- JSONModel
- SWRevealViewController
- Google Analytics
- NSNotification
- SVPullToRefresh
Link libraries or add a "default import" to each class or source file. Go to Project Target -> Build Phases and add the library to Link Binary With Libraries i.e. To add #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> to each class file link /UIKit.framework
- UITableView:
- Loading indicator
- Pull down refresh
- On left and right side, swipe to open menus
Google Analytics depends on the following libraries (add the library to Link Binary With Libraries): CoreData.framework SystemConfiguration.framework libz.tbd libsqlite3.0.tbd libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a
If you go to Info.plist you will notice a entry GoogleAnalyticsTrackingId whose value is a user defined variable. The user defined variable can be found under the Project Target -> Build Settings -> User-Defined.
See AppActivityTracker.h for a helper class to log app usage using Google Analytics. Also see AboutNameViewController.m for example usage of app usage tracking.
For example search NSNotificationCenter.