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A 18 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 29, 2020
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 10

The best thing to come out from 2020

I haven't felt the need to talk about a LGBTQ+ movie/drama so much since "Prayers for Bobby," and that was in 2009 sis, so this already speaks levels for me.

For the past couple of years Thailand, and now South Korea, have given us an unexpected (yet amazing) amount of "Boys Love" dramas and movies that, to be honest, have helped me surviving this pandemic mess we are living in today. However, despite all the fun and heartwarming stories I have seen portrayed in these dramas, none, I repeat: NONE can compare to the work of art this movie turned out to be.

I do not want to label this as a BL because I think the term doesn't necessarily match the theme correctly. Instead, I want to label it as an LGBTQ+ work. Simple and clear. As a gay man, I've been madly in love with watching BLs; despite that, I did notice the big level of unrealism they have. They are mostly just fanservice to get the juices flowing period. That, I said it, don't @ me cause I still love them.

"His" turned out to be a surprisingly realistic movie that showcased some of the struggles of being homosexual in society, especially Japan's conservative society, unlike any other work I've previously seen. The characters were allowed to struggle, learn, and take a step forward to their growth as humans. We also were given different perspectives of the same situations that helped build the world the movie wants to portray for the viewers' empathy. I found myself falling in love with the male leads and female lead (wife) because they reminded me of myself and things that I've been through. Needless to say, I have been reflecting on myself thanks to this.

Let's give credit were credit is due: the acting. I do not consider myself a fan of Japanese acting because I find it too forced and fake, but I am glad that they are finally understanding how things are done, and it shows! I loved seeing how their emotions were building up on their faces and the delivery felt natural.

This is definitely a movie I will save and rewatch in the future, and I could not recommend it enough. Please, do yourself a favor and watch this beautiful story. It's not the typical drama that you're probably used to but I assure you it will leave an impression in your heart.

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TharnType The Series
A 14 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 2, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 5
Global 4.0
Historia 2.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

I won't condone this type of behavior.

How did a drama that started so strong ended up being a total mess?

Let me begin by saying that I'm a gay man and as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I can't support the way this story showcases gay relationships. There were a few things about this show that pulled out the red flags from me, and all of them relate to how toxic, forced, and abusive the relationship between the lead characters and their supports were managed. I'll list my problems with it below:

This review contains SPOILERS, so please be warned if you haven't watch it yet. Actually, you should not watch it for the sake of not giving it more attention.

~ The sexual assault is a big issue in this drama. Originally, I thought that having a traumatized lead character (Type) who suffered of sexual assault when he was younger was a good thing for the plot and his character development; however, things took a weird turn when the writers decided to romanticize Tharn sexually assaulting him as well. What kinda audacity is this? It was not once, it was not twice, but SEVERAL times. Type clearly despised Tharn, but that didn't stop the later from kissing his cheek, kissing his lips and naked torso when he's PASSED OUT DRUNK, forcing himself on top of his body several times (which was not good for Type's mental state at the moment), and blowing him in the bathroom. By the way, NONE OF THIS WAS CONSENTED BY TYPE AT ANY MOMENT.
The character Tar is also one who needs to be called out due to his attempt of sexually assaulting Tharn in the hotel room. It doesn't matter what your situation was, it is UNFORGIVABLE.

~ Type is the most toxic, petty, and unreasonable character. When I began watching the drama I gave him the benefit of the doubt because he was clearly not a mentally stable guy, but I don't think that's the only problem here. Type would constantly bring up the excuse of hating gays to physically and verbally abuse others (Tharn in specific). I do agree Tharn deserved a couple of punches because of what I wrote above, but there were plenty of occasions in which he was unfairly assaulted due to Type's anger problems. Was this unhealthy level of violence categorized as "love" by the writers? It sure was! And it was NOT okay. Even people with mental problems get punished by law because of the consequences of their actions, so I am disappointed that Type was able to do as he pleased with his violence. This felt like Eminem and Rihanna's "Love the Way You Lie" music video.

~ What the hell is going on with Tharn? First of all, he's definitely NOT one of my favorite characters, but seeing him being such a passive man was aggravating. This is a character that also had his own traumas due to love and break ups, but I could not stand him seeing him taking such weak role. Where is that confidence that you showed on the first episodes when you would stand up and defend yourself from Type's aggression? All this violence was not worth it.

