A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 14, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 6.5
This review may contain spoilers
El dorama al principio me pareció muy prometedor, pero como pasa muchas veces la cagan en los últimos capítulos, la historia deja de tener sentido y se hacen difíciles de ver. Me da mucha rabia porque los primeros capitulos eran divertidos y entretenidos. A partir de la mitad del drama meh...
Aun así es una comedia romántica bonita para ver y me encanta Yoon Eun Hye, aunque el actor prota se me hizo un poco soso... Me hubiera gustado un final mejor, como es una comedia sin más acaba bien pero no es que la escena ni la música fueran buenos para terminarlo. Se me hizo demasiado que al hermano del prota le gustara siempre la misma chica que al prota y creo que podrían haberle sacado mas juego, ella nunca se entera de que el esta enamorado de ella...
Le pondría un 7 al drama...

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A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 20, 2012
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 3.0
Historia 3.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 1.0
Historia aburrida, lineal, repetitiva, nada nuevo que no se haya visto antes. Todo es tedioso en esta serie, en lugar de durar 16 capítulos debería haber durado 5 y aun así resultaría cansina.
Los actores mal, química entre ambos inexistente, secundarios sin importancia alguna.
La música no aporta nada, no entiendo cómo puede tener esta serie un 7,5.
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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 11, 2021
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 5.0

Lie to me reseña

Este drama de primeras es un drama normalito en conjunto se puede decir. La verdad es que comienza muy bien y es interesante pero a medida que vamos avanzando la verdad es que va perdiendo fuerza. Para mi es un drama aque prometía ser un buen drama pero que se quedó en un simple drama para ver una vez y ya está. Las actuaciones son buenas he de decirlo pero la pérdida de fuelle a medida que avance hace que se desinfle por completo el drama. No es un mal drama, por qué lo dicho tiene un buen comienzo pero no supieron seguirlo como se debería para mi opinión. Lo mejor es verlo y juzgar pero os recomiendo ir sin ningún tipo de expectativas

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Dejado 16/16
A 22 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 9, 2014
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Dejado 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.0
I'm giving this Drama an over all score of 8 because the acting was good, the atmosphere and flow of it kept my attention and I laughed more than I thought I was going to because I originally only started this drama out of boredom.

WHAT I WAS HAPPY ABOUT (without trying to spoil anything):

Kang Ji Hwan's performance and his character. When I first saw him I thought I wasn't going to like him;he looked stiff, boring and mean. But I found out that I was wrong and I was soo happy that I was. This is the first drama I have seen him in and It makes me want to look for other things that he's been in. I liked that the 'love triangle' focused more on the future potential relationship aspects as opposed to the entire drama being about the leads getting over their past loves before they even notice or become aware of the person in front of them.


Like most others, I agree that this drama was a bit on the long side which is strange seeing as how it's the standard 16 episodes. I got up to episode 13 and then put it on hold. I do plan to finish it but I tend to binge-watch dramas (as I am sure most do) and at that point I just had to stop.

Switching gears slightly: Another thing I was happy to discover was that Sung Joon was not as annoying as I thought he'd be in other dramas, it was just this one. I watched I Need Romance 3 and I LOVED HIM in that so it was just this drama and his character who annoyed me. And I guess that's just a good sign that he's a great actor, right? ^__^

Hope my rants were helpful. x

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A 60 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 30, 2011
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 6.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 4.0
This is one of those blatant cases where I can't help wondering why do they begin filming a drama when they haven't got the complete script yet? Why do they insist in making the viewer invest time and energies on something which changes from black to white in the space of an episode?

This is so annoying, and so sad.

Like everyone before me already pointed out, the lead actors did a brilliant job here. They are so natural together, it's a pleasure to watch them interact.

But even cute has its limit, at least for me. I didn't know of the writer switch until the last episode, but the difference was evident. What used to be a quirky, funny, sweet and sexy script suddenly turned into a sugary, childish, cutie cute one, with these two chirping to each other for the duration of six, never-ending episodes.

