I build a responsive TodoList webApp that :
- have a switch theme (light mode and dark mode)
- Save all your data in your localStorage (all data saved automatically)
- Both laptop and mobile, you can drag and drop your tasks to reorder them depend on their priority
- add/delete your tasks and filter what you want to see by click "all/active/complete" button
- because most of TodoList app that you will see have just the 4th feature that i mentioned on the project description 👆, and I add top of it the 1t,2d,3rd feature :)
- CSS3 - CUBE-css metholodogy - BEM-css naming - Flex-box...
- JavaScript (ES6++)
- Git
- you can see where I found the design source by clicking this link: https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges/todo-app-Su1_KokOW