Eric Daoud1,2
- Residual Tumor & Response to Treatment Laboratory, RT2Lab, INSERM, U932 Immunity and Cancer, Institut Curie, Université Paris, 75005 Paris, France
- INRIA, DI/ENS, PSL Research University, Paris, France
The base template was downloaded from this Overleaf project, proposed by Frederic Mazaleyrat. I brought some modifications and new features like abbreviations, macros, and automated build with github actions.
Everything happens in the main.tex file. The various steps to
follow are marked with TODO
comments, namely:
- Edit English title
- Edit French title
- Edit Doctoral School name
- Edit PhD Supervisors
- Edit PhD defense date
- Edit Jury members
- Write acknowledgements in acknowledgement.tex file
- Write chapters in chapters/ folder and import them
- Write english abstract in abstract-en
- Write french abstract in abstract-fr
- Add your own macros in macros.sty
- Add your own abbreviations in abbreviations.tex