👆 Website for JavaScript Standard Style (@standard)
Sep 16, 2023 - CSS
ECMAScript is the standardization of the family of scripting languages that includes JavaScript. New versions of the standard are released every year. It is standardized by Ecma International. ECMAScript is commonly used for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web, and it is increasingly being used to write server-side applications and services using Node.js and other runtime environments. The ECMAScript language includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.
👆 Website for JavaScript Standard Style (@standard)
TO-DO LIST (Made using HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript)
Smart Web Components - Card Custom Element
"Maa Charity" is a starter website for charities want to be established.
Slides (in Bulgarian) for an "ECMAScript Explained" presentation I gave at a dev.bg meetup in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Projeto que visa fazer uma solicitação GET com fetch na API de Imagens e Vídeos do Pexels. Nesse projeto, o GET é feito apenas para solicitar imagens.
To-do List App
Grocery Bud using React
Lorem Ipsum Project using React
Backroads Project using React
Plugin based on jquery that allows the handling of many options (ex: list, add, edit, delete) from a only option, and fire different actions on the websites. More info: www.ggaritaj.com
Strapi Submenus Project using React
Contentful CMS Project using React
Menu Project using React
🖥 SITE | Fiz um projeto relacionado a imóveis de uma corretora, onde, a partir de um formulário, é possível fazer: um cadastrado de imóveis, pesquisa a partir de filtros e um delete em quantidade ou individualmente
Navbar Project using React
Birthday Reminder Project using React
Reviews Project using React
Tabs Project using React
Created by Brendan Eich, Ecma International
Released June 1997