When mutual love has been loudly declared, the lie has come into the open, the antagonists are out of the games, what is left in terms of expectations? Who cares what they eat and when or how many times they hold hands?

Somehow, they used all their good cards at the beginning of the game, only to drag it with uninteresting little scenes till the end. By the third ice-cream I was ready to smear it on the face of the director.

Also, I was left wondering what happened to the majority of the characters? Were they sucked into some drama black hole, or sent en masse to Paris where they are happily eating escargots?

The music was somehow schizophrenic. At the beginning I though it was horrid, with those very childish pop songs used at every turn. Then it improved a lot, it became more varied and able to enhance the feelings. At times it was hilariously chosen. Then it changed again and became a simple background sound, which I forgot a few minutes after it was played.

Re-watch value is obviously low, unless something heavy hits me on the head and I think this drama's only got 11 episodes.

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A 21 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 21, 2012
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.0
Historia 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 3.0
1) The reason I watched this :

The main reason was Yoon Eun Hye since I like her acting in romantic comedy roles.

2) Storyline/Plot:

*This is your usual rich-poor romantic comedy; a lot of cheesy scenes in here.

Positive Points:

*The cinematography was appreciated in here; it had many great backgrounds all the way through.

*Main Genres:

--->Comedy: I can’t literally say that it was very funny but it was acceptable on the general scale. There were some hilarious scenes every once in awhile but they weren’t very special.
You’re probably wondering why I mentioned it as a positive point while I stated many negatives; because the drama wasn’t that boring.

Negative Points:

--->Romance: It was very common. Let’s be honest, everyone of you saw a rich-poor romantic story, an arrogant and Cinderella, a hopeless triangle and I am sure that you’ve seen a contract drama before that’s why this drama’s romantic development had nothing extraordinary to talk about. Anyway, that’s how the majority of Korean rom-coms are set.

*This drama’s storyline was really predictable; there weren’t any events that felt surprising or special.

*Near the ending, the story became annoyingly dragged.

Story: 5/10.

3) Acting/Cast:

*The reason I started this drama was Yoon Eun Hye and I wasn’t disappointed with her performance. She’s a skilful actress that knows how to portray romantic comedy roles.
Kang Ji Hwan had respectable acting skills too but he wasn’t that great compared to Eun Hye.
Other actors weren’t very special, no exceptional feelings about any of them.

*As for character Ah Jung and Ki joon were ordinary main characters that you can find in any other Korean romantic comedy. Well, extra credits for Ah Jung as she felt more interesting than Ki Joon.

*Other characters were normal and up to standard but common.

*Appreciated character: Can I say “NONE”? I really don’t have any character that I appreciated here, not even a single one.


--->Romance: The chemistry felt natural and intriguing; sometimes fluffy and even sexy: it was good to see on screen which is all due to the main actors’ harmony.

--->The triangle: It’s your common Korean triangle with a nice second lead male. Well, the second lead female wasn’t that wicked.

Cast: 7.5/10.
Acting: 8.5/10.

4) The ending:

It was unsurprising and expected plus it had one of the most ordinary ending scenes. Shall I say more?

The ending: 5/10.

5) My impression (How did it affect me):

*It felt like watching a rewind from many dramas that I’ve seen before. I lost the drama’s taste because everything about it was predictable.
*The drama was light but I have to admit that I fast-forward many parts in order to make watching hours manageable.

*Is the drama memorable: No, I don’t think so because it’s too common; nothing special about it.
My conclusion after watching this drama: I need to stop watching Korean romantic comedy for awhile. Taken as a whole, I became so sick of these “same plot” romantic comedies; the whole concept grew to be so dumb to me that’s why I really need to stop watching them or I will lose my “drama mood”.

My impression: 4/10.

6) Overall:

*If you’re a big fan of romantic comedies then you would like this.
*If you’re looking for a unique and mature romantic comedy then don’t watch this.

*Lie to Me was light drama in some ways but it was predictable and full of cliché/cheesy scenes in many ways.

