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Small, awesome pure shell + jq translator for JSON to environment variables. Even works in BusyBox.

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Kilna's swiss army knife for turning JSON objects into eval-able environment shell code for setting environment variables.

There are a few projects named json2env out there, this one attempts to meet the following goals:

  • Runs under Alpine Linux
  • Has only POSIX or busybox tools, plus jq as its preprequisites
  • Runs under dash (busybox/alpine), bash, ksh and zsh shells
  • Can output JSON arrays as:
    • Native shell arrays
    • Delimited strings
    • JSON string (compact or pretty)
  • Can output JSON objects (dicts/maps) as:
    • Bash-style associative arrays
    • Delimited strings
    • JSON string (compact or pretty)
  • Processes input from files or STDIN
  • Outputs to STDOUT or a file
  • Environment variable name options
    • Change case of the var name(s)
    • Prefix the var name(s)
    • Translate all or only one variable
      • Optionally use a different name than the JSON key
  • Can select a subpath of the JSON to export
  • Translate with or without export of environment variables

This covers the majority of the use cases for shell-based build and automation that needs access to JSON data.



Kilna's swiss army knife for turning key-values in a JSON object into eval-able
shell code for setting environment variables.

Processes FILENAMES as JSON documents if provided, otherwise processes standard
input as a JSON document.

         --export : Export shell variables
               -x   (prepend each key=val with shell's export keyword)

      --path PATH : JSON sub-path in jq dot-prefix notation
          -p PATH   (e.g '.env_vars') - defaults to '.' for the root JSON object.
                    The referenced path must only be a JSON object (dict/map/hash),
                    not an array, string, etc.

  --prefix PREFIX : Prepend this string the to names of output shell variables
        -p PREFIX

          --upper : Translate JSON keys into uppercase shell environment vars

          --lower : Translate JSON keys into lowercase shell environment vars

        --key KEY : Only output this single key in the object
           -k KEY   (defaults to all keys)

  --env-name NAME : When outputting a single key with --key, force this value
          -e NAME   as the environment variable name

           --text : JSON objects and arrays become newline delimited text
               -t   rather than the default behavior of setting the shell
                    environment variable to a JSON string representation

  --kv-sep STRING : Key-value separator for list-style translation of JSON
        -K STRING   objects (defaults to ':')

--list-sep STRING : Record separator for list-style translation
        -L STRING   (defaults to newline)

          --array : JSON arrays are translated into POSIX shell native arrays
               -a   (overrides --text)

          --assoc : JSON objects are tranlated into bash-style native
               -a   associative arrays (overrides --text)

          --force : Output shell native for --array or --assoc even if the
               -f   current shell does not support it

         --strict : Fail on JSON keys which aren't alphanumeric + underscore
               -s   (defaults to translating keys)

  --out-file FILE : Output to a file instead of STDOUT
          -o FILE

        --compact : Output JSON strings in compact mode

           --help : Show help


This project also builds an associated docker image decknroll/json2env, so you can run json2env without installing locally:

$ cat env.json | docker run -i decknroll/json2env >

All of the command line parameters are supported, pass them as options to docker run the same as if you were calling the script directly:

$ cat foo.json | docker run -i decknroll/json2env --lower --prefix env_ --text >

The Docker image is only 4mb in size.


Saving to a .env file

Many tools use a .env file to set properties for a given directory. If you have a bunch of parameters in an environment.json file:

  "profile": "main",
  "mode":    "init"

...and you want to create .env file from it, simply:

$ json2env --out-file .env environment.json
$ cat .env

Setting environment variables for immediate use

If you need the environment variables available in the currently-running shell, simply eval the output of this script:

$ eval $(json2env --export env-vars.json)

Make sure to use --export so that any commands run by your shell will inherit the set values.

Selecting a JSON sub-path

If you want to set environment variables only for a certain object in the JSON document config.json:

  "project": "foo",
  "environ": {
    "SERVICE_TOKEN": "ynubAEtfyHue2DZfNPRSAfSDN34zuvbh"

Then you can export only the environ key by:

$ json2env --export --path .environ config.json
export SERVICE_TOKEN=ynubAEtfyHue2DZfNPRSAfSDN34zuvbh

The --path is provided in jq style syntax.

Changing variable names

If you want to change the case of the var names you can use --lower or --upper:

$ json2env --export --lower .environ config.json
export service_token=ynubAEtfyHue2DZfNPRSAfSDN34zuvbh

If you only need one key as opposed to all keys in a JSON document path, you can specify it using --key, and if you want to set an environment variable name other than one based on the key, use the --env-name option.

You can also prefix all keys with --prefix to avoid name collisions and/or to group the environment variables.


Given a file letters.json

  "alpha": [

We can see that JSON arrays are by default translated to JSON strings for the environment:

$ json2env letters.json

You can also compact the JSON syntax:

$ json2env --compact letters.json

JSON isn't very handy for manipulating in the shell, so you can also use --array to output as a shell array:

$ json2env --array letters.json
alpha=('a' 'b' 'c')

Which you can then use in a for loop.

Some minimalist shells don't support arrays (like dash which comes with Alpine Linux), or sometimes you just want to flatten to a text-based list, and that's what --text is for:

$ json2env --text letters.json

The default delimiter is newline, if you want to use for example spaces or commas instead, use --list-sep:

$ json2env --text --list-sep ' ' letters.json
alpha='a b c'
$ json2env --text --list-sep , letters.json


Likewise given a file translate.json

  "words": {
    "uno": "one",
    "dos": "two",
    "tres": "three"

Much the same, JSON objects are by default translated to JSON strings for the environment:

$ json2env translate.json
  "uno": "one",
  "dos": "two",
  "tres": "three"

Just like with arrays, you can also compact the JSON syntax:

$ json2env --compact translate.json

If you have a modern bash-like shell, you can also use --assoc to output an associative array:

$ json2env --assoc translate.json
declare -A words=(

Many shells don't support bash-style associative arrays. So, as with arrays, you can also use --text to output objects as lists. The default is a space between the key and the value, with a newline between each entry.

$ json2env --text translate.json
words='dos two
tres three
uno one'

And you can change the separators as well with --list-sep and --kv-sep:

$ json2env --text --list-sep ';' --kv-sep '=' translate.json

Known issues

  • Input files must come last on the command line
  • Needs better input validation & error messaging on bad input


Small, awesome pure shell + jq translator for JSON to environment variables. Even works in BusyBox.







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