Here is an Android Simple APP make with java to see the power of node-urlresolver-api
App integrated with:
A video player (exoplayer based)
- Pinch zoom in/out support
- Play local files support
- Play hls.m3u8 support
- Open from intent like standard video player
Google Admob integrated
A download manager with pause/resume/delete/open support
Here is the apk file download link
Here is the repository contains code of the App
------------------------------------- Forgive my english I'm still learning. Thanks -------------------------------
A complete nodejs API to extract streaming sites video direct URLs: For the supported servers go to /servers.
- A VPS server or dedicated Server, or a server with install privileges
- (Optional) point your server IP address in a domain name to pretty API url
To install this API on your server you only need to
have nodejs 10.x+ installed.
Next, install all dependencies with npm command
- To install nodejs (and npm) check this simple tutorial
- All you need to do is clone the project with git clone
- navigate to de project folder and run this command: npm install
- these command will be install all required dependencies from package.json
$ git clone
$ cd node-urlresolver-api
$ npm install
- Now you can start the app running the command: node app.js
- Or you can install pm2 (production mode) with: npm install -g pm2
- And start the app running: pm2 start app.js
- To stop pm2 app you can run: pm2 stop {app_id|all}
$ node app.js
$ npm install -g pm2
$ pm2 start app.js
$ pm2 stop 0
NOTE: You can use any programing language to extract direct url, I use Java (Android)
- Bitporno
- Extraction mode: remote
- Source: video_url
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/bitporno";
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(video_url))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "remote")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Bitporno
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/bitporno";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(video_url)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Clipwatching
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/clipwatching";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(video_url)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Cloudvideo
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/cloudvideo";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(video_url)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Supervideo
- Extraction mode: remote
- Source: video_url
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/supervideo";
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(video_url))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "remote")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Supervideo
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/bitporno";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(video_url)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Upstream
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/upstream";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(video_url)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player
- Uptostream
- Extraction mode: local
- Source: video page source code
// Example video
String video_url = "";
String video_id = video_url.split("/")[3];
String uptostreamAPI = ""+video_id;
String mp4 = null;
String authJSON = "{\"auth\":\"\",\"skk\":\"your_app_key_from_config_file\"}";
String apiurl = "http://yourdomain_or_ip_address/api/v1/uptostream";
// Getting video page source code
Document document = Jsoup.connect(uptostreamAPI)
// Getting direct url through api
String obj = Jsoup.connect(apiurl)
.data("source", encodeBase64(document.toString()))
.data("auth", encodeBase64(authJSON))
.data("mode", "local")
if(obj != null && obj.contains("url")){
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(obj);
if (json.getString("status").equals("ok"))
mp4 = json.getString("url");
// Finally mp4 contains some of these values
// is null ==> Connection error
// is empty ==> no link fetched or apiserver error or video go down
// is direct video url (.mp4 or .m3u8) and you can play it directly in any video player