~ Possible incest relationship? It is not confirmed in the drama story, but Tum looked like he was having more than just brotherly feels towards Tar. I'm not going to comment too much on this because nothing happened, but it's still kinda sus.

Some of you may not know this, but sexual assault is a very big problem for LGBTQ+ in media. I don't know where the author got inspiration from, but it kinda seems like he or she read a couple yaoi manga before writing this novel. Yaoi and Shounen Ai manga in Japan are know for portraying gay relationships and quite a bit of sexual assault as "romance," so I would not be surprised if this was their inspiration. You guys, it is NOT okay to support these kind of stories in media, because many of you are just straight girls who happen to be obsessed with gays, but for LGBTQ+ and specially gay people, portraying us in sexual assault scenes actually bring us a lot of backlash. You may think is just media, but A LOT of people get influenced by media and use it as an excuse to hate on us. So please do not support these shows.

Lastly, I would like to point out that I have nothing against these actors because, after all, they were just doing their job. I think some of them were actually very good at acting and I enjoyed their performances, but this is just not the right story to work with.

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TharnType Special: Lhong's Story
A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 5, 2020
1 of 1 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 5.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 4.0
Volver a ver 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Everyone needs a damn psychiatrist.

How can an 18-minute long extra episode be better written and far more interesting than the entire first season?

I should start by saying that I'm a big fan of villains/antagonists in pretty much any type of media, so Lhong turned out to be a character I really enjoyed from a psychological perspective. I'm not a psychologist or anything of the sort, but I do enjoy reading and watching stories of the genre. If you ask me, I would've preferred to watch an hour long episode of him going through his personal life because I felt that the combination of depression, anger, and fear of abandonment that was showcased in this short episode was an excellent plot for him.

Many of you are very quick to judge this character and I see why, I mean, he has done absolutely terrible things, but he has also been led through a life of self-loathing and solitude, hating people because he thinks people hate him. Now listen to me: I DON'T support any of his actions due to the fact that they were simply WRONG, but it make sense why he did it when you think about it.

I am incredibly disappointed at the writers of this novel/drama because they turned something that had so much potential into a degenerated sexual assault and abusive relationships fanservice. It is absolutely AGGRAVATiNG how NONE of these character got ANY type of punishment for their actions. If this was me, I would have called the police on them bitches as soon as the first episode ended.

Please do not support these kind of stories. They do no good for the LGBTQ+ community.
Sincerely, a gay man who won't condone this type of behavior.

P.S.: Shoutout to the actor, though. He did an excellent job portraying his role as Lhong and I hope to see more of him in future dramas.

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
En of Love: Tossara
A 6 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 13, 2020
4 of 4 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 1.0
Historia 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 1.0

Just... no.

Well, let's talk about the worst BL drama I have EVER seen.

I hate myself and you know why? Because I read so many bad comments on this drama, but I STILL had the nerve to watch it. I can't believe every single second of my life that I lost watching this; that's time I'll never get back!

The acting was drier than a dessert. It's like all the actors hated each other behind the scenes and were all trying too hard to pretend they liked each other in front of the camera. It was so cringeworthy I had to stop the video every few minutes just so I don't accidentally send my fist through the computer screen. I don't even know what the plot was about because I got distracted due to everyone's horrendous acting.

That tall guy... I don't even remember his name; actually, I could not care less about his name. His character is a MAJOR manipulator. Always playing with feelings to get the other guy to do what he wants. And the writers had the audacity to pass it as cute romance. Terrible. If you have to manipulate someone to love you then that's not real love, honey. I feel bad for the shorty one for having to put up with him. Watching episode 3 made me gag a couple of times.

And the shorty guy? He looks, sounds, and acts like he got a foot up his a$$. The level of salt he was serving throughout the whole thing could cause sodium poisoning to anyone. Too bad 'cause I found him quite attractive, but well...

In short, don't watch this drama unless you hate yourself enough to waste your time. I warned you, sis.

The things that quarantine makes me do.

MyDramaList should allow us to post negative numbers as scores because I'd give this a minus ten in a heartbeat.

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Water Boyy The Series
A 7 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 27, 2021
14 of 14 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 2.0
Historia 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 1.0

Just lacking.

I want to call out all of them bitches here because you're all damn LIARS!!!

