollow and eyebrows sometimes begin to grow white and teeth begin to jut out. In twelve years blackness appears in between teeth. With the health of domestic livestock, it is for tamed and work horses that diligence discovers it, so that you may comprehend the years of work they endure; therefore you will number the wrinkles beginning on the muzzle, the number of wrinkles shows the years. It is difficult concerning untamed livestock for you to come across wrinkles. However either to compare such a horse or from the herd to choose one that fits the horse-loving master, for he is with a strict head, with black eyes, with nostrils [open, short ears] and upright ones, with a soft neck and broad but not long, a dense mane and lavish for the right side, with a broad and abundant chest, with grand shoulders and upright ones, with muscles in the whole body standing out, with curved sides, with doubly thick spine, with the stomach tightened from below, with equal testicles and exact ones, with broad loins that subside, a long tail and not bristly where it is indecent, upright legs, rounded knees and small and unobtrusive, rump and thighs muscular and numerous, black hooves and high and arched, whose middle crowns are stacked upon each other. Thus the whole body is composed, in order that it is grand, sublime, erect, and recognizable from nearby as well and [from] far off, however much form allows, rounded.

Customs however are praised, which are from rushed calm and from most calmed rush. [For these things] and to complaisance they are discovered apt and towards contests and work most prompt. If you will want to know, whether a useful breeding animal should father foals even whether truly it should be able to father, having touched its semen with a digit in order to draw out a thread: for if a small amount should remain together, Hipparchus asserts that it is a useful breeder; if immediately it should be burst or should it not stick to a finger like birdlime, we say it is useless and is least to be let in.

I. For all disease.



It is suitable that you be informed of medicines or certain potions by which disease should be driven off. Horses catch the greatest part of diseases either through exhaustion or heat or cold or hunger or [if], when they should stand for a long time, suddenly they are stimulated towards running, or if in their own time they will not make urine, or sweating and from hastening immediately they will have drunk. For these remedies from the most part we accept to have been beneficial and we are experts making ourselves.

For all disease, from Gallicanus: gentianae, aristolochiae, laurel berries, myrrh, ivory razors. All of these having been beaten and sifted are united in equal weight and having been made into powder are put away and in necessity it is brought forth and given thus: with a large spoon full with wine having been mixed in, pour it into the throat daily, whenever it is necessary. Most certain and useful is this dust.

For disease, from Litorus Beneventani. At first is bloodletting, then between the thighs it must be drained, but [only] if it should be necessary and time is lacking. It ought to accept food should I provide more [the food] it is flour of barley, barley seeds and Cantabrian spelt, a small amount of hay. And you will make a potion of this manner, which you will give through the nostrils: boil down centaurea, absinthe, peucedanum with equal weight in enough wine and you will give it through the nostrils.

Likewise another. You wear away wild cucumber or the roots of itself and you beat them into a pulp and you separate it and with wine you mix three sextarii and of soda ash rubbed and separated one half, at the same time you rub all of it diligently and from there make five potions for the day. In addition the dust of the roots of the wild cucumber or the cucumber itself you provide having been rubbed away in water, which must be drunk by the horse who suffers disease.

Likewise dust of Optatus making for disease and for anything. A libra of Sabine herbs, three unciae germander, centaurae two unciae, aristolochiae four unciae, laurel berries two unciae, myrrh four unciae: you beat them all to a pulp and sift and reduce it to finest dust and, when it will be necessary, you pour it into the throat with a large spoon full with a sextarius of wine.

Likewise also for disease, Cystrus Siculus the dealer. Roots of danewort and roots of nettle in equal weight having been poured in liquid in triple measure with eggs put in for three days. You will make it from there having been protected with a small linen cloth, and through the nostrils you send one measure of egg for three days.

Likewise also for disease may I articulate. Draw off blood from all joints and with a white vine surround the joints and with liquid pitch anoint around the joints, and frequently should it go for a walk and abstain from food; with barley healthy having been worn down and sifted send four sextarii with wild cucumber. It is good enough.

For royal disease. Certainly royal disease is understood by the eyes or mostly, for they are moved towards either sulfurous or poisonous matter. These states of health or cause of sickness sometimes occur from abundance of gall. You will cure it thus: wild asparagus root you beat to a pulp and send it into a congius of water and boil it down to a third and pour it in through the holes of a horn and you will allow the horse to remain suspended for longer. For if it should expel the major cause of disease, you add to the potion written above a liquid mixture of the highest wine in three cyathi.

For disease. If it will have begun from uncertain feet to limp or will have grown swollen feet, it is indeed a most dangerous matter, it is cured however thus: blood is sent from both parts of the stomach, in this way until the animal should be brought to the highest fatigue, afterwards wolf-like grapes with honey and water in a cistern you provide up until their health.

Likewise another. First you will send a cup full of liquid into the nostrils, in order that however soundly it should be sleeping, it should be stabled cold and in place. Healthy coriander and wild cucumber leaves and roots and honey is enough, with wine having been given, after juice of leeks pour a shallow cup full into the throat; also you will give unequal morsels, wheat of vetch sprinkled with wine over three days, one hemina of ground beans rubbed down well with the best wine, in order that on the day before it is poured in and another day you crumble them, you add both some honey and butter in equal parts: with tepid wine it is to be given.

Likewise for disease. When the beast of burden should begin to limp from one day to the next, first anoint throughout their body with oil and wine and this potion cooked down from a drink: three unciae argives, five unciae centaureae, [in other manuscripts thus: six unciae centaureae] one uncia royal branches, one uncia odorous mugwort, one uncia sharp clover, six unciae wild rue roots, three unciae hierbotanes, three unciae vettonicae: cook down everything with honeyed wine and give to drink.

For humors of disease in the joints. Bleed off blood from the joints, pour cimolite chalk into water or urine, mixed together with vinegar, with bull shit and cumin, for it will be enough, with it having been mixed and with red ochre placed on in one place. It will become healthy.

[Also] for joint disease. Five unciae dates, ten unciae Galician sand, [three unciae] wild cinnamon, three unciae nard, three unciae ajuga herb, six unciae woundwort, Illyrican iris – III, three unciae white pepper, santonin – III: all these having been cultivated with wine and diligently rubbed down and ground you will give.

But if however the joints will have hardened, you will know him to suffer an elephantine disease. You will cure it thus: draw off blood from the swelling, you will give a potion thus: you cook barley water with a puppy briefly, after three days blood from the womb draw off and a potion with juice from Greek hay with honey, and once more draw off blood from joints, potion with powder from a quadriga.

Likewise dust you should beat from Pelagonius. The stork which still does not remain, but however which now has down feathers, alive send it into a small clay cooking pot and gypsum and send it into the oven. From then when it will have been made into dust, it is when it will have been toasted, in a mortar rub down and pulverize it [and] replace it in a glass jar. And when it will have been necessary, but with a greatly full spoon with African wine pour it into the throat, until it may be healthy. Most certainly and useful is the dust.

Likewise another. Wild cucumber root you will beat to a pulp for three sextarii and pour into water four sextarii before the day before and shake it how most continually and you shall cultivate this and mix together buffeted Alexandrian alkali and [sixteen unciae] having been separated and you give over seven days. When it will have been lacking, join it with water and thus it shall drink: through the opening of a horn you pour it in.

Likewise another. A shallow cup of seeds of Alexandrian cucumber roast and beat and sift and mix with old white wine for two horns and shake for a long time and afterwards cultivate and thus through the right nostril [pour in] for five days.

Likewise for disease, of the author Columella. There are conquerors ever so pestilential diseases and exquisite remedies which were propelled. Roots of panax and eringo with seeds of fennel which are to be mixed and with roasted and roused wheat meal for shining water which is to be sprinkled and with it medicine it must be spit out sick livestock. Then with equal weight of wild cinnamon and myrrh and incense also just as much of blood of a marine turtle it is mixed into a potion with old wine in three sextarii and thus through the nostrils it is poured in. But the medicine itself eighths of weight having been divided with portions equally over three days enough will have been given. We also know an immediate remedy of little roots, how shepherds call lungwort. It [in] the month of March is born very many everywhere and it is most useful for the chest. With this left hand it is dug up before it is accustomed to have risen, thus as it is believed to have more strength. Its uses it is taught so much. The most wide ear part is enclosed by a copper clasp, thus in order that with leaking blood as much as the letter O it should appear having been led. This and internally and out of the greater part of the ear when it is done, the middle part having been copied with the same clasp of a small disk made with an opening having been advised with the small root having been planted; how when it understands the receding plague, thus it holds still, in order that the clasp should not slip. The same from there through the whole ear you wish the disease and the poison of pestilence to be drawn out, until the part which the clasp surrounded, it should fall out departed. Cornelius Celsus also orders mistletoe leaves with rubbed wine poured in through the nostrils. These which are to be done, if in crowds the chests suffer; those follow, if alone.

Likewise the potion of Aemilius Hispanus trader for joint disease. From necessity draw off blood from the feet, from there myrrh resin – IIII, crocuses semilibra, [with salt to pleasure] four unciae centaureae, one uncia Indian spices, one half white pepper, five spoonfuls of celery seeds, opium –, propolis –, a sextarius of honey and alkali you will grind in itself and put back in; from there with abundance of Abellan nuts with tepid water you will give a sextarius.

II. For emaciation.



Indeed your healthy horses, but thin enough I frequently inspected, by which we warn you in order that you may call upon such diligence most diligent master, because even the Cappadocians are making the bodies of horses and they suckle them and they enlarge them. For these which we show below, themselves the Cappadocians call brecta, which there are so many. Three modii of barley, Six sextarii of beans, eight sextarii of chickpeas, eight sextarii of kidney-beans, four sextarii of vetch, three sextarii of Greek hay, and if you will wish dried grapes and a single sextarius of small nuts: from all this you make a modius and the day before you pour in the same modius into cleansing water, early in the morning may it drain itself out very little and from there the horse should accept its own modius and another modius with whey. Daily you will care to do this with a similar diligence. If leanness truly will have been enough for the horse, you will have him having been shut in to a hot stable for thirty days, thus in order that within it should drink and thus it should accept food. But if however it is not so much lean, it will be stabled similarly for twenty one days. If truly after diligence written above it will have been enough it will be fat and may it not harm fullness, blood from the womb should be raised, in order that excessive plethora of death may not be brought forth.

Another that the poor but diligent are able to do: wheat having been parched having been mixed honeyed wine and water, daily you will proffer a camp modius for beyond twenty days or how many you will wish.

