- Ejemplo - Example http://statsrust.atwebpages.com
Pagina de Estadisticas de Rust compatible con php 8.0
- Mysql Server
- Apache Server
- Rust Server
- Oxide Rust
- 1 Instale su servidor Mysql y Apache le Recomiento Xampp https://www.apachefriends.org/es/download.html
- 2 Descarge e Instale Oxide en su Servidor de Rust https://umod.org/download
- 3 Cree una base de datos en su mysql llamada rust
- 4 Inicie su servidor de rust e instale los plugins PlayerDatabase y StatisticsDB
- Su Archivo de Configuración de PlayerDatabase debe quedar de la siguiente manera
"Data Type : 0 (Files) or 1 (SQLite) or 2 (MySQL)": 2,
"MySQL - Database Name": "rust",
"MySQL - Host": "localhost",
"MySQL - Password": "",
"MySQL - Port": 3306,
"MySQL - Username": "root",
"MySQL/SQLite - Database Table Name": "PlayerDatabase",
"SQLite - Database Name": "playerdatabase.db"
- 5 Su Archivo de Configuración de StatisticsDB debe quedar de la siguiente Manera
"Debug": true,
"Inactive Entry Lifetime": 259200,
"Collect Joins": true,
"Collect Leaves": true,
"Collect Kills": true,
"Collect Deaths": true,
"Collect Suicides": true,
"Collect Shots": true,
"Collect Headshots": true,
"Collect Experiments": true,
"Collect Recoveries": true,
"Collect Voice Bytes": true,
"Collect Wounded Times": true,
"Collect Crafted Items": true,
"Collect Repaired Items": true,
"Collect Lift Usages": true,
"Collect Wheel Spins": true,
"Collect Hammer Hits": true,
"Collect Explosives Thrown": true,
"Collect Weapon Reloads": true,
"Collect Rockets Launched": true,
"Collect Collectible Pickups": true,
"Collect Plant Pickups": true,
"Collect Gathered": true
- 6 Edite el archivo en la siguiente dirección application/config/config.php en la linea 28 ponga la dirección de su pagina ejem
$config['base_url'] = "http://estadisticasrust.com/";
- 7 Edite el archivo en la siguiente dirección application/views/navbar.php y en la linea 2 ponga los datos de su servidor
- 8 Disfrute de su Pagina
Rust Statistics page compatible with php 8.0
- Mysql Server
- Apache Server
- Rust Server
- Oxide Rust
- 1 Install your Mysql server and Apache I recommend Xampp https://www.apachefriends.org/es/download.html
- 2 Download and Install Oxide on your Rust Server https://umod.org/download
- 3 Create a database in your mysql called rust
- 4 Start your rust server and install the PlayerDatabase and StatisticsDB plugins
- Your PlayerDatabase Configuration File should be as follows
"Data Type : 0 (Files) or 1 (SQLite) or 2 (MySQL)": 2,
"MySQL - Database Name": "rust",
"MySQL - Host": "localhost",
"MySQL - Password": "",
"MySQL - Port": 3306,
"MySQL - Username": "root",
"MySQL/SQLite - Database Table Name": "PlayerDatabase",
"SQLite - Database Name": "playerdatabase.db"
- 5 Your StatisticsDB Configuration File should be as follows
"Debug": true,
"Inactive Entry Lifetime": 259200,
"Collect Joins": true,
"Collect Leaves": true,
"Collect Kills": true,
"Collect Deaths": true,
"Collect Suicides": true,
"Collect Shots": true,
"Collect Headshots": true,
"Collect Experiments": true,
"Collect Recoveries": true,
"Collect Voice Bytes": true,
"Collect Wounded Times": true,
"Collect Crafted Items": true,
"Collect Repaired Items": true,
"Collect Lift Usages": true,
"Collect Wheel Spins": true,
"Collect Hammer Hits": true,
"Collect Explosives Thrown": true,
"Collect Weapon Reloads": true,
"Collect Rockets Launched": true,
"Collect Collectible Pickups": true,
"Collect Plant Pickups": true,
"Collect Gathered": true
- 6 Edit the file in the following address application / config / config.php in line 28 put the address of your page
$config['base_url'] = "http://estadisticasrust.com/";
- 7 Edit the file in the following address application / views / navbar.php and in line 2 put the data of your server
- 8 Enjoy your Page
- Discord https://discord.gg/r3RcQ8vb
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/whiteassassins/
- Twitter https://twitter.com/Christo95776133/