π A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
Awesome Jetpack Compose Android Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a Jetpack Compose suite of libraries.
π¨ Pattern
π Tech Stack/Libraries
π Contributing
Demo Rive Gauche
Tech Stack = Gradle kts, Startup, Retrofit, Firebase, Hilt, Compose, Accompanist, Lottie, Coil, Paging3, Room, Flow, Navigation
Non-official Library Genesis mobile client.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, ViewModel, Navigation, Room, Retrofit, Paging3, Compose
Implementation of the application using the latest Android Tech Stack and the GitHub REST API.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, Flow, ViewModel, Compose, Accompanist, Security, Serialization
Native Android wallpaper application written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Podcast App made with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, ExoPlayer, Navigation, DataStore ViewModel, Compose
Buzz, a Spelling bee App in Jetpack Compose. With 7 letters displayed in hexagonal cells, the App's concept is to spell the greatest number of words correctly.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, OkHttp, Room, SQLDelight, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
This is unofficial android app for taiga.io (agile project management system) built with Jetpack Compose (brand new UI toolkit from Google).
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, ViewModel, Compose
Countdown Timer in Jetpack Compose for #AndroidDevChallenge.
Tech Stack = LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Delish, a Food Recipe App in Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Java Faker, Kotshi, Compose
Simple timer app inspired by Newton's Cradle. Created in Jetpack Compose for #AndroidDevChallenge.
Tech Stack = ViewModel, Compose
A Breaking Bad app built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Navigation, Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, Retrofit, Room, ViewModel, Accompanist, Compose
Spotify/Gaana/Youtube Music Downloader For Android!
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, Retrofit, Room, FFMPEG, LiveData, ViewModel, Accompanist, Compose
A reddit client built for android
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Accompanist, Compose
The Official App for DroidKaigi 2021
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines & Flows, DataStore, ViewModel, LiveData, Navigation, Browser, Accompanist, Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose
Facebook Timeline in Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = ViewModel, Accompanist Coil Image, Compose
A McDonaldβs app built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel, Jetpack Compose, Jetpack Compose Navigation
Minimise is an app for Android & iOS. It's purpose is to help us think more about the purchases we make and rediscover the things that we own.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Apollo, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Compose Academy Playground is a free resource that provides snippets and practical samples on how to use Jetpack Compose for the Android platform.
Tech Stack = Compose
π NotyKT is a complete πKotlin-stack (Backend + Android) π± application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementationπ¦Έ.
Tech Stack = Backend - Ktor, PostgreSQL; Android = Coroutines, Flow, Navigation Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel, Room DB, DataStore, Jetpack Security, WorkManager, Dagger Hilt DI, Jetpack Compose, Jetpack Compose Navigation, Material UI, Retrofit, Moshi.
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, SQLDelight, Accompanist, ViewModel, Compose
An Android Application written using latest Android Jetpack components and best practices, which displays trending movies/TV shows and cast, user can search movies and TV shows and also add them to watchlist.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
GitReposCompose is an Android application π± for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app uses Github public API for fetching public repositories.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Yet another Hacker News App is an Android app built using Jetpack Compose. Focus is on privacy, simplicity and performance.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, JSoup, kotlinx.serialization, Ktor, ViewModel, Compose
This is a project built using Jetpack Compose on UI, Clean architecture, Dagger Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Components etc.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
π§Έ A demo Disney app using Jetpack Compose and Dagger-Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, App Startup, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, Paging, Browser, Dropbox Store, Insetter, GravitySnapHelper, ThreeTenABP, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
JetHub is a sample app using Github API and Jetpack components.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Accompanist, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Jetpack Compose UI components examples
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Firestore, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
All must have libraries in the android app are available here. you can get started with directly writing features with this.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Retrofit, WorkManager, LiveData ViewModel, Compose
Hacker Newsreader for Android, written in Compose
Tech Stack = Dagger, Testing, Coroutines, Retrofit, JSoup, Assisted Inject, ViewModel, Compose
Coffee Drinks is an Android application created for playing with the Jetpack Compose framework.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, ViewModel, Compose
Sample app for Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Room, Filament, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
An Android app for browsing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Browser, insetter, markwon, klock, chucker, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
An app which displays conferences from http://androidstudygroup.github.io/conferences/
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Room, JSoup, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
πββοΈ Open source English-language-learning application for Android πββοΈ
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, WorkManager, Navigation, Paging, Rainbow Cake, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Jetnews is a sample news reading app, built with Jetpack Compose. The goal of the sample is to showcase the current UI capabilities of Compose.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Jetchat is a sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A sample survey app that showcases text input, validation and UI state management in Compose.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Jetsnack is a sample snack ordering app built with Compose.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Navigation, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A sample podcast app that features a full-featured, Redux-style architecture and showcases dynamic themes.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Room, OkHttp, Rome, Navigation, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A Compose implementation of the Rally Material study, a financial app that focuses on data, charts, reusability, and animations.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A Compose implementation of the Crane Material study, a travel app that uses Material Design components and Material Theming to create a personalized, on-brand experience
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
A Compose implementation of the Owl Material study. The Owl brand uses bold color, shape, and typography to express its brand attributes: energy, daring, and fun.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Android Sunflower with Compose. This branch has Sunflower partially built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Testing, Coroutines, Room, WorkManager, Accompanist, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
News App built with JetPack Compose
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel, Accompanist, Compose
ShoppingList is a sample project that presents a way of implementing UI components with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Ambient, Coroutines, Testing, Klint, Koin, Room, Livedata, Viewmodel, Lifecycle Components, Compose
JetMessenger is a Facebook Messenger clone built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack - Coroutines, Retrofit, Accompanist, ViewModel, Compose
- Compose Notes is a simple notes app built with Jetpack Compose.
- Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Room, Hilt, ViewModel, Lifecycle components, Compose
Teamscope is a form building and filling application built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack - Firestore, Firebase Auth, Navigation, ViewModel, Compose
A Jetpack compose android app based on Rick and Morty Graphql.
Tech Stack - Hilt/Koin(branch), Apollo graphql android, Paging, Coroutines, Navigation, ViewModel, CI(Detekt and Spotless)
It's a Spotify App made in Jetpack Compose having Spotify Android UI and functionality using Spotify SDK and web API.
Tech Stack - Coroutines, Retrofit, Accompanist, ViewModel, Compose, Hilt, Compose Navigation, Datastore, Spotify SDK
RocketXDelight is a native Android application built with modern libraries including Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Ktor, SqlDelight, Dagger Hilt, Coil, Scaffold, Accompanist, Compose Navigation
Rebound is a Beautiful and feature rich workout log app.
Tech Stack - Compose, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt, Compose Navigation, Room, DataStore, Flow, LiveData, ViewModel, Accompanist
JetDelivery is a sample food delivery app, built with Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Track the progress of anything in one place
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Room, workflow, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
πΌοΈ UhuruPhotos is an Android client for LibrePhotos written using the latest Android technologies, like Jetpack Compose, SQLDelight, Coroutines etc using an MVI architecture.
It borrows a lot of ideas from Google Photos and aims to become a full featured photo album replacement, including features like offline support, backup and sync etc.
A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Accompanist, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose
Collection of UIs and Animations built with Jetpack Compose for Android
Tech Stack = Compose
JetInstagram is an Instagram clone app built with Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, ExoPlayer, Accompanist, Compose
π JetQuotes is an Application built to Demonstrate the use of Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
Tech Stack = Kotlin, Compose, Jetpack Datastore, Flow, Coroutines
A Chrome T-Rex game in Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = Kotlin, Compose
A clone of Snapp, A ride-handling app using Jetpack Compose, Showcasing various usages of Google Maps, Animations, etc combined with Compose
Tech Stack = Google Maps, Compose
- Free novel reader.
- Tech Stack = Coroutine, Room, Ktor, Compose, Hilt, Multi-Module
Pokedex on Jetpack Compose. Single-Activity, no Fragments.
Tech Stack = RxJava, LiveData, Compose
An example project to demonstrate how to build WhatsApp UI using Jetpack Compose.
Tech Stack = Compose
TwitterCompose is an Android application π± for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
Tech Stack = Accompanist, Compose
A simple demo project to showcase the possibilities of Jetpack Compose
Tech Stack = Compose
- SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive.
- Newly designed loading animation make your app attractive.
- Blinking icon button for your hot-feature.
- Button with text, right and left icon.
- Different types of state makes it easy to manage button. (Idle, Loading, Success, Failure)
- Fully customized button (Corner radius, background, colors, animation speed etc.)
- Customize button loading animation with your logo and special animation effect.
- Compose, Accompanist, rome, RainbowCake, chucker, klock, Dropbox Store, Dagger, Koin, Kodein, Inorichi Injekt, Coroutines, Rx, Testing, Retrofit, Fuel, Room, Realm, Firebase Products, WorkManager, ExoPlayer, Paging, Navigation, Lottie, Zoomy, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, Algolia Search, Conductor, Call Control DataShare, libphonenumber-android, Mixpanel Android, Venom, FlowLayout, ARCore, GSYVideoPlayer, PermissionX, EventBus, Dynamicanimation, Google Drive, Dropbox, MPAndroidChart, Facebook Products, PayPal, Stripe, Easy Permissions, socketIO, Dexter, Tikxml, Markwon, Scarlet, Android-Permissions, RxPermissions, android-upload-service, PermissionsDispatcher, ShortcutBadger, ARouter, Sandwich, Calendar view, Biometric, Pretty Time, Markdown Processor, DiskLruCache, Duktape Android, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Data Binding
See contributing.md