Truly to whose pelt it will become dry and not perceive food—because a species of enduring horse doctors call those afflicted with coriago, it affects however those with too much labor—, it must be anointed throughout first with rue oil, thus in order that you anoint the whole body, and afterwards you will cure with this potion: dates, gum tragacanth, wild rue, a single uncia of mountainous catnip, parsley, clover, Pontic absinthe you will give with wine and hot water. Everything written above with water you cook and thus after you will give with wine.

Another, which before the Tuscan lovers of Asturian horses I spoke. Grass which is born in the earth, it is those roots, which the greater part plough to drive out, you will wish for so big a collection and having been washed diligently with barley and with minute chaff it is fit to give daily. For also so far with the lesser age of the horse to proffer the same food is most useful.

Another. Cooked wolf-beans, but sweet enough, thus in order that also it should be eaten by man, proffer about to be eaten for the satiety of the horse. It ought to accept however beyond a modius daily. If however there will not have been sweet wolf-beans, they will make bellyache and with sadness the same leanness.

Another. Dried chestnuts, toasted and beaten in chaff with barley you proffer, thus however in order that there are neither enough small chestnuts nor on the contrary whole ones.

All these come together to make with winter. Afterwards it will take back the whole body, you should abstain from the food written above: then pure beans and barley must be suckled. It must be guarded healthily, in order that the whole body particularly in the horse should persist, which in this manner we shall will guard, in order that daily with the hands of many it should be rubbed; and much is useful with a hand having been pressed to have subdued the back of the horse, if as bountifully as possible you should proffer food. Many however bring back strength of the body and to preserve the feet, for both we will guard if we will have been led for the suitable time to an enclosure, to water, to livestock exercise; or if we will have made the journey and they will have sustained cold, warm applications for cold should be called and with heated oil the lions are bathed and the head and with the spine warming with fat or having been anointed they are being smeared. If it will not have made urine, you will find very many remedies in this book. For sadness however and for work rest is the remedy, thus in order that it should sleep easily and in the throat oil or fat mixed with wine is poured in. If heat will have been suffered, with vinegar and water with pennyroyal you will nourish the face and nostrils and you will pour into the throat three eggs with wine. Before all may be cured for you healthily, in order that it be stabled in a dry place; for hooves grow wet with humors, because we avoid it easily, if however stables will have been with hardwood boards having been strewn or diligently thereupon cleaned.

Likewise if with everything diligence will have been applied and they should be fully supplied with the largest things suitable for food and nevertheless the horse may be thinned. Also this it is fit for you to know, for frequently horses throughout the night are troubled by foolish figs, whence both with ugliest sadness having been afflicted and frequently having been disturbed they are thinned. To whom Cornelius Celsus orders that which must be helped in this manner, in order that canine bones having been burnt and beaten with old axle grease mixed together with unequal morsels with wine you will send into the throat for eight days, and in the place, in which you are, with sulfur, you should purify with wine and charcoal. It will be a remedy to preserve.

Likewise with an incomparable potion from Columella. Emaciation or feebleness is driven off more often with a potion having been given, which it receives a half-ounce of sulfur and a raw egg and myrrh with the weight of a denarius. These having been rubbed down are mixed with wine and thus are poured into the throat. But that thing the same both coughs and sadness of the stomach are cured by.

III. For fever.



The signs of having a fever are the head having been sent into the ground and not able to lift the neck high up, eyes will be somewhat swollen and lips looser; then often sighs, having been dragged from those heavy and hot breathing. Similarly and the whole body hot, with the testicles also looser, and the legs move more slowly, nor does it yield to leading but it is dragged reluctantly, and it will not be able to turn itself but will lie on its side. It will occur however for the most part from fever or too much work, it occurs with a race having finished and after the race it is cured not with meeting food or potions; or with cold, with suitable diligence after cold it is not called; or too much heat or indigestion, more frequently however it is accomplished by new barley.

Fevers however are cured thus. Blood from the temple is sent and from the face and from all food it is abstained. So much drink to be about to be proffered I order that you moderate and on another day it should go for a walk gradually and it should be stabled in a hot place. If with time of opportunity it endures, the sick heart must be recreated with green herbs; if the time is in winter, hay and barley and pearl barley it is most useful to proffer. For the most part however also when it does not have a fever, the same signs in itself may arrive, it is a burdened neck, head send to the ground, to rest on the side. You will offer barley: if it should approach, it is without fever. From work or from ostocopo so often they occur. If however it should be fever, and it refuses barley and for the most part it is anorexic and sad, it is accustomed however to require drinking; fever however if it will have persisted for three days, it will die. Which however either with the touch to the ear or veins which are in the side under the shoulder, some consider themselves to be able to understand fevering, true reasons are unknown, because they do not show themselves to understand fevering from the veins. The horse however who from work or from ostocopo having been said in addition will have signs, it is opposed to draw off blood, because both fatigue from labor and having been exhausted with emissions of blood it happens without force. It is most useful to bleed for fevering, because both it senses lighter breathing and veins having been relaxed with iron receive more quickly healthiness.

For interior fever which is to be dissipated: tragacanth gum [—], Seeds of hormen — II, best Syriac dew — II, white pepper — , two sextarii of raisin-wine, opopanax — III, flax seeds — II s., myrrh — IIII, germander — VIII, apples of the earth — VIIII, laurel berries[—]IIII s., masculine frankincense — III s., black pepper — II s., gentianae — III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If the horse will fever or will be thin or if what within will be sad, manna frankincense — II s., Illyrican iris semilibra., pepper — , laurel berries — , celery seeds — , with having been dried you will give to drink.

For fevering for all horses. Draw off blood from fevering or from the palate or from the womb; from there hyssop libra, southernwood semilibra, one sextarius goat milk, a basin however much you estimate, good oil — III, and urceolariam herb you will grind down and having pressed out its juice mix several and through the opening of the horn you will pour. It will be a healthy potion.

Another potion. A sextarius of donkey milk, two cyathi of oil, crocuses scriptula, myrrh two scriptula, a spoonful of celery seeds: these you will rub down well and give with milk and oil, and wheaten meal with tepid water in the winter, in the summer barley meal with cold water you give. If it will have that having been stretched and the fever does not leave off, it is necessary to be burnt and having been burnt to be cured.

Likewise another. One hemina of goat milk, four eggs mixed with starch, a cyathum of wine, and urceolariam herb you grind down and mix with its juice with several matters and you will heal with the potion over six days.

Anointments for fever. Roses semilibra, old oil libra, three hemina of vinegar, Cypress oil libra s., portulaca and bitter nuts semilibra, mint and rue however much is sufficient, rounded and you use.

If the horse will have fevered, out of necessity you draw off blood, and thus you shall give to drink: gentianae semilibra, aristolochiae — IIII, hyssop — II, absinth — II, southernwood — II, Carican figs semilibra, celery seeds semilibra; a bundle of rue flowers in the cooking pot but filled with water you will cook down to a third. When you will see that it begins to darken, it is cooked. From then a hemina with several written above you will mix and through a horn into the throat you will pour in and abstain from barley.

A simple potion for fevering horses. Greek hay having been cooked well with juice with a bundle of celery flowers and clover, hyssop, with honey you will give through a horn.

IIII. Cures for the shoulders.



If it will have hurt shoulders or will have been flowing blood, altogether in the middle of both legs veins may be relaxed and with incense powder with the blood which flows forth, having been mixed together it is besmeared on the shoulders, and nothing more just should be killed, the dung of the horse itself should be obligated by flowing veins having been moved forth with a strap. Afterwards also in the day from the same place blood is drawn off and in the same way and barley should be cared for should it abstain from exact hay having been given. And after three days then all the way in the sixth day juice of chives with the value of three cyathi having been mixed with a hemina of oil it is poured into the throat through a horn. After the sixth day slowly it is urged to move about, and when it will have walked, it comes together to be sent to the fish pond, thus in order that it may swim. Thus little by little it is led through stronger food you extend for health.

Also otherwise. If it will have suffered lightly, with wine and oil you will anoint across; for if it should suffer stronger, you will send a wind onto the shoulders and you will perforate from the highest mane below eight digits, and you shall not touch cartilage. When you will have inflated, you will hew a soft twig for the shoulder and with salt and with oil you will rub vigorously that day, and with the next day having been dragged you undergo, of which these will be the mixture. Two sextarii of fine wheat flour, if you will not have, wheat dust, with vinegar and with two eggs, but of the eggs send white through them, you will cast and incense — s.: all these by hand you will cultivate and put onto the shoulder and throughout the day many times you will wash the shoulder with hot water, and laurel berries semilibra, a sextarius of oil, alkali also and you will beat the berries to a pulp and with a small sieve you will sift and in one you will mix all written above, however before the shoulder is bathed in hot water and in the sun it should be cured with the medicine written above, from then seize it, and if [it will have been necessary or] it will have been cast out from customs for a wheel [and to be necessary from customs for the wheel] you will replace the shoulder and cure with the medicine written above. If they will not have been of use, the last is in order that you should burn.

Ointment for sad shoulders. Aphronitre, wine, oil, raisin-wine, axle grease, bulbs in themselves all together you mix together and from there you should rub it on the shoulders.

Warming for shoulders. Laurel berries libra, alkali libra, living sulfur — III, two sextarii of liquid pitch: all well having been buffeted with wine and oil mixed together and you will employ.

V. Whatever cures and medicines are for the head



Tears and ears having been projected and the neck having been sent down to the ground and an uncertain face indicate sadness of the head. For these draw off blood from the mouth and give potions, which may move the body. If there will have been a swelling, it carries the greater part of danger. It ought to be cured with these potions, which move the body; for it is similar to those cures which inflate with excess barley. But if however the flow will have stayed in the body with food and eyes will have been white, nothing bad will occur; however cure the eyes.

For a head cold. Before everything the head must be purged, purging however in this fashion: inula, euphorbia resin, incense powder with wine cook down and with the hot sun you will pour it into the nostrils. Afterwards with a little small amount of rose oil, on account of the strength of the medicine, you will send into the nostrils.

For sadness of the ears. A small amount of sour acid with old oil and with the efflorescence of saltpeter you will send into the ear; or grubs, which are called porcelliones, with butter and rue with one bunch of flowers they should be boiled in oil, and when they will have been tepid, you will send into the ear; or fat of hens having been strained with nard you will send into the ears.

But if however it will have a disturbed brain, it ought to be cared for diligently, in order that no danger be brought forth. Then these are the signs in itself: it will walk having been corrupted with uncertain feet and occasionally to whomever or to a tree trunk or to lying stones it will strike with its feet and it will draw together the hips. If it will be a female mule, it is joined narrower than I join, thus in order that sadness of all things should be dissipated with sweat and work, in order that after work it will be cured more easily. However you will cure with this: twenty laurel berries and a libra of alkali you will rub down small and a handful of green rue with vinegar, and with laurel oil having been warmed up the middle of the head between the ears and wooly pelt overflowing with these medicines you will place it above on behalf of the skull.

Likewise another. Barley meal having been mixed with hard resin you will place upon. However you ought to cure it, in order that the remaining parts of the body are nourished with another motion. Buffeted river crabs and having been mixed with a sextarius of goat milk and having been cultivated with a cyathus of oil [and] you will pour it in through the mouth. If insufficient crabs or milk will have been supplied make sweet water from three cyathi of honey, white pepper p. I, crocuses scriptulum, celery seeds two scriptula: these you will crush to pieces and give through the mouth.

For the purgation of the head. You gather apples of the earth and you split them into many parts and against the sun or in an oven you dry them out and you buffet them in marble chaff diligently and you sift them and from then you purge the head.

Likewise another. Meal of barley with small loaves of bread, which are written above, throughout the summer, if though the winter, with wheaten meal you will give in the same way.

Likewise if the ears will have been sad, more diligently you will cure, in order that it not be directed [to] insanity. Before everything you ought to purge the ears diligently, in order that there may not be something internally, because either it shall make it sad or it shall harm. If there is nothing inside of these, a soft sponge with alkali and water having been soaked you will send into the ear and the same sponge will persist in the ear for one night. The next day you will bathe the ear with alkali and not water, up until when the sadness will be eliminated.

Likewise if water will have gone into the ear, old oil and vinegar with equal weight with alkali you will send into the ear and place wool above. If there was a wound, then it is cured with the plaster.

If the horse will have had tonsils between the jaws, you will extract them with iron. If it will have been necessary, and you will burn them, having been burnt you will care for the horse with salt and oil for eight days; from then you will wash them away with alkali and water, if alkali will not have been present, with hot urine or lye. Afterwards place in wine with oil and meal from vetch over three days, from then with wine and meal of barley you will care for it up until healthiness.

If it will have had tumors in the throat or small bumps appearing, put on warm applications, in order that they should be hastened and be opened, and when they will have been opened, place small linen cloths with oil and vinegar on the wounds, up until when they should be pure and cleansed. From then you will cure with Lycius and with the medicine written above, and when the same wounds will have arrived at health, from dry apples with seeds you will make dust and sprinkle it. You will cure.

If the head from a plethora or from massages will have had filled, blood either from the temple or from the mouth must be sent out and separated into two parts and one part with bitter wine of chalk you will temper and you will put hot onto the head.

Concerning the humors of the nostril, which from which place should they exit in order that we should understand easily. Clear mucus is quotidian and should not be feared; dense and white [mucus] is from the brain; ruby and water and cold is from old massages; cerulean and light from the insides, which indicates fever; dense and foaming from the lungs, which exhibit sighs; cloudy and thick from the tonsils. These are those which most often we ought to observe and hand down memories.

A horse if it will have had a hit skull, by these you will be able to understand: it will suffer sudden spasms, it will tremble, it will fear, food, barley it will refuse, all of the first part will proceed for itself. It is most useful to send blood from the temples and to place an African sponge soaked with equal parts rose and vinegar into the head and proffer green foods. If it will not have had an appetite for green foods, you will soak those in salted water.

If the horse will have had tonsils, barley meal with sweet water and resin and hot axle grease you will place, until they will break out outside; and if there will have been wounds, you will cure with effective things, and if there will have been tumors, similarly you will cure.

For a heavy head and if enough his sent through the nostrils, you will provide this potion to drink: an acetabulum of mustard with an acetabulum of honey diligently rounded and with a hemina of wine you will provide to drink for nine days. They appoint health.

If to which horse the cartilage of the nostrils will have been broken and too much blood flows forth and is not able to stop, you will place in a sponge with vinegar and incense dust, as long as there may be a wound; the wound however you will cure with an effective agent.

For tumors. You will apply a wheaten poultice, with resin and vinegar and axle grease. Afterwards when it will have matured, you will cut it off.

Likewise when you will have carried blood from the palate and you are not able to suppress the same blood, you will place in a cold sponge and bathe the head and the moth and the kidneys and the testicles with cold water. If it will not have been able ✝to eat, black gum Arabic, incense powder in equal weight with acrid vinegar you will temper and place the whole on the head.

If the tongue of the horse will have been cut. You will sew together the tongue, iris which is to be pounded with honey you will cultivate and you will put it on and with wine wash on that day, and if it should persist, up until health.

Ointment for the head. Rose, castor oil, bitter nuts, green rue having been mixed with vinegar and thus to employ.

Likewise for scrofula and tumors. Twenty eight wax drachmas, twenty six turpentine resin drachmas, [one drachma of honey,] four galbanum drachmas, fourteen Hammonian drachmas, six cyathi of oil in summer, in winter eight cyathi of oil.

Likewise if teeth or gums will have hurt the horse, whole barley it should swallow and the body should grow thin. Then the gums become swollen and saliva flows down. You diligent, and in order that not what diligence should avoid, also with this you ought to cure [twenty six drachmas of turpentine resin, drachma of honey … four drachmas of galbanum and, however I did not discover the weight of honey, however much should be sent]: having been separated with most acrid vinegar you will mix and, hot, you will place it on the jaws with the skull for six days and on the third day you will massage the gums with apples full of seeds having been beaten.

For tumors. Old axle grease with others you will purge and simultaneously with it having been beaten you will soften diligently and from then you will anoint across the tumors or the throat outside.

VI. Cures and medicines for all coughs or for convulsions, by Apopiras Pelagonius



You crush Gallican arum and you purge in a marble pillar and you join old axle grease and at the same time for a long time you crush and you make small loaves of bread, which in honey and oil and raisin-wine and eggs you mix well and you treat over three days you throw them down, or you release them and will give through a horn.

Likewise another from the veterinarian Emeritius. Six fresh beans, which are loment, — three sextarii with raisin-wine having been poured in and having been sent into the mortar thirty grains of pepper and you rub down. Likewise you attach a libra of goat tallow and you rub at the same time, afterwards you attach and with the beans having been poured in with raisin-wine and all simultaneously diligently ground down and you will give over three days with a horn.

Likewise another. You will pour beans in old wine and afterwards grind down having been joined with oil, only as much as twice how much wine there will have been, it is in order that there may be three sextarii of wine, one sextarius of beans, a sextarius of oil: with these everything at once grind down and give over three days.

Likewise another. Gallican arum you crush diligently and afterwards mix together at once tender parietaria herbs and at once again you shall crush and you make small bread rolls, which unevenly over three days you will give in honey and butter.

Another for daily coughs. You shall cook down leeks and with parietaria herbs having been crushed well you mix together and again crush and make small bread rolls, which in eggs and oil of roses and raisin-wine and honey you will give over three days. Which however three days and juice of itself about to season through a horn you throw down with juice of the parietaria herb having been joined together.

For traveling cough, from Pelagonius. Laserpitium having adjoining with a measure of magnitude of small Abellan nuts in old wine you rub away and on one day you will give through a horn.

For cough, which is born in the lungs or if it will have had hit kidneys or from too much moisture will have been rained upon, thus you will cure: small bread rolls for the for the sides of the face — II, a bundle of hyssop, panax roots — III, myrrh — IIII, clover — IIII, and small green nuts — IIII, masculine marrubium — I, centaureae [—] III: all these having been crushed and sifted with a hemina of the best honey send into a vase and cook; when the rolls will have been made, you will utilize them.

Another for cough. Marrubium with myrrh and incense and with the best wine you will provide to drink.

Another for more violent cough or if its mouth smells badly or tears fall down, you will give to drink thus: manna [—] IIII, myrrh [—] IIII, incense — II, crocus — I, tragacanth gum — I, skimmed honey — IIII, a bundle of hyssop: with white wine with everything having been mixed you will give until it should be healthy. You will offer useful tepid water.

Another [for] light cough, which is born in the lungs. A small bundle of hyssop, myrrh — I, crocus — I, laserpitium five scriptula, Cretan parsnip — II, Sabine herbs — II, Cretan dittany three scripula, castor seeds, manna of crocus — II, opium — I, cress — I: everything with honey and vinegar having been cooked down you will mix and utilize.

For cough or for head cold. Oil of roses or certainly simple, but the best, with hot water but tepid through the nostril you will throw down over three days.

For cough or for convulsions. Gallican arum you will crush diligently and afterwards parietaria herb, and again simultaneously you crush and thus having been brought together with old axle grease, and everything at once you crush diligently and you make small bread rolls, which in honey and butter you throw down over three days.

That which is healing for convulsions but only in winter. Tragacanth gum — II you pour in into hot water and you send into a cooking pot with a hemina of Greek hay having been put in and a hemina of flax seeds, a libra of goat fat, deer marrow — II, small roots of dracontea — II, [gentianae — I, centaureae — I,] bull fat — I. But previously the tragacanth gum you will rub down and send that into the cooking pot with the flax seeds and Greek hay and it should boil for so long, until it is cooked down most diligently in water, in which you will pour the tragacanth gum. Thus afterwards everything at once you will mix together and grind down and send into the cooking pot with three sextarii of raisin wine and cook down and thus though a horn you will throw down over three days.

Likewise another from Emeritus. In water cook down fat pig’s feet and afterwards debone and send those into the cooking pot with three sextarii of raisin wine and a sextarius of pearl barley already having been poured in, and simultaneously itself should be in the water, in which the pig’s feet were cooked down or the pearl barley having been poured in. You will join together at once in addition bull’s fibrin and a hemina of acrid vinegar halved, and thus everything at once for so long should boil, in order that they make plant juice. In addition flax seeds, tragacanth gum, already having been poured into hot with Greek hay you will cook down and afterwards you will roast, you rub down in a mortar of marble and thus you make larger and again cook down. Which when everything at once diligently you will have cooked down, you will join together the juice of the parietaria herb and deer marrow with goat fat and thus everything at once you will boil down and make a potion, which through a horn you will give over seven days or nine. Healthily the potion shall be warmed against a flame and thus it should be given. Which if it will have been enough having been difficult, it should accept more raisin wine.

For recent convulsions. A cluster of lamb florets in water you will cook down for so long, until everything is cooked down, and you will join together a little honey and you will give through a horn I fast for seven days.

