The acpect here is referred to the section headings of a page from WikiPedia.
This repo is an implementation of entity aspect linking, which is used as a part of Toolkit on.
download tfidf model file in 'model' folder
download Glove pretrained 300d vector from:
install requirements.txt via pip
set up environment variable 'method' to 'tfidf' or 'wemb'
os.environ['method'] = ['tfidf', 'wemb']
set 'model_file' in to your local model path
if os.environ['method'] == 'tfidf': model_file = Path.joinpath(dir, 'model', 'tfidf_model.pkl') eal = TfidfRanking(model_file) elif os.environ['method'] == 'wemb': model_file = Path.joinpath(dir, 'model', 'glove.6B.300d.txt') eal = WembRanking(model_file) aspect_predicted = eal.get_prediction(sentence, entity)
get an entity as the input, connect to Wikipedia website and return a built dictionary with section headings as keys and contents as values.
Regarding the headings of h2, I remove content and headings based on the selection criteria on ( ). I also collected the paragraphs between the title and the table of the contents, named as 'lead_paragraph'.
There are 2 ranking methods that you can choose. One is using tf-idf as the text vector representation. The other is using the average word embeddings which uses the pre-trained Glove vectors.
Then get an sentence and an entity as the input, retrieve the entity dictionary via, and then return the closest aspect of the entity for the sentence