Overall: 5/10

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A 11 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 29, 2011
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.0
Historia 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 6.0
My numbers are all over the place....Just like this drama. I figured I would jump on the band wagon and add my review.

Lie To Me...It was purely the chemistry between the actors Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye that had me watching. If I based my review simply on the high I got from watching them interact and kiss, my mouse would be hovering over the 10s every time. But I can''t...

The writing was almost abysmal. Even where our leads were concerned. It did their acting such an injustice. The switch around episode 11 did nothing but confuse the watcher and had the actors making, sometimes huge, personality changes that had me scratching my head. I focused solely on scenes with the two leads and had no interest in the plot. You could see so glaringly, where original intended storylines were dropped. Sang Hee and Yoon Joo became useless filler. Characters completely disappear with no explanation. The dramatic tension is pulled from the air and makes almost no sense.

Ultimately, there is nothing that bothers me more than when great actors are wasted by a crappy script. Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye tried their very best. They succeeded in their interactions and I place no blame on their shoulders. I cannot help but compare this to Mary Stayed Out All Night. Same scenereo...Great Cast! ~ Unfortunately wasted.

But here is the thing. I have watched some of these episodes multiple times. I repeatedly watched certain scenes between the to lovebirds because they were so enjoyable to me...And so my final verdict is this. If you want to turn off your brain and watch two actors make falling in love fun, sexy and cute. If you''re stressed and have no will to be critical while watching... Watch This! This pairing really had something magical.

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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 10, 2011
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 5.0
It was all amazing until they went all EXTREMELY EXTREMELY CHEESY on me. I was cringing through the last few episodes because they were disgustingly cheesy, that kind of cheesiness aint' my style at all. And she's a good crier but I don't like it when she was crying in almost every episodes and sometimes I just don't understand why she was crying. It was a great drama to watch but the cheesiness is just @.@
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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 28, 2013
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 10
This was a very unique drama i wasn't bored for a minute.I think that the love between the two leads was beautiful.Also i love the male lead he is sooo cute.Also i you are looking for a real first kiss this is the place to get it and you will not be disappointed.Also i love that it wasn't predictable you couldn't tell what was going to come next or what would happen with their relationship
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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 24, 2011
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 4.0
Historia 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 2.0
As most people, I started this watching this drama because it was with YEH, and even though her last drama had been a complete disaster, she still is one of my favourite actresses.

Story-It isn't original at all. I've been watching dramas for almost 4 years and have seen specially many kdramas, which are all the same. This one isn't and exception. -If you don't want to know anything about the story, DON'T READ THE REST OF THE PARAGRAPH-. In the first 8 episodes there's the leads hating each other but being dragged into common situations which make them start having feelings for each other. There's always the "oppa" girl, and the guy (who is generally hyung of the lead) who befriends the female lead and starts having feelings for her even though he eventually realizes she's the girl his hyung loves. Generally in the 8th or 9th episode the leads confess their feelings for each other and the rest of the drama is them trying to get his family to accept their relationship, because of course, he's always a rich guy and she's always the poor girl. So, that's the basic story-line for every kdrama. I think that most people, like me, accept that and watch it to see how the writers develop the story, the things that will make this drama different. But in this story, it's like the writers used "writing kdramas for dummies". I mean it didn't have anything different. The only scene in the whole drama that I'd rescue is the "cola" scene.

Cast-As I mentioned before, I'm a huge YEH fan. Her characters are always someone you can relate to (being MFL a HUGE exception) and they are very lovable. Kong Ah Jung wasn't the exception. As for KJH, I LMBOed with him in My Girlfriend is an Agent and here too. I also loved Soon Joon as character, but as an actor he only could do funny scenes, in the "sad" scenes I just kept laughing because his acting sucked. Jo Yoon Hee had the typical character that you just hate because she's stalking the male lead, so she didn't really stand out.

Music-nothing special, just the theme son.

Rewatch value-I'd never rewatch it, I almost didn't finished it.

