- The server is based on https://github.com/parsrc/go-mongo-crud-rest-api
- The sharded replica configuration is based on https://github.com/minhhungit/mongodb-cluster-docker-compose/tree/master/minimize
- CRUD operations written in Go
- 4 different MongoDB configuration: replica, sharded, sharded replica, and standalone
- Docker deployment
GET /users/:email
POST /users
PUT /users/:email
DELETE /users/:email
Only for master
and sharded
sudo docker compose exec configsvr01 sh -c "mongosh < /scripts/init-configserver.js"
sudo docker compose exec shard01-a sh -c "mongosh < /scripts/init-shard01.js"
sudo docker compose exec shard02-a sh -c "mongosh < /scripts/init-shard02.js"
sudo docker compose exec router01 sh -c "mongosh < /scripts/init-router.js"
Afterward, exec to the router to enable sharding on a collection.
sudo docker compose exec router01 mongosh --port 27017
Run the following in the mongosh console
db.adminCommand( { shardCollection: "MyDatabase.users", key: { _id: "hashed" } } )