Pay server - is the blockchain microservice which is working on It is used as unified API for other microservices to receive and send cryptocurrency.
State | Feature |
implemented | Unify payment API for BTC, LTC, DASH, ETH, BCH, and Lightning Network |
implemented | Report health statistics about internal state of synchronisation, fees, request delays, sent and received volume, amount of fees spent on payments |
not implemented | Payment re-try in case of failure |
not implemented | UTXO re-orginisation |
not implemented | Lightning Network channel re-balancing |
not implemented | Support of payments on HTLC addresses |
// CreateReceipt is used to create blockchain deposit address in
// case of blockchain media, and lightning network invoice in
// case of the lightning media, which will be used to receive money from
// external entity.
rpc CreateReceipt (CreateReceiptRequest) returns (CreateReceiptResponse);
// ValidateReceipt is used to validate receipt for given asset and media.
rpc ValidateReceipt (ValidateReceiptRequest) returns (EmptyResponse);
// Balance is used to determine balance.
rpc Balance (BalanceRequest) returns (BalanceResponse);
// EstimateFee estimates the fee of the payment.
rpc EstimateFee (EstimateFeeRequest) returns (EstimateFeeResponse);
// SendPayment sends payment to the given recipient,
// ensures in the validity of the receipt as well as the
// account has enough money for doing that.
rpc SendPayment (SendPaymentRequest) returns (Payment);
// PaymentByID is used to fetch the information about payment, by the
// given system payment id.
rpc PaymentByID (PaymentByIDRequest) returns (Payment);
// PaymentsByReceipt is used to fetch the information about payment, by the
// given receipt.
rpc PaymentsByReceipt (PaymentsByReceiptRequest) returns (PaymentsByReceiptResponse);
// ListPayments returnes list of payment which were registered by the
// system.
rpc ListPayments (ListPaymentsRequest) returns (ListPaymentsResponse);