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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 28, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Robotics Website

This is a website coded for the Robotics Team Website Challenge 2019.

Setup 🔧

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd website-challenge-2019

Dev Server

sudo docker-compose up


# Running on port 8080
yarn install
yarn run serve

Build for Prod

yarn run build

# Build and deploy to prod

Improvements / Known Issues 🚗

  • Fix picture layout breaks with portrait dimensioned picture
  • Transform markdown static articles to actual posts with routes & breadcrumbs, tags, dates, authors, etc.



  • Update links on each individual cyberpatriots, frc, vex page
    • Change links to the photograph album (and the "see more" button)
    • Change images and content
    • To do this, go to src/views. Folder structure should resemble similarly to the nav bar menu on the site

Putting content at root project dir in prod

  • You may need to add a CNAME or something thats at root of project when deployed
  • Place these files in public/
  • This is done with copy-webpack-plugin, with abstraction layer provided by vue-cli-3

Adding photos (general)

  • Add photos in the data-base photos archive (is org gh repo)
  • Run respective scripts there that build thumbnails for the higher resolution images
  • If the photo is niche and does not group well into other photos, drop images in src/assets/local-image
    • These images will copy over using CopyWebpackPlugin (config in Vue.config.js) to dist/local-image
    • Reference these with /local-image/img.jpg' if it's in a JSON file. Ex. website-challenge-2019/local-image/img.jpg. If you're in some JS file, you can reference it with @/assets/local-image/img.jpg

Adding photos (to album collection)

  • Schema for albums at /photos found at src/views/media/photoData.json; observe and extend upon the existing schema, simple sample shown below
    "year": "2018-2019",
    "events": [
        "title": "CyberPatriots Competition",
        "image": "",
        "desc": "Participating in the 2018-2019 CyberPatriots round 1 competition",
        "uri": "2018-2019-cyberpatriots-competition-round-1",
        "photosPrefix": "",
        "photosSuffix": ".small.jpg?raw=true",
        "photos": [
        "title": "VEX Competition Prep",
        "image": "",
        "desc": "Working on the 2018-2019 VEX Robot",
        "uri": "2018-2019-vex-prep-fall",
        "photosPrefix": "",
        "photosSuffix": ".small.jpg?raw=true",
        "photos": [
    "year": "2017-2018",
    "events": [
  • image is a cover image for that album
  • uri is the route that shows in the url bar when you navigate to that page. Always include year. Make uris as similar as previous ones to maintain continuity
    • uri MUST start with a year. 2018-2019 due to 192154336e7badf3c9a6b25eca6328a79c2bb765
  • Note that the Second "VEX Competition Prep" event will generate a page located at /#/album/2018-2019-vex-prep-fall
    • Note you can browse through these photos here:
    • Photos are a concatenation of photosPrefix + photos[i] + photosSuffic
      • One example of result of concatenation is
    • Note that there are four photos in the "VEX Competition Prep" archive and four items in photos: []

Editing this repo's name / changing hosting

  • Some .json files (such as sponsorData.json and others) have the repository name, website-challenge-2019 hardcoded
  • This is because webpack does not seem to resolve '@' (as src (it's a default webpack alias within Vue-cli-3's default webpack config options))
  • There's some way to config webpack to resolve this stuff in .json, but this is a temporary work around. So change paths in .json file when changing repos name
  • if this is hosted somewhere else (in these case you'll have to change publicDir in vue.config.js

Updating Sponsors

When updating sponsors, change src/views/sponsors/sponsorData.json to match new sponsors. Use the following schema

  "name": "Company Name",
  "image": "",
  "imageAltText": "Text shown when image not found",
  "tier": "Tier of Company"
  • Note that company-image.png must be placed in src/local-image
  • You may need to update src/views/sponsors if you're adding a new tier. Observe and extend upon the existing structure
  • You must also update <infinite-slide-bar> components that use the sponsorData.json
    • In src/views/Home.vue, update width property on <infinite-slide-bar> component
    • Update when no sponsor photo overlaps another

Common Problems

If you're new to Vue, or contributing, you may encounter a few errors. I've isolated some of the more common (and uncommong) errors / mishehaviors you may be getting and I've provided a solution. i.e. If the website is not doing what you want, see if your issue matches any below. The first bullet point after a subsection is a snippet of example code that defines or relates to the issue.

Scoped CSS / SCSS Styles in Components

  • <style scoped lang="scss">
  • You are changing a Vue component to have scoped slots (where it previously didn't), or removing scoped slots on a component.
  • When toggling scoped components, your styles are messing up / not being applied
  • Solution: Refresh the page. This has to do with webpack-hot-reload. Sometimes it doesn't update css (you're compiled scss) properties after you toggle if a component is scoped

CSS Transitions

  • createTransitions((background-color, color, box-shadow), false, 0.2s, ease-in-out)
  • You are trying to add transitions on a component, but in the process other transitions are being removed
  • This has to do with my createTransitions scss function
  • It's doing the same thing as below, where .element has the color red (not blue)
    .element { color: blue }
    .element { color: red }
  • Solution 1: Remove all createTransitions calls within your mixins, and put them in your components. That way there are no two transition properties for each element (since your mixin will bring an extra transition property and cause conflicts)
  • Solution 2: Actually fix the issue. Just modifying the createTransitions scss function won't change anything. Try looking into extend in scss in combination with mixins / methods / whatever

CSS IDs Styling

  • Ids can only be used once per web page. Because components are reusable, you might be declaring multiple components of the same type on the same page

  • Alternatively, you may be giving the component two different Ids from two different places. Such as giving the Id when creating the component (ChildComponent.vue) and using the component (ParentComponent.vue)


        <child-component id="arc">


      <template id="car">
        <!-- Contents of ChildComponent.vue -->
  • Solution: Use classes, and almost never Ids for html elements, especially when you know you're going to use the component multiple times