Let me tell you something: If you're not going to give a thoughtful and constructive review of the drama (story, acting, writing, etc.), please, STAY AWAY FROM THE REVIEW SECTION! I was fooled by all of you who tried so hard to give a good review to a show that doesn't deserve it! Honey, if something is bad then something is bad, period. That being said, just because you're a fan of an actor/actress, doesn't mean that every single project they work on is automatically good. Some things are bad and they should be called out for it. Lastly, with all due respect, NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE DUDE'S NIPPLES, BARBARA, GET YOUR FETISHES OUT OF THE REVIEW SECTION!


Rant's over, let me talk about this show:

Long story short, it was poorly made. There's so much that could be improved from EVERY aspect of it and, honestly, there are so many faults that it's insane someone could come up with the audacity to tell me this is actually good.

- Story: What is even the story in here? This is just a conglomeration of people's petty "struggles" that do not seem to get better even though they are improving. I was constantly asking to myself, "but do they *really* regret their actions? "Are they *really* learning from their mistakes?" "Why are these college students acting like they are still in high school or elementary school?" And I'm still wondering these things.

I happened to watch this drama before the movie and oh my goodness this made the movie look like a work of art. It was actually quite good, so you should definitely go and watch that instead.

Something that I did like about this work is the inclusion of heterosexual relationships. As a gay man, I always enjoy when they add these relationships because it shows the audience a sense of normality and harmony between diverse sexual orientations. Surprisingly, I personally feel like the heterosexual couples were far more entertaining to watch. Why? Because they were fleshed out nicely and we got to have a full picture of their story with a beginning, a middle, and a solid conclusion.

- Acting: Lord have mercy. I mean, were they even trying? Everyone was pretty painful to watch, but the worst was definitely the female swimmer. It was staged-looking and predictable, incredible lack of chemistry, terrible dialogues, and more. If I have to be nice, I guess the two actors that did better were Apo's and Wan's.

-Production: This is from 2017 and I did not expect a lot from it, BUT Love Sick was older and looked better than this. Let's assume that the recording equipment was not of the best quality which caused things turning out looking quite cheap instead of believing the production team just straight up sucked.

The editing was decent at the beginning, but gradually became a mess the more we got into the story. Did they even try on the last two episodes? I doubt it. By the way, I am surprised at the lack of swimming from a story about swimming. I was expecting something similar to Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, but got not even a shadow of that.

Sis, this show has everything: questionable cast, questionable acting, questionable writing, questionable fashion (that actually works), questionable sexual orientation, questionable fandom, just questions all over the place. I do not recommend watching this, but watch the movie, though! It was pretty decent.

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Oxygen: The Series
A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 21, 2021
13 of 13 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 3.0
Historia 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Música 2.0
Volver a ver 1.0

After careful consideration I've decided that... no.

I feel like I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

Long story short, this was questionably good. But the line that divides good from bad is extremely thin with this one, almost invisible.

Boring. If I could describe it using food, it would be a soda cracker... because it's bland and tasteless. There's literally nothing here that I could find entertaining in the slightest. The episodes were slow paced, there were plenty of plot holes that left me confused, unanswered questions, and lack of organization.
First time in my gay life that I see a BL were everybody else had to carry the story because the mains were completely irrelevant. Like, what were they even doing here? And even though I see potential, I still think that even if you fixed it, it would still be boring.

Ugh. I mean UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH with these leads!

- Solo/Gui: They were so dry I felt like I was in the desert. The biggest problem here was whoever the hell was playing Solo. Extremely monotone and forced. His character was socially awkward, but he took it to the next level. Now, there were some moments were he was genuinely funny and relatable but, unfortunately, I can only count those with one hand. Gui's actor was better, but there was so much disconnection between both characters. It's like two strangers suddenly met and began a relationship without knowing anything about the other... wait... that's EXACTLY what happened here. There's no flavor in this relationship.

- Kao/Pu: *insert angel chorus* the saviors! If it weren't for them I wouldn't have stayed until the end. They were a very basic couple with predictable reactions to predictable moments, but holy crap how much light the brought into this drama. They had a nice story going on and, luckily, both actors actually did a great job. If you guys think about it, they were a mirrored image of the main couple, but done right. If there's ever a season two (which I hope not, to be honest), they should bring them as the leads and completely remove the mains.

- Kim/Petch: Love them! Definitely on the same page as Kao/Pu. If it weren't for their funny, complicated, and crazy relationship, this drama wouldn't have survived in my eyes. Funny how a heterosexual relationship had better screen time than the supposed mains of a BL.

