Hi, I'm Olivier Refalo 🙌,
I am:
- an Entrepreneur
- a Chief Architect
- a Business Architect
- an Information Architect
- a Technology Architect
- a Integration Specialist
- a Developer
- a Web Designer
- a Kubernetes Guru
- a Git master
- a Unix SysOp
- a Digital expert
- a Team mate and mentor
- a Dad and Husband!
Over the years, I have seen some of my predictions come true: Java, Git, NodeJS, REST, GraphQL, GoLang, SvelteKit - are some of my early adopters.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 🔭 I enjoy coding as a hobby. It helps me understand technology.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning something cool.
- 👯 I find OpenSource to be the greatest thing ever. It helps us engineers to learn faster.
- 💬 Ask me about anything , Would love to help out.✌
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
- ⚡ Check out my recent Articles
- 📝 Then you may explore my Portfolio
- ✨ I have pretty sharp at graphic design too.SnapCore is my latest startup.
Languages and Tools: