Create a public AMA (Ask me anything) room and prioritize the most important questions for the community
This application was made in Node.js + TypeScript, it is a BOT for WhatsApp, which communicates with the official WhatsApp Business API, it simulates a barbershop scheduling flow using mocked data
GymPass API using Node.js + TypeScript + SOLID + Tests
Connect your calendar and let people book appointments in their free time
This application is a CLI that was written in Golang using Cobra, it communicates with your Google calendar, allowing you to create, display and delete events via the command line
Race condition in distributed systems with RabbitMQ
This application converts mp4 videos to mp3 using the browser, transcribes the video using the OpenAI API, and generates a title and description based on the video provided
Template for application in Golang + Clean Architecture + SOLID
Firebase Cloud Messaging - Send push notification API Node.js + TypeScript
A lib to perform internationalization the simple way with Express
Example of building a Design System with documentation using Storybook
This application is a video-chat built using WebRTC and P2P Connections where you can call and talk to another user
Example of application in Golang using Rabbitmq + Concurrency + Channels + Database
Keycloak example using Next.js and Node.js
Codelivery is an application to simulate deliveries, using Microservice, Apache Kafka, Docker, API with Node.js and React on the Frontend
This application is a Chatbot that uses the OpenAI API to maintain a conversation, it has an interface similar to ChatGPT itself
Real-time object detector for security cameras, webcams or video files using Golang + Tensorflow + OpenCV