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----[ Welcome To My Dotfiles ]----
This repository contains various scripts, configuration files, and settings that I use to customize my workstation.
This repository includes the following:
Application | Configs |
WM | i3,bspwm,dwm, hyprland |
Bar | polybar,lemonbar,dwmblocks,conky, waybar |
Shell | zsh,bash |
Terminal | tmux,urxvt,st,alacrity |
Editor | vim |
File Manager | ranger,pcmanfm |
Launcher | dmenu,rofi,dmenu-extended |
Browser | firefox,qutebrowser,luakit |
Media | mpv,ncmpcpp,mpd, cava |
Chat | discord,irssi,weechat |
Notification | dunst, xfce4-notifyd |
Reader | zathura |
Compositor | compton,picom |
E-Mail Client | mutt,thunderbird |
Containers | docker,lxd |
Knowledge base|Note-Taking | obsidian, joplin |
Automation | terraform ansible |
Misc | colors,Qubes-os,FreeBSD,scripts,popups,sxhkd |
To use these dotfiles on your system, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mohabaks/dotfiles.git
- Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd dotfiles
- Explore the repository and identify the dotfiles you are interested in.
- Manually copy the desired dotfiles to their respective locations in your system.
Please note that my dotfiles have evolved and changed over time to suit different Window Manager. It is essential to review and understand each dotfile's purpose and potential compatibility with your specific environment before copying it to your system.
Although I don't provide an installation script or encourage direct contributions to this repository, you are welcome to fork this repository and adapt the dotfiles to your own needs. Customize and modify the dotfiles as per your requirements and preferences.
My previous rice based on this repo can be found here. Feel free to take a look and get an idea of how the dotfiles can enhance your own workflow.