- Perth: Honorable mention because he is so my type of guy. He was a good actor too, although I am not a big fan of how his story ended. It's like the writers tried too force something that didn't even look good. Like I said, baseless plot holes that are unnecessary.

First of all, can we talk about the opening sequence? Mama all the budget went there. It was such a high quality edition that I couldn't bring myself to skip it because whoever edited it deserved the attention. Good job, sis! The rest of the drama was... in lack of better words... messy. There were things here and there that could have been changed or just completely removed. The lack of a coherent story made the editing go all over the place sometimes.

Girl, this show has everything: questionable leads, questionable relationship, questionable story line, manipulative relationships, and relationships that deserved the main roles. Honestly, I do not recommend it, but it isn't too bad to not give it a try. I mean, it's not Tossara levels of bad that I can't even think about it. It's so so.

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A Tale of a Thousand Stars
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 12, 2022
10 of 10 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 10

She came, she saw, she conquered.


I've been in this Thai BL drama world for a little over four years (as of the writing of this review) and it's a little sad to come to the realization that, after all this time and all of these dramas, I can only count the good ones with one hand. This one, fortunately, is on that list. This is what happens when quality triumphs over quantity. That's the best description I can give to someone about "A Tale of Thousand Stars."

Captivating. It did have a very slow start, but things gradually ran at a better pace once the main story began unfolding and pieces were falling into place. My favorite part is that it feels like a coming-of-age story without the usual coming-of-age tropes. There's this sense of leaving an era, a part of who you were behind and taking those hard steps towards the future as you self-discover, learn, and eventually grow as a human being.
I was so relieved that this wasn't set at an university because that trope is so beyond tired already. This setting was actually one of my favorites we have had because there's just something so tranquilizing about rural Thailand that makes me feel at ease, and it helped set the tone for the whole series. Showing the hardships of living in poor conditions and the constant hard work of the residents became an allegory for the main's self-discovery.
Now, something that really struck me in the right way was how subtle the relationship between the two mains was. It was not an on-your-face type of BL, but you can tell that the writers wanted the plot to be the main focus of this story and the romance a nice extra to add a little extra flavor to it. Excellent work.

There are ups and downs. Luckily, there are more ups and very few downs.

-Tian: I don't think he did a bad job, but we had some moments in which his acting was just plain. There were lack of facial expressions at certain scenes where those were very necessary to express the required feelings successfully. However, for the most part, he understood the assignment. I specially loved Mix's acting on the last couple of episodes because his emotions were raw and came at the right level of intensity to not overpower the scene. Very balanced.

-Phupha: You know what, I have my fair share of dislike towards this actor. Earth was just born with this fucking facial expression that makes him look like he hates being there and I always thought he never looked good with any other actor he was paired with. That being said, I have to admit this is his best role and truly the only work of his that I genuinely enjoyed. I believed he was Phupha and that is the main goal of every actor out there, so props to you for finally finding your role. There were some scenes that looked quite "staged," but he did a good job overall. I mean, those last episodes were some of the best episodes I have ever seen from a BL.

~Direction and Writing:
One of the bests out there. I mean, the vision was so strong from the very first episode that it easily captivates the viewer. The pacing was nice and fluid. Flashbacks were perfectly placed revealing only the necessary little by little. Editing was consistently good. Honestly, I could just go on for hours about how well made this drama was, but I don't wanna take much of your time that you can be spending watching the drama instead.

Sis, this show has everything: Life and death, love that can't be requited, self-discovery, crime and justice, hard nipples, promises, wishes, longings, and so much more. Are you hungry for some good drama? Look no more cuz she is the moment. I one hundred percent recommend it.

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
EL Escritor Encantador
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 19, 2021
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 10

Ah, yes, quality content.

It was a pleasant surprise, to be honest. I've seen so many dramas already that I'm kind of used to (and a little tired of) seeing the same tropes repeating over and over again, so you can imagine how my mood took a turn for the better once I noticed that the story was opening up to new content. One in every twenty dramas turns out really good!

You know what? I watched this right after TharnType 2 and, honestly, anything you watch after that mess is going to look glorious in comparison. But I promise I am not being bias here. I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart think this drama was a very much needed change in the BL genre and I'm very content with it.

