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EYB's Dotfiles

Starship Config

Starship Config

tmux Config

tmux Config

Setup Overview

Directory Structure

├── .config/
│   ├── nvim/
│   ├── starship/
│   └── tmux/
├── images/
├── vscode/



If you have existing configuration files you want to manage, please refer to the Using GNU Stow section for guidance on backing up and handling your current setups.

To set up these dotfiles using GNU Stow, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone dotfiles
    cd dotfiles/
  2. Install GNU Stow:

    For macOS (Homebrew):

    brew install stow
  3. Create Symlinks for Configurations:

    To symlink the configuration files (e.g., for nvim, zsh, or tmux), run:

    stow <package>

    Replace <package> with the directory name of the configuration you want to symlink (e.g., nvim, zsh).


After running the stow command, confirm that the configuration files are correctly placed and loaded on your system.

Using GNU Stow

GNU Stow helps manage and symlink configuration files from your dotfiles repository to their appropriate locations. Follow these steps to set it up:

🔄 Backing Up Existing Configurations

To move your current configurations into your dotfiles repository, use the --adopt flag:

stow <package> --adopt

This command will move any existing files (e.g., ~/.zshrc) into your dotfiles repository. Ensure the repository's directory structure matches your system's file paths.


The --adopt flag will overwrite any files in the repository with the same name as those being moved.

🔗 Symlinking Configurations

  1. Clone the repository and navigate into its directory.

  2. Create symlinks for the desired packages using Stow:

stow <package>

This will link the configuration files from your dotfiles repository to their corresponding locations on your system (e.g., ~/.config/nvim/).