For cough which is born from the throat. Myrrh — II, a sextarius of flax seeds having been rubbed, a semuncia of cardamom, a sextarius of dried grapes, a sextarius of small nuts, honey p. II: all these diligently you will rub down and you will add honey and thus everything having been worn out you will mix together and you will stir for a long time and you will make small bread rolls for a measure of nuts and thus thrice daily you will give over five days or seven.

Likewise another. You will kill a chicken and quickly you split that one and you will clean diligently and in marble chaff with axle grease you will beat to a pulp and with Gallican arum at once and tender leaves from the parietaria herb, and you will make small bread rolls, which over three days unequally in honey, with dried wine and eggs you loosen and rub down; through a horn you will throw down. Healthy if you should not want to cook down pills, the same leaves of cypress you shall dry out and crush and make into dust, to which you will mix everything above.

For cough, which is born from the throat. Myrrh [—] II, pepper — II, a sextarius of rubbed flax seeds, a semuncia of cardamom, a sextarius of dried grapes, a sextarius of small nuts, honey p. II: with everything having been rubbed down well with good honey having been made not and having been cooked you will join and you will shake for a long time and you will make small bread rolls for a measure of nuts, which thrice daily you will throw down for seven days or beyond.

For serious cough. Before everything the body must be purged of coughing, you will purge however thus. Wild cucumber or radishes it with Alexandrian alkali you will grind down and with old wine having been joined in you throw down through a horn and after the third day such remedies you will employ. Four larger parts of squill you crush diligently and you add the best laserpitium and such a magnitude of beans, and you mix together with a sextarius of white wine and a libra of old oil and again everything at once you grind down and you will give to drink through a horn into the mouth. Certainly laserpitium with wine you will dispel. And you scent that with the same incense: [an uncia] of sandarach [a red colorant] and an uncia of bitumen, others and onions all in equal weight and you rub down and you make into three parts, from which a single one for each day you will place in coal you perfume. Certainly you cover the head with that and you bind the eyes as well. Which afterwards you will have perfumed, thus you shall give to drink. With juicy wine you mix together deer fat enough or from a castrated ram, which you loosed with wine and join together with a measure of wax and you rub down and with it lukewarm you throw down through a horn.

Likewise another. Πρασιον which the Greeks call them, for the Latin marrubium herb, you grind down and with oil, a measure of salt and with juicy wine you mix together and give to drink.

Pills for cough. Rock-parsley from Macedonia a semuncia, parsnip — I, myrrh — I, ears of nard —, rib —, tragacanth gum —, pounded iris —, iris root — I, pepper —, crocus —, drops of ammoniac —, cinnamon — I: all these you crush and sift and from sweet water you will make small bread rolls, which you will give for coughing from raisin wine. Certainly tragacanth gum before the day before you pour into sweet wine.

A potion for all cough. Tragacanth gum — I, a pound of hormen seeds, cumin —, crocus — I, myrrh —, ears of nard —, pepper — I, two sextarii of raisin wine.

For dry cough and for constricted arteries and for sighing and for spasms. Semilibra of hyssop, semilbra of Greek hay, semilibra of flax seeds, semilibra of tragacanth gum, semilibra of Gallican arum, semilibra of green rue, other certainly having been cooked until for third and give for coughing over three days, for convulsions over nine days. Most certainly it is a remedy.

For old cough and for sighing and for panting and for angina it is beneficial, if soon you will have given from the reddish gum tree — III, myrrh — II, two unciae of Illyrican iris, two unciae of galbanum, three unciae of turpentine resin, one uncia of concert herbs, a semuncia of opium.

For cough of horses. Semilibra of honey, libra of axle grease, fifteen Carican figs, one pine nut you will burn up diligently and you mill make into dust, you will add both a hemina of good garum and with the stems of the plants having been cooked you will make morsels and you will give. It is beneficial enough.

For cough, from the veterinarian Emeritus. Ivy leaves and white poplar in equal weight you rub down and with white wine you throw down through the nostril.

Another. You mix together reed seeds with hay.

Another. You rub down soft rue leaves and with clear wine you throw down through the nostrils and hay which it chews, with wild cucumber juice you sprinkle; however it is better with everything to mix cucumber seeds with wine and its own root having been dried and placed with barley having been mixed to give.

For cough or for sighing, from Pelagonius apopiras. Living sulfur and rosemary with honey and with wine having been mixed you send through the left nostril.

For cough. With panax roots having been placed, a hemina of wine, three cyathi of wine you give through the mouth or through the left nostril.

Another. Radishes having been rubbed down with a hemina of wine you throw down through the left nostril.

Another. Rosemary four scriptula, myrrh scriptulum, crocus two scriptula with a sextarius of wine and a hemina of oil early in the morning you throw down through the nostril, one hemina in a day.

Another. One acetabulum of dill, one acetabulum of iris, rue scriptulum, one hemina of oil halved early in the morning you throw down through the mouth.

For sighing or for cough. Mulberry roots the third part of a scripulum or half of a scripulum of heliotrope diligently having been rubbed down with a hemina of hot wine you give through the mouth.

For cough, from Columella. Recently of cough more quickly it is healed having been beat slowly and from the bean pods having been separated and having been roused softly. With just as much of a measure of hot water mix lentils and pour into the throat over three days. Most certainly this is a remedy. Old cough is shattered with three cyathi of leek juice with a hemina of oil having been poured into the throat for several days.

For cough or for convulsions. Two unciae of panax roots, living sulfur — I, masculine incense — II, myrrh — I you beat into one and two spoonfuls with two eggs with wine pour into the throat. Most certainly and to be healthy this remedy is.

For natural cough, from the veterinarian Emeritus. From an elm tree burn a part and in the light ashes, it is which is called favela [cinder], crush and in water allow it to be cultivated. From there that water, it is made into lye with equal measure of oil having been joined with three eggs give over as many days as you shall wish.

For old cough and boils. Squeeze out the juice from marrubium with the price of one denarius, twenty five Caricans, they are figs, Attican or Siculan honey a sextarius s. in a new pot cook down to half. When you will have cooked down, to the same add myrrh —, parsnip —, cinnamon tubes — s., semuncia of cinnamon, masculine incense —, aristolochiae — II, gum resin of opopanax —, Illyrican iris — s., panax roots —; all of these you will grind down and in a pot, in which fig and honey will boil, you will permit to burn let it boil for a brief time and may it liven itself. Then extract and put together in a crude vase of wood our lead and you will use, with a pair of spoons. If you will not have Attican honey, use Siculan.

For sighing or for cough. Urceolariam herb, laurel berries, herb of Jove, root of wild cucumber five scriptula having been beaten to a pulp into one and having been sifted you will give the potion from a hemina of water and a cyathus of oil.

For convulsions or for coughing. Lentils having been roasted and rubbed down and sifted and with flax seed and Greek hay: these you will roast and will sieve and from a single spoonful you will give one and mix with Gallican arum however much you will wish.

For cough. Spanish broom p. X IIII, gum of opopanax p. X IIII, nard leaves p. X IIII, myrrh p. X IIII, opium p. X IIII, Siculan crocus p. X IIII, nard leaves p. X IIII, saussurea p. X IIII, Attican honey p. X II.

VII. [Cures for bellyache.]



I solicit from you a single cure of the chest also for sadness of the stomach or for bellyache, a remedy exquisite from multiple authors that in sending I cured, in order that you shall apply with a singular passion suitable remedies. And at first diligently you shall inspect the signs, from here just so passion should drive out, medicine must be produced.

For the sadness of the stomach or for bellyache. Panax root two scriptula, aristolochiae scriptulum. With wine you will give.

Another. An acetabulum of colewort seeds with wine you rub down and will give to drink.

If the horse will have had lice in the intestines, it is known when frequently it is twisted. Juice of coriander, mustard, gum of opopanax a little bit with [in others I came across a single version p. four at a time to be ten at a time, not four at a time, just as it is written above] sweet wine and a measure of oil you will give and more easily you will cure it, you will sprinkle across brine on barley.

For sadness of the stomach. Cress seeds with wine and oil having been rubbed and having been made warm you will give, or made into lye with a sextarius of wine and some small amount of salt with glowing iron having been made warm you will give.

Another. With human dung you will rub the palate.

Incantation for sadness of the stomach. With hands having been anointed with oil massage the stomach with this incantation: three sows fell from the sky, a shepherd found them, he killed them without iron, he cooked them without teeth: you cooked well, you cooked well, you cooked well.

Likewise another. Three human feet, thus in order that they lack names, but immediately having been removed from some covering send into the right ear of the horse.

Likewise another. A castrated rooster or a rooster or a wood pigeon cast across its stomach and back three times, thus in order that it seems to envelop it; send it away alive. Most certainly a remedy.

For bellyache for horses. A solution made into tepid lye with oil and a measure of honey pour into the throat and if it will have been necessary, with a hand having been inserted into [the anus] pull out excrement.

If intestines will have made the horse sad, incense, inula, bdellium gum a single uncia with the best wine mix together: you will give having been made tepid.

Another from experience. The name of the master should be written in the right hoof of the sad horse or of the slave or whomever else you wish.

Another. Fasting you spit into the mouth of the horse thrice.

For bellyache of a horse. Iris root —, dill [—], panax root having been crushed [and] sifted with one spoon of tepid wine and oil—IIII mix together and tepid you pour into the throat; but if it will have been insufficient beneficial, the leaves of wild fig, however many are enough, and having been dried just as much of greens in one you grind down and with tepid water you will give over three days.

If the intestines of the horse will have suffered [and] it will have been twisted, it is an incredible remedy which through itself ✝ to be shown: You will write out with a pen the name of the same master of the animal on the crown of the right foot.

Another. If the bellyache will have been stronger and it does become a glutton, in any case send the tail between the thighs and reverse itself towards its own stomach: you will give wild rue seeds with wine.

Another. You rub down ten onions, dried fig eight scriptula, alkali scriptulum, dove excrement four scriptula: with they you will make, it is from everything, 2 suppositories or three, you will send into the anus.

Another. You will give an enema with juice of bran with alkali, wild mallow flowers having been dried two scriptula, a hemina of oil. If the belly will not have returned, you will add to the enema the excrement of wood pigeons four scriptula. After the enema and walking enough it should rest; but before you will bathe the stomach hot.

Another enema. Beets in water you will cook down and you will mix the juice with alkali with a hemina of oil and thus you will infuse.

Another. The bristle of a boar and hair of a wolf and the body of an apple with many seeds you will suspend in a loop, and if this is insufficient, you will burn up a pure paper and you will give to drink with old wine.