Captivating. You got me hooked up once you showed me this wasn't going to be set at an university, so that's a good start. Some of the characters were still studying, but the story itself didn't touch upon that side of their lives. The biggest highlight about it is how realistic and relatable it felt compared to what you may be used to. Either the author/writers had personal experience, or they did their homework very well because this is, to me, the most relatable series so far. We had plot twists that left me shook and a triggering reality that I never understood why people make such a fuss about it. Why do people get so mad to the point of making a scandal when an idol is confirmed to be in a relationship? Probably one of the pettiest things to be upset about and my gay ass will never make an effort to understand people like this because they are not worth anyone's time.

By the way, whatever the hell drama they were recording within the drama was terrible. One part of me thinks the author was trying to make fun of all those dramas that are the same damn thing and, if that's the case, I love her. Get them, Jade!

What is this? Professionalism!? IN THIS ECONOMY!? The audacity!

I always wonder: if you can find actors this good, why do some dramas hire such horrible ones? Make it make sense! Let's go through the main cast, though:

~Gene/Nubsib: From the promo image, I knew Kao was going to do a good job. His performance in Until We Meet Again was pretty damn good and, even though I was left traumatized back then, he didn't disappoint me in the slightest. Up was also very good. A little too much some times, but he didn't let down. The chemistry was excellent between them.
The only time when I felt it was too much is on the episode he got really angry. It was a very petty reason that didn't require such level of anger, to be honest. I think the feelings would have been expressed better if he had just straight up punch Gene.

~Aey: I. LOVE. THIS. ASSHOLE. SO. DAMN. MUCH! This character was so well written and with a solid personality that you could tell exactly what type of guy he was going to be. Bruce did a very good job, specially with his facial expressions that unveiled more about the inner emotions of Aey. There were some things here and there that were missing, like, we needed to have a little bit more of his story to figure out why he did certain actions. For example, I had no clue what were his intentions with the livestream scene.
The episode with the family dinner was so good. I just love how good this drama was at building tension and then making it explode. Props to the director.
I related the most with him because, I mean, I am this character. I already saw my future and I can't complain because I probably deserve it hahahaha!

~Tiffy: Honorable mention because she's so unbelievably beautiful. I love a character that's unique and she definitely was something that you don't usually see often.

~The author: Girl, i just knew it as soon as I saw her. It was probably the most wholesome moment in the series and for some reason I was so close to crying. First of all, she's absolutely adorable and there's just something about her looking at her babies from across the room that felt so touching. I can only imagine the pride one could feel by seeing your characters that you spent so much time working on being brought to life by two amazing actors.

~Editing and Pacing:
I am not a big fan of hour-long episodes, but this one is an exception. Some things were dragged for a little too long and that is the biggest downside of this drama. The editing was good and consistent making the story flow nicely and even. I do wish, though, that they didn't focused on their past on just one episode. I would've preferred if we had bits and pieces through the episodes and then connect those with the moment, but that's just a preference of mine.

Mama this show has everything: Good plot, excellent cast, plot twists, trips to the past, truths and lies, male titties, dat bitch, absolutely horrible haircuts, petty scandals by petty fandom, brushing your teeth without wetting the paste first. I mean, what else could you want? I highly recommend this drama, specially if it's your first time or if you're bored by the copy paste that most BL dramas are lately. This one is genuinely so good.

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Love Stage!!
A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 26, 2021
Visto 0
Global 1.5
Historia 4.5
Acting/Cast 2.5
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 2.0


Girl what the hell. One part of my brain is absolutely hating this, but the other part is thinking "I have seen worse" trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. But I am NOT gonna give it to it!

First of all, I wasn't originally a fan of the anime and manga due the sexual assault situation, but I do admit that there were things about the anime that I really liked how they were portrayed. This movie destroyed ALL OF IT and I was left quite disappointed and upset.

My favorite part about the anime was the commercial. I loved the drama, I loved the momentum, I loved the expectation, and I loved the magic of it all. I still remember clearly Izumi bursting through the chapel's doors to meet his groom; It was such a shoujo manga worthy scene that truly made it a highlight of the anime for me. Well, bitch, that was not the case here. Every single thing about this movie was so shallow and empty of all types of emotion. It was truly a disappointment.

We were quickly glossing over "important" moments from the story, leaving with little to no time to grow fond of any of the characters or scenes.

