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Last active September 19, 2024 15:17
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Postgres is Enough

PostgreSQL is Enough

Background and Cron Jobs

Message Queues


Audit Logs

Access Control & Authorization


Time Series

Column Oriented


Graph Data

Foreign Data

Alternative Query Langauges



Events, Replication, CDC,


Unit Tests

HTML and Applications

Graphics / Visual


Performance Tuning


Dashboards / UIs

Data Visualization

Package Management

Language Servers

In-Browser & WASM


What's missing? Please share in the comments.

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cpursley commented Feb 6, 2024

@ralyodio I don't know surrealdb - can you sum up its capabilities?

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dr-jts commented Feb 6, 2024

For rendering SVG look at pgSVG.

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Within "Dashboards / UIs", it would be great to mention Mathesar — a web based interface specifically tailored for PostgreSQL.

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Advanced Scheduler (cron) pg_timetable

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How about a multimaster cluster where i can upgrade postgres version in rolling node by node upgrades and not resort to ancient methods? How about having a cluster of postgresql machines where i can add/remove nodes, add nodes with new versions and upgrade the whole cluster without downtime? How come mongodb and elastic can do that. Cockroachdb and Yugabyte can do that. But with the classic postgresql I'm back in stone age. Yes some 3rd party clustering methods exist there but they are all s..t on a stick kind of solutions, not proper ones. Not the ones where i could say "hey shard that table into 16 shards for me and have parity over 3 nodes, let me command the shards off a node that i want to maintain".

Don't get me wrong, i have used postgresql for 18 years by now. I love a big bunch of what i can do with it. But managing a high-avialability setup just makes devops cry.

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jherazob commented Feb 7, 2024

Something missing that at least right now i feel should NOT be in Postgres is secrets management

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cpursley commented Feb 7, 2024

@jherazob what are you thoughts on this approach?: Supabase Vault

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cpursley commented Feb 7, 2024

Cockroachdb and Yugabyte can do that

@kulminaator I think you answered your own question; these are pg wire compatible. There's also Citus.

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jherazob commented Feb 8, 2024

@jherazob what are you thoughts on this approach?: Supabase Vault

I'm only vaguely aware of the existence of Supabase and have never really evaluated it before, so will have to give it a good look before forming an opinion, gut feeling still tells me that secrets on the DB is probably not good but i have to analyze their approach to give it a fair assessment

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arjunlol commented Feb 9, 2024

@cpursley something that can be added to Audit Logs:

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StephanSchmidt commented Feb 9, 2024

Great! That this idea is getting traction :-)

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kenfar commented Feb 12, 2024

This is missing data warehousing, reporting and analytics.

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@kenfar Any suggestions for those?

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LrWm3 commented Feb 12, 2024

@cpursley @kenfar its deprecated but technically tobs can be salveged for this purpose:

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kenfar commented Feb 12, 2024

@cpursley - no product is needed, just the right features:

  • partitioning
  • query parallelism
  • dimensional model (rather than say one-big-table)
  • pre-computed aggregate tables for common queries
  • appropriate hardware (sufficient memory, cpu, maybe very fast IO)

This is missing an MPP configuration (data distributed across multiple servers working together on queries), and columnar structures. But, those aren't absolutely essential.

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mjf commented Feb 13, 2024

My Postgres collection, perhaps you'd like to use some of the items as well. Here is my list of Postgres blogs worth visiting regularly.

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cpursley commented Feb 13, 2024

These are great @mjf, thanks! I added a link under miscellaneous.

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brianheineman commented Feb 14, 2024

I've recently put together the Rust crate postgresql-embedded that will allow you to embed PostgreSQL into an executable for use in environments where downloading the installation may not be an option.

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I have been using for a while on production to handle migrations with Postgres it works perfectly.

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docwhat commented May 21, 2024 for purely GraphQL API goodness?

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For analytics:

pg_lakehouse (by ParadeDB): -- Fast analytics from Postgres over local Parquet files, data lakes (S3, GCS, etc.), and lakehouses (Delta Lake, Iceberg)

pg_analytics (by ParadeDB): -- Columnar storage in Postgres for fast analytics inside Postgres tables

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AdnanSoftic commented Jul 11, 2024

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Mdkar commented Jul 16, 2024

Not sure if it’s any good, but PostgresML claims to do RAG infra (for use with LLMs and chat bots).

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Amazing list, very helpful.

Scaling section can be improved further.

Connection Pools and Load balancers: (similar to Supavisor added by you)

Citus can be under scaling as well due to sharding capability.

I am not sure below Postgres derivatives can be part of the list as they are not open source but they are part of Postgres compatible scaling solutions.
Distributed Postgres flavors:
Multi-master Postgres derivatives for scaling :
EDB Postgres-distributed

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CC-Hsu commented Jul 25, 2024

I'd like to know how postgres can join to the blockchain world since this is a less discussed topic.

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