Elm library for encoding and decoding PASCAL Visual Object Class XML format (http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/).
Supported XML tags in this library are;
- folder
- filename
- path
- source
- size
- object (Annotation)
This library may not provide tags which are not used frequently.
import PascalVoc
import PascalVoc.Decode
import PascalVoc.Encode
sampleXmlString = """
-- Decoding
data = PascalVoc.Decode.decode sampleXmlString
Result.map PascalVoc.filename data == "sample.png"
-- Access to an annotation object
Result.map PascalVoc.objects data == [
{ name = "sample-annotation"
, bndBox = { xmin = 82, xmax = 172, ymin = 88, ymax = 146 }
, pose = Nothing
, truncated = Nothing
, difficult = Nothing
-- Encoding
Result.map PascalVoc.Encode.format data