- 🌱 I'm pursuing a PhD in Differential Ray Tracing for Telecommunications, at UCLouvain, Belgium;
- 📜 I have a personal website, where I post about my research and sometimes other programming subjects. My research is fully open source and I currently work on a my own Differentiable Ray Tracing tool for Radio progragation: DiffeRT;
- 🔭 I maintain multiple open source projects incl. ADE Scheduler, a web tool for students at UCLouvain, Manim Slides, an extension to Manim for presenting contents using animations (e.g., I use it at conferences), and LanguageTool-Rust, Rust bindings to the LanguageTool API;
- 🦀 I recently fell in love with Rust and I am open to collaborate on Rust projects (related or not to my research);
- 📫 you can to reach me at jeertmans@icloud.com or jerome.eertmans@uclouvain.be (research-only).
Finally, I like to contribute to open source projects, and you can find the list of my contribution to external projects here.