This is a small cross-platform utility for retrieving NCBI sequences in the FASTA format, given accession numbers, for copying to the clipboard.
To run in interactive mode:
...and just follow the prompts.
You can also run this program with various commandline options, which is handy if you want to use it as part of a script. To see the options available, type instead:
python -h
This utility requires Python 2.7 to run, and makes use of the NCBI eUtilities and Pyperclip. Tested on Windows 8.1, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and elementary OS Freya Beta 1.
This is my submission for Homework 1 for MCS 5603 Intro to Bioinformatics, Fall 2014 at Lawrence Technological University. Written in Python, and hosted on GitHub with Professor Miller's permission.