Another. Rabbit shit with nine spoonfuls of honey and fifteen grains of pepper in a mortar with juice of small stems equally you will grind down and give through a horn. From then with a small, thin plate of tin you will bore through and bandage the left ear.

Another. Knucklebones of swine, however which will not have been touched by human teeth, three you will burn up and with a hemina of wine and just as much oil you will give the potion.

Another. If poultry shit it will have eaten, five cyathi of celery seeds with a sextarius of wine and a hemina of honey you will give as a potion and all this time it shall pace up and down, however long as the potion shall move the stomach. Certainly if it will have been succeeded from sadness and rigidity, laurel berries, [alkali] semilibra, two sextarii of vinegar, a sextarius of oil over three days you will anoint across in a warm place. Most certainly it is a cure.

Another natural cure. If shit [in others thus: and with the skin of apples with many seeds you shall suspend in a loop and these characters you will make in a pure paper and you will burn and you will give to drink and the residues of the characters healthily I did not come across, these must have been required written in a codex] of poultry it will have eaten, raw chicken or hen with shit of a horse or a mule you will give which is to be devoured; or, which is more, galingale perfume you will give with wine, in the same hour it will be cured; or tepid garum with oil you will pour into the throat: it will cure.

VIII. For those who do not urinate and remedies for dysuria



Many who are raising late-borns or require cures for birthing horses, most frequently blame errors in the cures. For when the horse or other type of animal is vexed by dysuria and certainly this must be helped, just as bellyache or torment of the stomach or intestines hoping as if a harsh belly they might heal, and then with another in the situation, another matter is employed by the cure and danger occurs, and which more truly must be spoken, it bursts. For whatever dysuria or strangury is attacked by, it must be hastened, in order that it may be able to make urine. Of which these remedies and we accept and we are experts ourselves in making. And not many dissimilar signs it carries forth it which suffers pain of the intestines, and it which is vexed by strangury. For in it, which dysuria does [not] tolerate, you will come across these signs. It snores with nostrils, it hits the earth more frequently with feet, it beats the belly with the tail and itself it wallows in itself, and when it should wish to elevate itself, it subsides in the back. Frequently certainly both it wants to urinate and it seems as if to be able, but it does not urinate. For it restrains itself, as if it should urinate, and thus it distends itself; then also and the head it will have having been send into the ground. From these, blood from the temples or from the face it is necessary to draw off, on tetanic spasms it is opposed. For not so much drying blood is drawn together from the emissions of nerves and the body, but also the passion itself it makes without appetite, and when you will have bled it to weakness, you harm it. However, it occurs with too much passion having been run with written above, but more frequently to rouse, in order that it should make urine. Meanwhile and with too much idleness, for descending it shall prohibit sharper liquid urine. Meanwhile too much cold, when it will have felt cold enough either in a cold place or it will have stayed moist: this, which this cold suffers, is cured with heat, either in heat it should stay or against a hearth or it should be washed in hot water. Certainly if a mule will have eaten rhododendron, its own bladder is burst and from then it dies; a horse however if it should have eaten it, it is released with wine and frequent potions, which either shall move the stomach or halt the venom.

However dysuria or strangury is cured thus: bundles of flowers of thin stems with its own leaves cook down, from then express the leaves and expel them, and in water, in which thin stems were cooked down, it is in order that they should have the water itself in a measure of a sextarius, join with a hemina of wine and an acetabulum of oil and through the right nostril pour in the thing written above and it should walk down and urinate.

Likewise another. Absinth with wine you cook down to a sextarius not full and in order that above you pour in through the nostril.

Another. Gum of opopanax, the length of your pinky, with wine, in order that it is above, you will give.

Another. Radish seeds you rub down and with wine and in order that it is written above you give.

Another. Greater onions, which are greater more sharp, you will purge and break into pieces about five and put in the anus and it should walk and it should urinate. It is helpful and with hot water to wash the kidneys. There were however many which are said to be useful, in order that the hand they send through the anus, since [in both it is against] and they harm the bladder and the passage itself they wound with ointment. If it should make urine more slowly, canine shit with salt of ammonia having been mixed together with wine you will give.

Another. Other heads having been purged with two having been rubbed down with wine having been mixed together you will give and you will make the horse run.

Likewise. With danewort root you will grind down with old wine and express and through linen having been cultivated and you will give through both nostrils.

Another. Pennyroyal with drinking water you will offer to drink.

Another for they who do not urinate, from [Magonus] Carchedonius, which he affirmed alone. For he says that you owe from earlier the hooves with feet that you grind down itself radishes and it is to be rubbed down with a sextarius of wine and you pour it into the nostrils. Most certainly he was affirming the remedy.

Likewise another from Apsyrtus, which himself before Sarmatas he affirmed to have seen. For he says that the horse ought to be covered wholly diligently, in this way in order that all the way to the ground covers are send down, in order that fumes of incense shall not exit, and thus with charcoal castor having been placed on all the stomach and the testicles itself of the horse to be fumigated: immediately is shall urinate. However honey having been cooked with honey I joined to be useful and to make pills in a measure of eggs and to put in the anus. This also it is useful, which they suffer bellyache.

Certainly there are three types of passion itself: one which is called dysuria, when it should urinate more slowly, another strangury, when entirely it should not urinate, which it should not easily cure. To which also for diligence and for love of horses you do not owe a remedy and to negate a cure, but hot things to employ, thus in order that hot sponges in all natural places you should move, and potions frequently with honey and raisin wine you mix with nearly two sextarii of hot water through the left nostril to pour in. It makes also the same passion and water is helpful, in which beets or mallow plants will have been cooked down, having been given with honey. Green foods to give which if it should not suffer time, hay with water-mead to sprinkle and from barley, barley water with water-mead it is most useful to give. These matters however you proffer with all inwards illness, which is born from acrid humors, with sweetness itself from honey or other matters similar it is dissolved and cured.

Likewise for those [who do not urinate], from the veterinarian Emeritus. Cook down rosemary and from heat itself wash the testicles. Which if it will have urinated more slowly, send a living bedbug in the ear of the horse and another rub together above nature, which it should urinate. Most certainly it is a remedy.

Likewise for those who should urinate more slowly. Cook down leeks and their juice express for a sextarius and mix together with old wine and an acetabulum of oil and give through the right nostril and it should walk down. You will do this over three days, in order that it should be more healthy.

Likewise a travel remedy from Pelagonius. Soil from the road, it is from urine of anyone having been made for the horse, having been mixed with wine and having been cultivated pour into the nostrils; and when it will have dried the soil, the same strength it has with wine.

Another. Celery root you rub down and with juicy wine or with water-mead you will give to drink.

If the horse will have had a raised penis and is not able to call it back, with cold posca continually wash. It will cure.

Another. Incense, egg, [cumin,] with wine mix and give to drink.

Another. Shit of hogs having been mixed with vinegar and strained you will give.

Another. Panax roots two scriptula with wine having been rubbed down you will give.

Another. Wild rue seeds with juice of thin stalks you will give. It makes this also for bellyache.

Another from Columella. Oil having been mixed with wine above that and you pour onto the kidneys, or if it will have been insufficiently useful, with honey having been cooked down and with salt a thin suppository from then into the opening which leaks urine, or a living fly apply or a grain of incense, or from bitumen a suppository insert in a natural place or another ear.

VIIII. Concerning a hurt tail and for the hair of the whole body and for pulmunculus



May that foreign thing having been occupied and affected be allowed uninjured and from all badness concerning your generosity for chariot horses, may it be pleasing with free will civilly and with everything having been known: for not around or you mixed the spirit of the people with pleasure and you did not acquire the condemnation for your opinions from an unknown spectacle, but with private love of the horse and pleasure at yoking, which through yourself you will present, you bloomed, which both it is grateful noble and necessary for you I overflow outwardly. Thus from the back before you we speak little, it is allowed those cures for your body with a private charioteer not so much should it be necessary, because for a horse of chariots from labor equal that body is unknown However in order that from all parts whole and uninjured the body of the horse should persevere, also these cures it is fit for you to know.

If the tail will have been wounded, before everything idleness is necessary, in order that it should be cured more diligently and after the cure we may grant a space of days, and not however so soon must work be joined on, in order that not still the delicate wounds do not carry injury of labor and harm again they bring about. However it ought to be cured thus: if there will have been a wound, Syrian oak apples you should burn with honey put on the wound.

Likewise another making for all wounds. Dust of pine bark and [flower] of living chalk in equal weight you will mix together and sprinkle above the wound, or crush pills of cypress and sift you place on the wound.

Likewise after the cure in order that hairs grow, a tortoise-shell above twigs you burn together and in the ashes diligently you will collect and having been rubbed down you will send them into a new pot and with three unciae of crude alum and enough deer marrow with wine equally you will rub together in the pot and you will anoint above for many days.

Another from Pelagonius apopiras. Dust of wolf-beans you burn [or with beans having been rubbed] with wine having been mixed anoint above.

Likewise if the back from injury or awkwardness sitting will have become swollen, from Arcadus apopiras. The dried stem of an onion, it is a bundle from where the onion itself hangs down in most fervent heat you send, in order that it should grow hot, and afterwards heat above the tumor you place or with a bundle you tie together or with rawhide you place above and for one night and day thus it should remain. Most certainly it is a cure.

Likewise for a tumor of mercury or of the back. Hay of barley with leaves of a thin stem you beat to a pulp simultaneously or you rub down and put on

Likewise for a scar or in order that it should guide hair: soot from copper is crumbled.

Likewise if the back will have been moved, porridge with oil and wine sprinkle together and bind together; and if the lung will have been made, you will cut off an X-shaped area and shit of a horse with oil and vinegar and raw roasted salt you will put in. You will have cured.

If the spine of the horse will have been harmed, blood from the femurs draw off and with hot ointments you will use; afterwards laurel berries, sulfur, oil, axle grease, alkali, cedar resin with wine mix together and thus with everything the body or in a hot place or in the sun massage.

Likewise for a wounded back or hairs which are to be appointed, from Apsyrtius. Pine bark you will burn and rub down and make dust and you will use.

Likewise another. Shells of oysters you tub down and make dust and you use, or oak bark rub down and you make dust.

Likewise if you wish for white hairs to grow back. Black liquid of shoemakers three scripula, four scripula of rhododendron juice, goat tallow which is enough: everything you grind down and use.

Likewise if nothing preceding will have caused hairs to fall. Ears of nard, dried grapes at once in vinegar having been beat and sifted begin to boil, and thus hot place onto the body hairless.

