Releases: codse/animata
Beta - new landing page.
What's Changed
- fix: sidebar logic to open collection by @hari in #128
- fix: remove isDev check by @hari in #129
- feat: add split text effect by @hari in #130
- docs: fix typo by @hari in #131
- docs: add edit page link by @hari in #132
- Update issue templates by @sudhashrestha in #135
- refactor: add necessary tailwind-config changes to the docs by @AadarshBaral in #136
- feat: create cursor tracker component by @hari in #137
- feat: update landing and link components by @hari in #138
- fix: responsive issue of grid by @hari in #139
- feat: add new buttons by @hari in #141
- feat: add GitHub cards by @hari in #142
- feat: create ai button by @hari in #143
- feat: add a swap-card component by @GrgSumin in #102
- feat: add hero section by @AadarshBaral in #107
- feat: add video-chat by @AashishKatila in #110
- feat: add a transition list component by @acharya-sanjaya in #111
- feat: add staggared letter animation by @morphhyy in #140
- docs: update by @hari in #144
- feat: define sitemap by @hari in #145
- chore(deps): bump ws from 8.17.0 to 8.18.0 by @dependabot in #146
- chore(deps): bump @grpc/grpc-js from 1.10.8 to 1.10.10 by @dependabot in #147
- fix: wrong path in docs by @hari in #148
- feat: add product features hero section by @hari in #149
- fix: update duration of product feature section by @hari in #150
- feat: add status button by @hari in #151
- fix: sitemap URL by @hari in #152
- fix: flickering issue by @hari in #155
- feat: create image trail component by @hari in #156
- fix: scroll sidebar into view if needed by @hari in #158
- feat: create animated beam component by @hari in #159
- fix: text color in light mode by @hari in #160
- feat: create interactive grid component by @hari in #161
- feat: improve scrolling behavior by @hari in #162
- feat: create animated trail border component by @hari in #163
- feat: create led board component by @hari in #164
- Update cycle-text.tsx by @Yug-Mistry in #165
- fix: resolve trailing image issue in gallery component by @Yug-Mistry in #167
- Update cursor-tracker.tsx by @Abdullah700 in #168
- add instruction to update tailwind.config.js with animation key by @onlyphantom in #169
- feat: improve props by @hari in #172
- fix: colors & skeleton by @hari in #173
- feat: update landing page by @hari in #174
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #146
- @Yug-Mistry made their first contribution in #165
- @Abdullah700 made their first contribution in #168
- @onlyphantom made their first contribution in #169
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0
Beta Launch 🚀
We are excited to announce the beta launch of Animata. Animata is a collection of components that you can use in your project.
It serves as both inspiration as well as a starting point for your project. You can use the components as they are or customize them to fit your project. Or simply study them to learn how they were created. If you are feeling adventurous, you can even contribute your own components to the collection.
We are still in the early stages of development, so we are looking for feedback from the community. If you have any suggestions or feedback you can let us know by email or by opening an issue.
We hope you enjoy using Animata as much as we enjoyed creating it. Thank you for your support!
