This is a solution to the Single price grid component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
The challenge was to build a responsive layout to show a single price grid component and get the design to look as close as possible to the provided design images.
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- Created semantic HTML first
- Created CSS selectors to:
- create custom variables to contain the various colours, font sizes font weights used in the design
- used a CSS reset
- layout the design using Grid and Flexbox
- style the various elements
- added in
styling for accessibility purposes - create a different width layout for mobile version turning the component into a single grid column
- Semantic HTML markup
- CSS custom properties
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Desktop-first workflow (responsive design)
- Google Font
I didn't learn anything new on this project, but did gain some extra practice with using a grid layout. From a blog post I read, using the 62.5% trick isn't ideal, so I redid my CSS to remove that particular CSS trick and use CSS variables to hold the values of appropriate font sizes in rems.
Create more designs that have a more complicated grid layout, to gain extra practice using CSS grid.
- Google Fonts - The font used in this design was Karla.
- Josh W Comeau Blog - A blog post discussing accessibility regarding px, em, rem and the 62.5% trick.
- Frontend Mentor - @VTickner