Dust for a burst back. Dust of rabbits —, verdigris —, black liquid of shoemakers [—]: everything at once mix together and make into dust; before however wash the back of the horse with wine and thus you will use the dust.

Likewise if you will wish to make the hairs of the horse white. Wild cucumber root p. X I, alkali twelve scriptula, a hemina of honey all these things you mix and use.

Likewise if a wound in the back or in any part of the body will have made worms and it is not able to be discharged and killed, nepeta and cedar resin or cumin or poison hemlock grind down and with vinegar and thrice you will use, if less, from the chalk alive and abundant it should approach.

Likewise if there will have been hurt mercury above the back, it is most useful to be branded finely. Afterwards hibiscus [with] wine and honey you grind down and you use. But if otherwise with small cloths with oil and vinegar you will purify the wound. Then again, if it is necessary, you will use the brand. After the brand burned the horn of a goat and ground to pieces for the wound you will place above up until the highest health.

Likewise if from the injury the horse or from too much pulling or from weight the back will have been hurt and it will have made a tumor, it is most useful to put on barley hay or ashes with oil for so long, as long as the same tumor should fall. When the tumor will have fallen, use Lipari with small cloths until when the tumor should be purged. From then with lyceum cure for health.

Likewise if pulmunculus will have been born, pulmunculus with iron remove and a small hide, from which pulmunculus will have been drawn away, more sparing sent off, it is stronger cut off, in order that it should not be living skin; and in order that not too much blood should erupt, the shit of the same horse or a small cloth with oil and vinegar place on the wound. On the next day leaves [of a thin stalk] crush with oil they are placed on for five days, and when already it will have begun to lead, you cure with lyceum.

X. For those who lack limbs, that which veterinarians call diarrhea, and for sadness or concerning bulimia.



Indeed the diverse passions of horses, but similar signs perhaps for running or honest errors bring forth something. For many similar signs in horses we discover, when diverse and long from themselves unknown weaknesses exist. For when we say that a horse has a fever with the head having been sent to the earth, that repeated sighs persist, these also and sadness of the head indicate; when you will have noticed the signs of a tetanic spasm, you will hope for passion of strength; which also now to whose limbs either with too much sun or work they lack and are not able to remain, but with them having been folded together between themselves legs collapse, in order that not sadness of the lungs hoping marrow and cures for bellyache you may proffer and not you offer fit cures for similar passions. But in these so similar signs there are passions however certain far separated and unknown, which more easily you will be able to recognize, if you will have been more diligent.

If the horse will have displeased itself in summer, for this you will use a potion: tragacanth gum, myrrh, crocus, Illyrican iris, incense dust, Mercurial herb, yellow bugle, leatherleaf, with goat milk mix together and pour into the throat.

For those which lack limbs. It pleases them to be abstained from drink of Celsus, in order that they should thirst enough. Then it says that they ought it thirsting to stay one hour in cold water. It should add the remedy. It orders that shining elm leaves having been beaten with wine you pour into the throat through a horn. We know which is to be tested that it is useful wheat hay with cold water having been given or thirty eggs with pennyroyal and posca [and] with oil having been poured into the throat.

Likewise if the horse will have been in agitation. Mustard leaves with celery having been beaten, a sextarius of wine having been mixed through the left nostril it is poured in.

Also otherwise, if it will have been in agitation stronger. Rock-parsley, hormen seeds, parsnips, Gallican silt, southernwood, other seeds, and rush: in equal weights having been beaten and with water and honeyed wine having been given heat they lighten.

Likewise for bulimia, from Apsyrtus. It is most useful and most necessary for the careful master to aid those with bulimia. For horses meanwhile thus do not carry hunger, in order that they collapse; to which, which is to be aided, it is not apparent at first when undertaken. For when it will have been suffering bulimia, the soft part of pure bread with wine having been poured in and with wine itself you should massage as if plant sap and through a horn you pour into the throat. And this indeed if you begin or are on a journey, where necessary things are lacking, it is useful; but if however bulimia will have remained, four cyathi of wheat flower with wine mix together and you will give through a horn.

Likewise on a journey if it will have suffered from bulimia, where necessary things are lacking, living earth and wine pour into the throat or make morsels and thus send into the mouth. Most certainly it is a cure and likely indispensable.

For ostocopo. If the horse either is overwhelmed by too much plethora or tiredness of a journey, blood from delicate arms must be send and the same blood, having been joined with oil and wine, everything must be anointed across the body. You will give as well a potion of quadrigarius dust with oil and wine.

If the horse will have been in agitation or will have withdrawn all limbs, give to drink this potion: a sextarius of goat milk, tragacanth gum — II, Gallican arum — II, small nuts — II, dates — II, a bundle of hyssop, marrubium having been beaten — II: everything of this for a single day you will give a single sextarius.

Likewise for this most apt passion. Pearl barley juice, goat lard, the feet of a castrated ram, coriander, old dill: these with pearl barley juice having been cooked having been soaked, then with good green coriander having been rubbed down with pearl barley juice having been cultivated mix together and you will give to drink over three days.

XI. Cures for swelling.


Swelling is cured with glowing iron, just as several wounds are cured having been burnt. It is accustomed and arrow mucus which it is in having been sent, then a sponge overhead from vinegar of laserpitium juice and of the sea it is placed on. The next day a suppository is led in, of which these are the components: ammoniac gum with acrid vinegar having been mixed together you will lighten and having been dried in the sun, you will make a suppository.

For recent swelling which is cured without a wound. Crabs p. II, galbanum semilibra, turpentine resin — IIII, incense four cyathi, alkali semilibra, salt sextarius: having been mixed and lightened with vinegar having been mixed together they grow hot and hot with a cloth having been besmeared of the poultice only the knees are surrounded; which on alternating days having been made hot and renewed they are placed. Or Judean bitumen —, mustard seeds —, rhododendron — with axle grease it is lightened and having been besmeared it is placed on the knees; or fern root with old axle grease and with vetch with vinegar having been lightened; or Alexandrian mustard semilibra, cress semilibra, [African figs semilibra], salt — [II], old axle grease libra, vinegar which is enough.

Likewise another for swelling. With burning having been dried out and moderated cold water and you will put in a sponge with vinegar having been soaked over four days. On the fourth day barley hay with water you put in, until when the wound should lead a scar, from then beat to a pulp the outside of a small apple with many seeds, with lycium in that place being vulnerable you put in.

Likewise another for swelling or for watery swelling. Ashes from the hearth —, living chalk — with wine you cultivate and make density of honey and you will beware so that it may not persist, before you should besmear the small swellings, which there were, until when they should dry out. Medicine itself you will use, if it was recent; if older, you will burn finely with a grill, having been burned you will care just as and the others. This injury however from work is pulled together, if however in hard ground or between stones the horse more strongly will have trotted or with a mule a larger pack it will have carried or a mule having been joined for a long time will have worked.

For swelling on the knees they sprinkle rhododendron — III, bitumen three librae, alkali three librae, old axle grease having been cultivated three unciae.

Likewise for sadness of the nerves or for watery swelling from an accumulation without iron which is to be opened: wax p. s., fat of bull, galbanum, bdellium, white pepper, quadrans of ammoniac, incense powder — IIII, laurel berries —.

Wounds for all knees are cured by cyclamen root ashes with hay of vetch with honey having been thrown together: having been made soft and thus they are useful having been placed in. If there were other small tumors, red ochre with honey you will mix and with lint of cloth you will insert and above the cloth and a sponge with posca you will put on. There are also remedies with oak apples having been rubbed down and not without the juice of marrubium with soot.

Swelling that you may cure without iron. Mustard and Alexandrian salt four scriptula, vinegar two scriptula, old axle grease libra s.: everything at once you will grind down and on a small linen cloth you will lead in for three days; you loosen then with sponges from Cyrenaic laserpitium having been ground down, small tumors after you reopen with an astringent.

Likewise with another kind thus you will make: fern root and vetch you beat to a pulp on a pillar and African figs and thus you will use. It is most certain a matter.

Likewise for swelling which is to be dissipated. Fig root, vetch, old axle grease, acrid vinegar: anoint on a small linen cloth and use.

For swelling which is to be removed. Alexandian mustard semilibra, [Alexandrian cress semilibra], African figs [—] II, old axle grease semilibra, vinegar two scripula.

XII. For sighing of the breast it asserts.


Crime is most dangerous, I should lack it many say, whose kinds the Greeks thus divide αρθριτιν, ὑγραν, ξηραν, λευκην, μελαιναν, with in Latin joints, moist, dry, white, and black they are called. There are so many signs of that. It collapses with the whole body, in the nostrils humid returns and much water it drinks, it coughs for a long time and it remained, it limps with alternating feet, a scaly infection returns from the ears and it bears those flaccid, its skin smells badly. It happens when they are blocked from too much indigestion in the passage and aggravated, it does not resort to natural breath in the lungs. These are the treatments of it. Blood from the neck or from the legs send and it with wine and oil having been mixed together you will massage the whole body, then tragacanth gum, myrrh, two obols of incense you will mix with white eggs and having been thrown together with water and honeyed wine you pour in through the mouth. Food for it will be grass and Medican wine [and] oil having been poured in and with barley they are purged and thus with water it is cooked down to half with alkali having been thrown in for a measure of both henbane and living sulfur one drachma: which having been cultivated they are mixed with wine and through the mouth they are poured in three times each day. Also with a rooster having been killed the same this is accustomed to be done. Others the head of a soft dog require and white squill with reed in parts having been cut up at once they roast, which having been made light with wine having been cultivated with five cotylae of Corinthian wine, with a cotyla of Attican oil, with white pepper having been rubbed down — mix together: from which a single sextarius pour in through the right nostril.

