Simple selection dialog inspired from ios-custom-alertview
- iOS 8.0+
- Swift 3
- Xcode 8.0
pod "SelectionDialog"
To install manually the KCSelectionDialog in an app, just drag the SelectionDialog/*.swift
file into your project.
let dialog = SelectionDialog(title: "Dialog", closeButtonTitle: "Close")
dialog.addItem(item: "I have icon :)", icon: UIImage(named: "Icon1")!)
dialog.addItem(item: "I have icon and handler :D", icon: UIImage(named: "Icon2")!, didTapHandler: { () in
print("Item didTap!")
dialog.addItem(item: "I have nothing :(")
If you want to launch the dialog at the starting point of the app, make sure you put the code inside DispatchQueue.main.async. Otherwise it will not work
override func viewDidLoad() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let dialog = SelectionDialog(title: "Dialog", closeButtonTitle: "Close")
dialog.addItem(item: "I have icon :)", icon: UIImage(named: "Icon1")!)
dialog.addItem(item: "I have icon and handler :D", icon: UIImage(named: "Icon2")!, didTapHandler: { () in
print("Item didTap!")
dialog.addItem(item: "I have nothing :(")