Happy coding! 🚀
What's Changed
- Create a flip card animation by @morphhyy in #3
- Create a sliding button animation and toggle switch by @AadarshBaral in #1
- Create a blurry blob animation by @llaxmi in #4
- Create a animated card with 3d and hover effect by @AadarshBaral in #2
- Create a dynamic loading spinner by @morphhyy in #5
- Create a card that has tilting effect by @llaxmi in #6
- Create a photo booth template by @llaxmi in #7
- Ripple animation on an icon by @AashishKatila in #8
- Add glowing effect on card by @AashishKatila in #9
- Misc changes by @hari in #47
- Fix reponsiveness issues in landing page by @hari in #48
- Fix ui bug in the landing page in some ios devices by @AadarshBaral in #51
- Add darkmode toggle feature for both storybook and app by @morphhyy in #50
- Create a shining button by @acharya-sanjaya in #59
- Create a work with us button by @llaxmi in #57
- Create a expense-tracker widget by @GrgSumin in #44
- Create a widget for displaying battery percent by @acharya-sanjaya in #38
- Create a rectangular storage status widget by @acharya-sanjaya in #31
- Create a shift highting tabs by @morphhyy in #32
- Create a animated nav tabs by @morphhyy in #33
- Create a calorie counter by @AadarshBaral in #36
- Create a breaked donut chart by @acharya-sanjaya in #53
- Create a expense tracker by @GrgSumin in #62
- Improve wave reveal and config by @hari in #64
- Create a profile card widget by @llaxmi in #19
- Fix and Create blur stack card by @morphhyy in #70
- Clock widget with photo by @AashishKatila in #39
- Create a water tracker widget by @GrgSumin in #35
- Create mobile detail widget by @GrgSumin in #34
- Add button with an icon by @AashishKatila in #63
- Create a Swipe-button by @GrgSumin in #58
- Create a list of flipping cards by @morphhyy in #69
- Scrolling testimonial carousels by @morphhyy in #55
- Create a alarm-clock widget by @GrgSumin in #45
- Create a blog card by @AadarshBaral in #10
- Create a scoreboard widget by @llaxmi in #20
- Create weather card, commit graph, sleep tracker by @AadarshBaral in #13
- Create a reminder widget by @llaxmi in #17
- Create a underline hover text animation by @chiranjibi10 in #23
- Creare box-shadow and zoomIn/Out animation on hover by @GrgSumin in #12
- Create clock widget by @AashishKatila in #15
- Create a study timer widget by @chiranjibi10 in #43
- Widget for flight detail by @AashishKatila in #14
- Create a carousel by @AadarshBaral in #60
- Create a Progressbar widget by @GrgSumin in #26
- Create a get started button by @chiranjibi10 in #61
- Create a reminder widget by @GrgSumin in #37
- Add music widget by @AashishKatila in #30
- Create a overlay modal by @morphhyy in #28
- Create a vpn connectivity widget by @chiranjibi10 in #21
- Create calender widget by @GrgSumin in #25
- Create a text masking by @morphhyy in #27
- Create a direction card component by @AadarshBaral in #46
- Update photo-booth component by @llaxmi in #42
- Create a card stack animation by @chiranjibi10 in #22
- Add widget for storage by @AashishKatila in #29
- Updates a tilted-card by @llaxmi in #67
- Fix build issues and create dedicated pages for widget, bento & button by @hari in #73
- Fix story by @hari in #74
- Setup husky, eslint, prettier and commitlint by @sudhashrestha in #75
- Add vscode settings & extensions recommendations by @hari in #76
- Configure eslint plugins for imports by @sudhashrestha in #77
- Add workspace setting for fixing linter issues on save by @sudhashrestha in #78
- Add three item bento grid by @hari in #79
- Display bento three by @hari in #80
- Disable conflicting import sort rule by @sudhashrestha in #81
- Fix documentations by @llaxmi in #85
- Create a menu animation by @GrgSumin in #66
- Creates a cycling animation for text by @llaxmi in #71
- Add text border animation by @AashishKatila in #65
- Fix modal and ui components by @morphhyy in #87
- docs: add missing documentation by @AashishKatila in #86
- fix: add credits in docs by @GrgSumin in #84
- fix: add credits in documentation by @chiranjibi10 in #83
- fix: adjust documentation for credits by @AadarshBaral in #82
- Fix animations by @llaxmi in #88
- docs: add contributing section by @hari in #89
- Add expandable carousel by @morphhyy in #91
- fix: update text color for better visibility in dark/light modes by @chiranjibi10 in #90
- Create the security alert widget by @acharya-sanjaya in #18
- Create a delivery status card by @acharya-sanjaya in #16
- New/icon ripple by @AashishKatila in #41
- New/glowing card by @AashishKatila in #40
- Add fipping-text animation by @AashishKatila in #49
- feat: add background patterns by @hari in #93
- fix: unresolved merge conflict by @hari in #94
- fix: storybook build issue by @hari in #95
- fix: Improve expandable by @hari in #96
- refactor: fix the docs files by @acharya-sanjaya in #97
- feat: add swaptextcard component by @GrgSumin in #92
- fix: improve examples by @hari in #99
- feat: create an application splash screen by @AashishKatila in #98
- fix: clean up file names and code by @hari in #100
- docs: update docs layout & template by @hari in #103
- docs: use new layout by @hari in #104
- fix: docs typo by @hari in #105
- docs: update contributing section by @hari in #106
- feat: set up analytics by @hari in #109
- feat: add hero section text hover component by @chiranjibi10 in