The acting was questionable. And I'm being nice here, okay? To be honest, I have seen way worse. Japan has a weird way of making comedy series and the acting has always been quite cringey on those that seem to be based off of manga. The acting on this one seems to be on the better side, in my opinion. Still messy as fuck, not gonna lie, but better. I did find it a little more natural while in other live actions it usually looks like that lady from Avatar the Last Airbender that always goes "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" with the creepy dead smile.

The pacing was pretty bad too, like, they cut so much out from the story that everything feels like it happens in the span of two days.

Sis, this show has everything: terrible cast, terrible editing, terrible acting, questionable fashion choices, lack of emotion, sexual assault, and so much more for your displeasure. I do not recommend watching this, and I also don't recommend watching the anime due to attempts of sexual assault and actual sexual assault... well, maybe watch the first couple of episodes just for the commercial. The only thing that I liked.

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
TharnType Special
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 9, 2020
1 of 1 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

A ray of light within this terrible story.

You know what? This one was actually good.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue watching this series after how terrible the main story was, but someone told me this special was the most passable part of this show so I gave it a go and they were totally right. Honestly, if the show had gone through this lighthearted comedy but a little dramatic path, everything would have been so much better and enjoyable.

If I were to write this story I would have focused on Type coming into terms with his dark past and develop him into a mature and more understanding character. This could have been a story of self-discovery, with a beautiful message to help you move forward and learn how to let go of those things that haunt you (specially if you happen to be a victim of sexual assault), but well. It is what it is. And it is NOT good. Don't watch it.

Going back to this special, I was happy that we had an entire episode dedicated to parents. For a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community parents play an important role in their own acceptance, and even though some parents are on defense at first, they also learn how to accept and love their children for who they are. I think Type's parents really represented that side of being LGBTQ+ surprisingly well and more realistically than Tharn's! One scene that stuck with me even days after watching the episode was when Type's mother tells him something along the lines of: "do I agree with this relationship? No but, do I want to see you sad? I don't, so I'll love you regardless of your decision." She didn't exactly say it with those words, but you know what I mean. I think this was the most realistic answer I have heard from a parent on a BL series and it was pretty damn emotional despite the comedy stuff we had afterwards.

I would prefer to have Type's parents above Tharn's at any given moment. I don't know if you noticed but his family was always acting like the families on tv ads that pretend to be so happy and wholesome that just feels completely fake. I wouldn't trust them AT ALL. They kinda look like the Cullen family from Twilight pretending to be normal humans. Too damn staged.

Now I was pissed when the best friend told Type that he should not apologize for anything. I mean, EXCUSE ME?! Type needs to apologize for A LOT of things, sweetie, let's get that apology video for being an abusive and unreasonable asshole.

All in all, this is the only episode of this series that's worth your time. The pacing, the writing, and the acting were really good and cohesive compared with the main story.

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En of Love: Love Mechanics
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 26, 2020
4 of 4 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 5.5
Volver a ver 8.5

The best one

I do believe I watched them in the wrong order because I should have seen this one before "This Is Love Story," but whatever. Truth is, as long as you watch "TOSSARA" first, it doesn't really matter in what order you watch the next two.

First of all, wow. I left the BEST for last and I am genuinely glad I did. "Love Mechanics" was truly a great work compared with its other two parts, but due to the fact that the story was comprised in only four episodes, there was a lack of... well... a lot of things. Overall though, the writing and acting made this one stand out from the others.

The story was simple and nothing really too complicated to process. It's your typical "we met, we got a thing going on, we messed up, and we reconciled." Simple enough, right? But not bad. I feel like I have seen the types of characters shown in this drama before, so nothing felt "bad" but it definitely wasn't memorable. That being said, I do have to give credit were credit is due:

The acting was very good and felt very natural. After watching the other two, I was very pleased to see a couple that actually looked like they love each other. I'm always on defense of having straight men playing gay roles because there is an invisible wall in between them that makes their acting a little awkward whenever they have a romantic scene, but this wasn't the case this time. Their interaction was pleasing to the eye and drew me closer to the story.

The writing was pretty decent. A drama would usually have episodes that are around forty minutes long minimum; however, this one ran for around thirty minutes and it is a shame. Even though the story was understandable and had a good pacing, it did feel like some things were being left out in some parts due to the lack of time. A good example will be the reconciliation; I was expecting to see how they would forgive and move on, but we completely skipped that moment and were sent to the next day with the couple going full gay force again. Honestly, how dare you, Karen? Make the episodes a little longer! Don't be scared of making it run for a few more minutes.