Overall- Really generic and commercial, if this is your first drama, you'll probably love it, if you have watched several dramas before this one, you'll be like "oh, again?" or "that's so predictable" or "I watched this scene in..."

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A 8 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 29, 2011
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.0
Historia 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This is probably going to be one of the most divisive dramas of the year. You're either going to love this drama, or you're going to meh this drama. I fall into the latter camp of people. I meh Lie to Me.

Those who love this drama praise the chemistry between the leads Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye, and even I can't deny that the chemistry between the two was so palpable that it overwhelmed me at times. However, sizzling chemistry does not a good relationship make, and I found nothing compelling about the love between the characters Hyun Gi Joon and Gong Ah Jung. It seemed to consistently coast on a superficial level, especially towards the end when the two just go on cute dates all the time and exchange grating "I miss you sooo muuuuch"'s.

When the relationship takes a last minute dive into depth, I found it to be forced and insincere. That's not the actors' fault. Kang Ji Hwan is terrific, and Yoon Eun Hye is good enough, although I maintain that she's at her best when she's crying (I don't think there's an actress who can cry like Yoon Eun Hye, and she really gets to show off here). Unfortunately, they fell victim to a poor script. Yes, the show switched writers half-way through the series, which accounts for some flaws. However, during the reign of the second writer, the plot was riddled with holes, characters acted without any logic or consistency or they were entirely neglected. There's a secondary story line concerning Ah Jung's father that goes nowhere and adds nothing to the overall story, and the second leads are given such throw away and meaningless resolutions that I can't help but think that the show would have been better off if Sang Hee and Yoon Joo had not been introduced to begin with.

I'm not going to warn you to not watch this drama. Lie to Me has a fervent following, and so clearly there's something here that some drama fans passionately latched on to, and you just might be able to find out what that something is. As for me, I'll just have to declare this a missed connection.

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A 8 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 3, 2013
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.0
I finished this drama within two days time! It was a beautiful story and I liked it a lot. I've been a fan of the Hong Sisters' dramas since You're Beautiful and saw this on their list. I liked the story line so I decided I'd give it a try. Besides, I needed a break from the longer drama story lines where there's 20+ episodes. At 16 episodes, this story is sweet and simple.

I give this story an eight because while it's not an original storyline, it's a very cute and captivating story. The actors and actresses however are what really drew me in.

Yoon Eun Hye is an outstanding actress who I've liked since Coffee Prince and Goong and she carries her role well here. What I liked about the female protagonist was that she was strong throughout the story. There were lapses here and there in her character and towards the end, I wanted to smack her a little bit for her indecisiveness but I respected her throughout the story despite her crying jags and drunken fits of temper. Those were hilarious to me though!

As for Kang Ji Hwan, this is the first drama I've seen him in and boy did he blow me away. I won't lie; I hated his character at first and at one point I wished the character would just take a long walk off a short pier. But he managed to win me over and had even me, an ardent lover of all second male leads, rooting for him.

Sung Joon's character got a bit left out in the dust in the wake of Gong Ah Jung and Hyun Ki Joon. But I loved him from episode 1 and if it's one problem I had with this drama was that he ended up getting less and less screen time. Nevertheless, his role here is what got him another fan.

As for the rest of the cast, they did pretty well, all things considered. Special mention goes to Hong Soo Hyun whose character's transition was very good.

The OST for this drama is also AMAZING! There's cute, there's sad and there's absolutely beautiful music on it. A favourite OST for me! Also, there was a lot of Western music here which I was pleasantly surprised to hear.

Another thing about this drama:
Yes! Finally a female lead who KISSES BACK. Thank the heavens. I can count the number of female characters I've seen actually kiss their man on one hand. Thankfully, there's one more finger up.

Overall, I thought this drama was very good. Definitely worth giving a try.

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Lie to Me (2011) poster



  • Puntuación: 7.5 (puntuado por 21,987 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #6079
  • Popularidad: #363
  • Fans: 38,521

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