Likewise another [for] sighing, which the Greeks call orthopnea. It is known however when a beast of burden has erect nostrils and emits festering and more repeatedly that it draws its eyes upwards. There is so much of that cure. Blood from the neck is sent and it with oil and vinegar is mixed and thus it is anointed on the beast of burden. Food, in however much it is able to be made, it is abstained or it is used, which they are able to make hot, either vetch or chickpeas or wheaten hay, in the summer also of barley; having been poured in also tragacanth, reduction of must, sulfur, or also blood having been thrown down from small dogs, and cumin having been rubbed down which with three digits you will have destroyed: it everything with wine you will give having been mixed, or with white eggs with honey and pine nuts, it is lightened with small nuts, with milk having been mixed over eighteen days or more. While the lung should get better, you will make it. If it will not have made progress, lungwort root with the rind having been pierced you apply on the breast or on the ears extreme urceolas and in the first part you put on the nostril, through which all infection will be called out. Small bread rolls and [already with] water and honeyed wine you will give and with bitter nuts with wild cucumber root with honey you will knead together; for this use you will preserve. Or mulberry root [for] three obols having been lightened with wine having been made hot you will pour into the sighing nostrils. Before however with one cyathus of oil and a sextarius of wine you will purge the head. Which if ichor will have been present, the infection is incurable. If through the nostrils pus returns, [an uncia] of masculine incense with wine with Attican cotula you will lighten and through both nostrils you will pour in having been made tepid and with laurel leaves you will fumigate the nostrils; if through the penis, a rooster and a puppy at once cook down in water and having been cultivated in water of sulfur for a drachma [—] having been lightened you will mix and that potion you will pour into its mouth for nine continuous days.

For beginning sighs. Seven worms from the mill with seven cyathi of wine, two eggs, two cyathi of oil you will make warm at once and you will lighten through the nostrils pour in.

For sighing of horses. A sextarius of Cretan raisin wine, Illyrican iris —, pepper —, an uncia of crocuses, myrrh —, incense dust, tragacanth gum —, dried grapes [in others thus: five grapes]: these everything you will mix together and afterwards you will pour it into honey, butter, axle grease, with a measure of salt ✝ avenabis [there is no direct translation].

For sighing most strong, from which also both it suspends that and the eyes or the right eye will have had color, sometimes also a swollen jaw, also unceasing not right. Between the beginning of this badness more quickly excess work should be halted. Consider more diligently: if the right part will have been curved, it will be cured, if the left, it will be difficult to be preserved. However these must be employed. Twelve veins all you will loosen from the horse, thus in order that a quaterna of blood you should draw off over three days, and you will give this potion: crocus [—], myrrh —, nard ears —, white pepper —, water and honeyed wine three sextarii, old oil one sextarius, a hemina of mastic gum everything in a new vase you send and a puppy for ten days with honeycomb you will mix or honeyed wine and one egg. Continually over the days you give the potion written above.

For sighing, which from too much sweat it is born, or [if] from too much sighing sweat and sometimes ever through the nostrils they appear purulent. For this passion this potion will be most apt: Cretan raisin wine a sextarius s, rib — III, hyssop flowers — II, chironian herbs — II, Illyrican iris — II, cinnamon tubes — II, tragacanth gum — II, southernwood — III, arid masculine marrubium — II, green conifer cones — II: having been beaten diligently and with raisin wine having been mixed in pour into the throat.

XIII. Concerning dropsy or for tympanitis



Horses with dropsy more frequently are vexed and the same passion is not noted in all to pull together, for which errors frequently undergo blame: for when the horse should be held by dropsy, then either fat or inflammation cleanse the body; when it is of the spleen and the stomach grows, they hope the nature of the body will fix it. In it however which dropsy is incited, the signs are in this manner. The stomach grows with hardness, small tumors appear on the legs, and when the horse will have wanted to run, it is not able to have done it, but it is suffocated and narrowed breath and not able to walk. That however which is of the spleen, the stomach without sense bears greater, and when it is exercised, it sneezes frequently and the head casts in its own sadness. In tympanitis there are other signs. The stomach indeed grows and the mane and the neck are rigid and frequently also with the extension itself and the tumors [of] the intestines through a passage of shit it is burst. These things which we show are most certainly useful.

For dropsy. From the navel to the heart having been turned, a measure of two fingers should be for you finely, against not in the side, strike with an arrow and place a tube, through which humor or water runs, which causes dropsy. However humor ought to run for four sextarii, or if it will have swollen more, you remove more. Certainly thus with the pack animal having been bound, however long as it should be broken. You ought to use the potions, which shall move urine, however with constant both you ought to rub and it ought to sweat. For food it should accept grass and chickpeas having been poured in and from the river it should drink, because it is more vexed, but water with chickpeas having been poured in. Also it arrives at water to have been poured through and when it should walk down, you will tie the legs with tape. Also they consider it to be useful, if they should walk down between unguents, because diverse odors secretly are useful for the lungs. For which this potion is fit: rock parsley having been crushed with wine or an apple full of seeds having been beaten with wine; but also celery, however much it is able, it should eat.

For the spleen. Blood from the hams must be drawn off and from barley which is to be abstained, in order that it should be lean, and another, alkali, marrubium having been crushed with absinth and with austere wine give through a horn and it should walk; by hand with a hot sponge it should be washed and with a hand having been pressed it should be rubbed. If a tumor should remain on the lungs, the breast is suited to be branded, from then with three days intervening, it is on the fifth day on the breast with a measure of these three digits and that way you add and thus backward having been cauterized. However you ought to observe and not burn the vein.

Tympanitis arrives hot ash with garum in a cloth or in a linen cloth with the navel or to move on the lung. However it ought to be held by many, in order that it should not vex which is to be struggled with. Then Panax root and Gallican silt you grind down with oil and wine and having been made tepid through a horn you pour into the throat.

Likewise another. Wild thyme, cumin seeds an acetabulum, just as much honey, laserpitium a magnitude of beans, a cotyla of vinegar in a sextarius of water you dilute to three and through the mouth you pour in and with food through the night you will abstain. If it will not have proceeded, [in] the left side near a most new side through the length of four digits you burn not more for the height of the digits. Having been burned just as you will cure above.

Likewise a potion for dropsy. With pills having been produced from honey and butter and in a mortar with a cyathus of oil rub down and give with wine through the mouth; or wild asparagus root — II [and] with old wine a sextarius s. cook down to a hemina and through a horn give; or panax root a semuncia you grind down and with wine give. Certainly it is useful, in order that always it should thirst and not drink much.

XIIII. Concerning the loins and of the kidneys and of the thighs and of the legs.



It is fitting in order that concerning the loins and the kidneys before your clarity we should say little. For it is more easily from the animal either understood or cured, which more frequently sadness it should sustain similarly, just as you thus we understand and nude frequently we inspected with the kidneys having been dissolved. Therefore doubly you benefit from those cures or from cures following which were manifested, in order that your medicine creates exquisite solid loins and, when the horse will have been vexed, similar from you cures and diligence it is proffered. For the horse and many lions too much weight harms or if it will have climbed a ditch and the back feet will have tarried or too much cold. Then they with these medicines it comes together to be cured, in order that heat or the longest time for the rigid loins, with unguents most hot you use and afterwards caustic ones.

Likewise if they will have been made sad more strongly, veins from the groin are loosened. Then salt and axle grease and oil with blood which flows forth having been mixed is placed above the kidneys and, when it will have been necessary, it is applied as a poultice.

Likewise if the thighs will have been hurt without a wound, you will use friction for nine days. From then just as the cure will have proceeded, you will value it, and if it will have been necessary, and from the groin the veins are loosened. Then heat with medicine the thighs are cured, it is euphorbia — IIII, dirty salt — IIII, liquid pitch four scriptulae you cook down into one.

Likewise if the thighs will have become swollen: flower hay having been burned with cold posca, you will use until when the fury of the tumors should evaporate. Then another having been subdued thighs you place above. It is carried most useful.

Likewise a potion for kidneys. Pills of green cypress eleven you boil, alkali — III and you parch adam and into dust you reduce and the dust itself with three unciae of honey and good oil — III and four sextarii of old wine having been mixed over four days you pour into the throat.

Likewise for sadness of the loins. A hemina of cabbage grind down, a sextarius of polenta with cold water you cultivate and place in.

Likewise another. Mint with a sextarius of polenta you cultivate with water.

Likewise another. Cypress leaves you beat to a pulp to a hemina and polenta a sextarius with vinegar having been subdued with sadness you put in.

Another. Hard resin — II cook down until when it should be liquid, from then barley hay you send above for so long, however long as in the mode of thick porridge you will have seen; from then with in that way hot on the kidneys you put on. This frequently you will renew, it is most useful both for sadness and for swelling.

Likewise for sadness of the thighs. Friction you will use for eight days on the veins themselves meanwhile leading. Then with another medicine, which with this it is composed, you will use: euphorbia — IIII, dirty salt — IIII, liquid pitch four scriptulae: everything at once you cook down and use.

XV. Concerning the joints or for the feet or for the neck.



But we say many between several most useful necessary cures for the feet, in order that all, which in the joints or in the feet they will have joined to occur either with work or with negligence or for misfortune, it health not having been tasted with this cure, which we show, they remain. Hooves must be strengthened and solidified diligently in a stable with cleanness, in order that without shit and without humor it should be stabled, in order that the stable you will strengthen with boards they shall be strewn. For the joints certainly or hindquarters in order that whole and healthy they should remain, which greatly in the horse it is necessary and noble, for us great diligence we will guard curing, in order that not from exercise or from journey soil sticking to joints it should remain: or with hot water you will wash the joints or you will wash with wine, for if both you will do, it is better.

For bruise of the foot, from Pelagonius apopiras. Dried fig with salt you beat to a pulp and put on the hooves.

XVI. For Ozaena it asserts.


Black liquid of shoemakers, oak apples, alum in equal parts having been beaten with axle grease you mix and the skin of an apple with vinegar and alkali having been united everything you put in.

Likewise another. Fig and mustard having been beaten to a pulp and with vinegar mix and with soft leather enduring put in, on the third day loosen. If it will have perceived nothing, renew the medication and again after the third day loosen and when it will have begun to get better, wash the joints with wine and send it off having been loosened.

Likewise another. Gum of opopanax with barley hay you cook in the manner of a cataplasm and put on.

Likewise in order that they hooves of the horse grow. Other heads [three], rue having been pulled by hand, alum having been crushed and sifted — VI, old axle grease p. II, donkey shit a handful: everything grind down and you will use every day.

Likewise for ozaena. Beans you cook in water and afterwards grind down with honey and you lead into a cloth. It will cause health.

Likewise if [the foot] will have been vexed by a wheel, a red bulb and a hand of incense grind down and put in, after the third day loosen and again put in a similar cure; after you will use a poultice.

Likewise for tumors of the feet. Euphorbia — III, sordid salt — III, liquid pitch four scriptulae: everything into one you cook down and place onto the tumors of the joints. Certainly if and sadness in the joints and desire will have remained, it is useful to line the joints with shit of cattle. You will cure.

For hooves having been worn out. With hot vinegar you wash the hoof, then marrubium with old axle grease and rustic absinth having been mixed together, you will rub the hooves. You will marvel, and if you will wish to strengthen the hoof, with this medicine massage the hoof.

