- Android
- Flutter
- Web Devlopment
Hangman is a simple word guessing game from the length of the word. With the entry of subsequent letters and use of hints, it is quite a fun and challenging game. :)
- Easy Level:
Word Length: 0-6
Time: 120 seconds
- Medium Level:
Word Length: 7-9
Time: 90 seconds
- Hard Level:
Word Length: 10-14
Time: 60 seconds
You have 6 hearts/chances to get the word successfully.
You will get only 3
- Hint 1: Reveals the defintion of the word.
- Hint 2: Reveals a missing letter of the word.
- Hint 3: Reveals a missing letter of the word.
You can either use your physical keyboard or the on-screen keyboard.
To keep track of the letters that are not present in the word, refer the "Letters not present" section.
The game also features a global leaderboard with the scores of all the players in it.
- The game features a timer to make the game more indulaging and competitive.
- Implementation of Light and Dark mode.
- 'How to Play' modal conatining all the necessary information about the game.