Overall, this was an enjoyable little series and it is the ONLY one I would like to rewatch in the future.
I'm definitely supporting these actors on their future works!

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TharnType 2 Special 2
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 16, 2021
1 of 1 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 1.0
Historia 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 1.0


I just have a terrible need of rudely laughing in the face of everyone who paid money to watch this movie. Mama you been scammed in the most ridiculous way possible hahahaha! It's just so funny that after seeing how messy, poorly written, and lazily performed by the cast this drama was, people still went and wasted their good money on this hahahaha! Such a joke sis!

I mean, what can I say that hasn't been said already? Oh, yes... GARBAGE.

You know when you do well on something and get so confident on yourself, but accidentally end up messing it all up when you do it again due to it? That's exactly what seems to be happening here. Season 1, despite being absolutely disgusting and depraved, had very good writing and most of the main actors were good portraying their roles. Season 2 and this movie were the opposite of that. So unprofessional to the point that it doesn't feel like a serious project. Everyone including the staff is doing the bare minimum and it reflects on the final work. Extremely disappointed coming from a very popular series (for the wrong reasons).

To be honest, this was a cash grab with your favorite actors used as bait and you (if you paid) fell for it like an idiot. Sorry not sorry for the word used.

There's not much to say that hasn't been said by others here. If I have to be nice, which I do not want to be, I guess I could say that the thing I liked the most was the wedding's color palette. I like autumn and the warm-toned suits were really cute. Specially on the cocoa couple. Gosh, give those two their own drama.

Everything else just sucked. Tharn's brother's wedding had more momentum and budget than theirs, how funny.

All in all, don't watch this. You know what I would genuinely recommend watching from this series, though? The special episode from season 1. That was good, sis. Everything else is truly not worthy.

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I'm Tee Me Too
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 20, 2021
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 9.0

Can you let a sis have a season 2?

I came across this drama by pure accident, honestly. It appeared on my recommended list and I watched it because it was a short one; didn't even know it wasn't a BL, so my gay a$$ was expecting someone to kiss throughout the whole thing. I'm not even disappointed because this was great!

Let me begin saying that I really enjoyed these short thirty to thirty-five minutes long episodes way more than dramas with hour-long episodes. The pacing was so much better and consistent than longer dramas that drag out unimportant things for way too long making it a hassle sometimes to sit through for one hour. Tee was short and sweet, that's the best way of describing it. Although the story was a little predictable and kind of cliche, the actors made it fun to watch. Let me tell you something: as soon as T-Rex picked up that photo from the closet on episode 2(?), I knew EXACTLY how this was gonna end. Still good, though.

The spotlight of this drama truly goes to the actors. The chemistry was so good and believable that you might as well think they are very good friends in real life. I only know two of the six actors, but I just found out the other four have also made their way into the BL genre before, so I'll be checking them out as well. Let's talk about each actor, though:

Watee: You know? I don't wanna sound like one of those fifteen years old girls obsessed with gay shit, but HOLY CRAP THIS GUY IS SO HANDSOME! *Cut to me drooling over a straight guy for the entire series* He's a dream come true. Watee was the actual main character of the series and I really enjoyed Krist's performance a lot. His acting and how he managed to play a role that gradually opened his heart to his friends from absolute darkness were beautiful. If you allow me to be picky, though, I wish he wasn't wearing an earring. I know it sounds weird, but I didn't think that a character who was forced to grow up and face reality should be wearing an earring. Just an opinion.

Maitee: Kind of an irrelevant character, don't you think? It felt like he acted Watee's story before his mother's *****, so the role didn't feel original. I don't know but it was kind of like watching a child acting, this actor didn't give me maturity at all.

Maetee: A character to look forward too. Honestly, Off went all out with this role and I am happy to see it paid off. He was the biggest personality here giving you a good variety of emotions and moments that stood out from the rest. Wasn't his biggest fan on "Theory of Love," but I loved him here.

T-Rex: This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't even know what was this character doing here in the first place. He was very plain and there wasn't a clear personality to put him into. I assume the writers wanted him to be the mysterious role, but it didn't translate well. He may as well be part of the furniture, that's how plain it felt to me. Gun doesn't express any type of emotion on his face and voice, so it truly felt like he was dead inside.

