package com.github.meysampg.sample
import com.github.meysampg.autoconf.Parser
import com.github.meysampg.autoconf.{Argument, Config}
class SampleConfig
@Argument("name", "name to show")
val name: String,
@Argument("iteration", "count of iteration")
val iteration: Int,
@Argument("only-even-numbers", "print name only for even numbers")
val onlyEvenNumbers: Option[Boolean], // make optional argument with Option type
@Argument("pre-line-char", "characters to print before each line")
val preLine: String = ">>> ", // make optional with default value
@Argument("post-line-seq", "show characters after the line")
val postLine: Seq[String],
object Main {
def print(pr: String, i: Int, name: String, po: Seq[String]): Unit =
println(s"${pr}$i ${name} ${po.mkString(" ")}")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val config: SampleConfig = Parser(args).as[SampleConfig]
if (config.onlyEvenNumbers.isDefined)
Range(0, config.iteration).withFilter(_ % 2 == 0)
.foreach(i => print(config.preLine, i,, config.postLine))
Range(0, config.iteration)
.foreach(i => print(config.preLine, i,, config.postLine))
$ java target/autoconf.jar com.github.meysampg.sample.Main --name Meysam --iteration 5 --only-even-numbers --pre-line-char !!!
!!!0 Meysam
!!!2 Meysam
!!!4 Meysam