For the suffusion of the horse in turnip. You make thus a ten ass coin from iron, in order that blood should depart, and the dwelling of a swallow thus bring about, in order that you should capture it in order that it does not touch the ground. Pour this in water and the same water having been cultivated over three days you will give. You will marvel.

For an abscess. If already there will have been an opening to the abscess, a grain of salt with vinegar place on the opening of the hoof. With hot bran wash the hoof and after three days, if already humor will have stopped to flow, alum having been cut with red Ochre and vinegar mix and place. When the fervor will have quieted, pork penis in the place of the opening in the hoof drip down. When it will not have limped, you loosen and treat with bitumen.

For hindquarters. Alum and plaster with acrid vinegar on that place massage constantly.

If the horse will have had a fistula born on the crown, with a bronze flower from acrid vinegar mix together and when it will have dried cast it onto the fistula and you will step. After the third day you will loosen, you will find the fistula healthy.

If the horse will have begun to nibble at its own foot, dog shit or liquid with most acrid vinegar mix together and incessantly line the foot. You will marvel.

Softness for the neck of a mule with soap you will wash, afterwards with divine water and how much oil is enough and white eggs mix in and everything in itself diligently agitate and thus you will use.

For the neck of a mule. Chips from a putrid fig, it is from the middle of the tree, burn dry, thus in order that gradually they spend themselves on the earth, and when you will have burned them up and in the ashes you will have collected, itself the ashes you will sift; afterwards you send into a mortar with old wine and oil just as much and white from two eggs and everything at once you mix together and when it will have become necessary, you will use. Most certainly it is a cure.

If the neck or the back of the mule will have burst, a libra of wax, roasted resin — IIII, verdigris — II, with oil cook down and you will use.

Likewise in order that the neck should not burst for the mule or if it will have burst, thus you will cure: recent pig fat p. II, two sextarii of vinegar to a third you cook down and having been cultivated and you use.

For sadness of the neck. Blood must be drawn off and with a hot unguent it must be used, wax, oil, old axle grease, alkali, liquid pitch, sulfur, laurel berries: these with wine having been mixed, you will massage the whole body, and if it will have become necessary, also you will lead into the bath. After this cure you will give to drink thus: ginger, rock parsley, argive, cumin, opium, laurel berries, honey, with wine everything having been mixed together you will give hot.

For sadness of the neck or for contractions of the nerves which are in the neck. The neck must be branded from both parts finely, afterwards anoint with axle grease; after seven days with hot water wash and having been dried with warming unguent anoint, wool or hide give around the neck.

The compositions of an emollient plaster. Silver foam — VI, wax two librae, white lead — VI, incense dust — IIII, deer marrow — II, oil p. II: These in one having been mixed together and having been cooked, you will use.

For ozaena, from Pelagonius apopiras. A mirror having been cooked and driven into dust you send into vinegar and they shall boil. On a small cloth having been anointed you place on the joint, but first the same joints with a psilothrix you will lighten.

For diminished hooves. Green absinth with old axle grease and salt you beat to a pulp and on the hooves with most acrid vinegar you massage.

For ozaena. Beans with lotion having been cooked and with a measure of verdigris you sprinkle above and in that place earlier with vinegar you will wash and in a small linen cloth you will use. It is most certain.

Likewise for liquid ozaena. Mustard having been rubbed down well …vinegar having been mixed together with a measure of laserpitium you put in.

For a hard tumor or heavy nerves or for fissures in the nerves or if perchance from a plank it will have been hit or some humor will have existed or there will have made a small induration, thus you will cure: manna, a hemina of austere vinegar, euphorbium — II, laurel berries — II, liquid pitch two unciae, sulfur — II, axle grease from a pig a libra, Alexandrian mustard — III, cumin — IIII, African green absinth — VI, living chalk — III, starch from plants—VI, masculine incense — III, resin — VI, dove shit — VI, vetch pollen — III. With everything having been mixed together you will place on and for a long time it is loosened and several are cured.

For hooves which are to be hardened. Ivy seeds in two parts, rounded alum one part you beat to a pulp and you will tie the hooves over many days.

Feet having been worn away it is proper to be washed in hot water and with axle grease to be anointed, from these glowing tile to be applied on the hooves, until it should no longer endure; another afterwards and sulfur at once having been ground down with a thin sheet of glowing metal you burn off twice daily over three days. It also arrives to be occurring for cows.

However for knees which are to be mended, for which there is humor: wax, bitumen, living sulfur, in equal weights you return into fire and hot you anoint on the knees or bran with vinegar you put on.

Likewise of the horse crown will have twisted or will have been wrenched out or will have loosened, this is which it is called dislocation, which thus we understand. You understand with two hands to hoof and inwardly you will twist: if more vehemently it suffers, it is certain having been contorted to have been anointed. It for chariot horses frequently they suffer during contests, which this order of cures we accept from more, which there are so many. Blood from the crown must be send and itself the crown which is to make an incision and which is to massage with vinegar and salt; then with juicy wool with oil and wine on the joints and for ointment it I placed on and frequently with hot water ointment it is washed and similarly medicine on the third day it is applied, but daily it is bound and suffusing through twelve days. Certainly if nothing will have advanced the cures, then with necessity collecting beneath softly it is shaved with a scalpel used for treating abscesses and [from] four things a magnitude is raised, or if it weighs more, until for living hoof it opens, thus however in order that you should not touch the mouth. If however too much blood will have flown out, with a small soft cloth having been plucked with oil and vinegar and small salt and with its own shit of the horse on the joints with hooves you will tie. After the third day you will make warming. If flesh will have accumulated, you will use either contracting or vulnary things and more often with a scalpel the horn of the hoof you will purge and destroy, in order that it should grow equally. Then a raw poultice you will use and slowly you thing to walk. Most new however to cure is to burn, if it will have been necessary.

Likewise if the horse in the joints or the arms denser nerves or small swellings will have had, burn if it will have been necessary, or if from that place fastening of the joints will have receded, from necessity blood must be sent out and from that place which is to make a small incision itself. Then a similar cure is applied: juicy wool and oil with vinegar place on the joints over four days, thus in order that daily you cure. Afterwards with hot medicine the joints must be strengthened, which with this is the composition: a sextarius of mustard and water germander having been beat into a pulp into one, or if more vehemently you will have wished to make hot, also galbanum — III with several written above they are mixed, deer marrow — III and vinegar which it is enough.

Likewise if the horse in the joints or in the arms will have had dense nerves, blood out of necessity from the same foot must be drawn off and hot water over a long time in that place must be washed and hot wine and food oil over five days must be massaged. Then if the arms will have been in a condition, in the fishpond, in order that it should swim it is pleasing to be send down. If nothing will have been useful, with collecting necessity you burn reticulated. Having been burned you cure in order that [it was] written above.

If it supports misery or it will have had tumors, with a goathair rug having been massaged, until when blood should be hurled out; from then vetch hay with honey having been sprinkled across a small cloth you lead in and tie a support and it shall remain over three days.

Likewise for ozaena, from apopiras Pelagonius. Bread of food in water you pour in and afterwards in a mortar you rub down in a measure of a cataplasm and you lead in soft leather. Afterwards a small bronze flower and having been rubbed down having been reduced into dust above bread, which was anointed with soft leather, you sprinkle which is enough, and the joints or in that place which is ozaenous, you apply and with a linen cloth diligently with tartar you constrict over three days, from then you loosen. Again similar medicine is applied, again it is loosened: thus over three days without medicine it should be. [If] it will have been healthy, medicine is enough; but if another, it is cured, in order that with an interval of three days it is cured new. Certainly with soft leather you will have put on the feet, the horse having been tied again stricter, in order that it should not vex itself with biting, and most certainly it is a cure.

Likewise for nerves of the joints or for diminished or for dislocated. Cypress leaves you beat to a pulp and rub down and hay from barley at once you mix together and cook down in wine and oil imbuing and you make a cataplasm, which you send into the hair and you beat to a pulp with Gallican arum well you purge and with hibiscus well thoroughly cooked and having been made well gradually. Which afterwards diligently you guard, for plaster you lead in and bind. Certainly before you shall mix the cataplasm, first Gallican arum having been purged with hibiscus having been thoroughly cooked and a measure of axle grease you beat to a pulp and thus apply above the cataplasm from barley hay and cypress leaves you cook in wine and oil. This you will make for nine days, but in order that you should cure successive.

For thickness of the nerves. Greek hay, African Carican figs you beat and with wine you put in; after the third day you loosen.

Likewise if from a long journey a tumor either in the joints or in the knees will have been, it is useful for cold water in the tumorous place to wash either in a river or in a brook not deep to go for a walk; from then a sponge with laserpitium and vinegar [and birdlime and wine having been cooked down] and axle grease you put on. It is a most useful medicine.

Likewise a medicine for worn down feet. Liquid pitch semilibra, alum semilibra, ivy leaves which are enough: beat everything to a pulp at once and on the working horse daily anoint the feet. They carry the best medicine.

For the neck burning down or for hindquarters: axle grease — II, wax libra, alum [—] a sextans, other heads [—] III: at once having been ground down they are cooked down in a pot.

For contracted limbs. There are contracted limbs, which earlier feet I spread they will have been inwards against the lung of twisted hooves. Axle grease two librae, wild mallow libra, you cook with posca and apply as a poultice for a most long time. Axle grease you mix and thus you apply a cataplasm.



For spasms of tetanus, from Apsyrtus.

Most diligent suckling of horses before everything this crime and this weakness it arrives to observe. For many from tetanic spasms many they said not knowing, which they are from the causes of the spasms, and not understanding the signs of sickness which there are. For we come across signs with many gradual work of this sickness which must be asked. Of which there are many. The neck was extended and not able to be curved, the head not dissimilar, rigid ears and not able to be bent, smaller eyes, bones in the face or pelt the same tense and rigid, lips and adam serious, and not able to open the mouth or yawn, but not drink or food it takes up civilly and its own tail is erect and it is not able to curve itself or to inspect from the side, those steps without discipline it places, feet in the back earlier it places above thus in order that it drags the hooves with that rigor, earlier the feet it is not able to bend and every limb itself is tense in the back part, and either never it shakes itself or with difficulty, and it does not proceed in the front part, but the back in itself collapses into itself. These and difficulty making urine and when they will have hurled themselves and will have wished again to raise up, from the back they elevate themselves with difficulty, but from the kidneys they subside, and from which the name “opisthotonus” was dragged.

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