Teedo: Probably the most eccentric character I saw. I mean, it was a brave choice to put a character like him on this series, but somehow it fit with everyone else. Not one I was looking forward too, but also he wasn't a terrible one to watch. Maaaaaybe a little cringey, but everyone has their taste.

Teedet: PLEASE LET ME HAVE THIS GUY'S BABIES, OH MY GOD! I don't even have an uterus, but I would like one just for him. He's exactly my type of guy and it was so distracting! I don't wanna sound bias, but he was my favorite character too. His story was fleshed out very well and New felt so natural playing this role. Teedet's episode is the most wholesome moment of the whole series and I just wanna get those cookies.

Sis, this shows has literally EVERYTHING: great cast, comedy, drama, punches, puppies, hot dudes, fanservice, pubes, questionable fashion choices. I mean, what else do you want? Totally worth a watch if you're looking for a lighthearted show with a good message at the end.

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
Vida: Amor en la línea
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 18, 2020
4 of 4 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 8.0

Why are all the good dramas the shortest ones?

I am grateful and relieved that Japanese dramas and live actions have shown a considerable improvement in terms of acting lately.

Disclaimer: My thoughts are from someone who hasn't read the manga.

This may be a short one, but it was one of the best written BL dramas I've seen coming out from Japan. There isn't anything that I could call memorable, but you know what? I ain't even mad about it because this story didn't need anything memorable. It is a simple, yet beautiful journey through the life of two men who happen to fall in love with each other.

I enjoyed seeing how homosexuality was portrayed in the story; it felt more natural, more "real," and not over the top like some other dramas try to shove on your face sometimes. The best part was showing the ups and downs of being in a gay relationship in Japan, but represented in a way that many of us in other countries can relate to.

All in all, this is a drama worth adding to your must watch list. The story and its characters will touch your heart enough to make you want to rewatch it.

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Great Men Academy
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 18, 2020
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 10

The first one that makes me crave for more episodes.

This is the most Japanese I've seen a Thai drama get. Do you wanna know why I knew it wasn't Japanese, though? Because the actors know how to act!

Now let me begin asking the real question. This was an "elephant in the room" kinda situation for me, but here we go anyway: Is it really a BL if Love is a girl the whole time despite the body change?
To be honest with you, it isn't to me. Why? Because there's no moment in the story were Love (male) tries to act like a man. The girl always shone through his character completely overshadowing his masculine self. But this is just my opinion; it's fine if you see it as a BL.

This is the most expensive looking Thai "BL" drama I've seen so far; I mean, the production value really went up with this one. From episode one we were submerged in this beautiful fantasy world that felt like it came out of a Japanese shoujo manga. It was marvelous. I enjoy a show that focuses on details: the school, the uniforms, the dorms, the environment, and even the students had an attractive appeal to them.

The writers and the director really missed a big opportunity to milk the story, though. Because the story had a focus on the daily lives of the students, the writers could have added at least ten extra episodes of filler between episodes and it would have been just as great. There were parts of the story and characters that deserved to be fleshed out more, so extra episodes focusing on their perspective of the plot would've made viewers connect more with them. Despite that, the 8 episodes available were very well written. Not even once I felt like the pacing was rushed or that it was poorly edited.

Someone PLEASE give James (male Love) an award!!! I finally found my favorite actor from a Thai BL and I could talk about his acting for hours, but let me summarize it for you. For a straight guy, no actor has been able to portray "female" as good as he did and it shows. I had problems seeing the connection between Shane and Rose because even though both are great actors by themselves, they never matched in terms of personality. However, that was not the case for Love (male and female actors). James got this role down to the teeth and it was a very natural performance from him. The cute feminine mannerisms, his speech, and his facial expressions made me question his sexuality for a second because it was exactly the acting that I expected for this type of character.

Ice was also a good actor. I enjoy those characters that give you a little bit of both, the good guy and also the antagonist, and he did not disappoint. Many people have trouble liking this type of character, but I really liked his performance as Vier.

Jaylerr became one of my favorite actors and I look forward to seeing more of him in dramas. Specially BL. He's got it going on to play these roles.

Overall this was an excellent drama and worthy of a rewatch. The story is captivating and the actors bring fresh personalities to enjoy. Honestly, we need a season two!

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