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⚑ "Make it blink!" is a π‘πžπšπœπ­.𝐣𝐬 app that creates a blinking effect for the text entered by the user. πŸͺ©

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"Make it blink!"is an app that creates a blinking effect for the text entered by the user.


To implement the blinking effect, the app uses setInterval to update the color of each character every blinkSpeed milliseconds. The color of each character is determined by cycling through an array of colors.


useEffect(() => { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { 

 setColorIndex((prevColorIndex) => (prevColorIndex + 1) % 6); }, blinkSpeed);
   return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
, [blinkSpeed]

This code sets up an effect to run after the component has rendered using the useEffect hook. It creates an interval using setInterval, which will run the callback function every blinkSpeed milliseconds. Inside the callback, the setColorIndex function is called with a callback that increments the colorIndex state variable by 1 and then takes the remainder when divided by 6. This creates a cycling effect through an array of six colors. Finally, the interval is cleared when the component is unmounted using clearInterval. The useEffect hook takes the blinkSpeed state variable as a dependency, which means that the effect will be re-run if blinkSpeed changes


const coloredString = inputValue.split("").map((char, index) => (

<span key={index} style={{ color: colors[(index + colorIndex) % 6] }}> {char} </span>


This code defines a variable named coloredString using the map function to transform each character in the inputValue string into a <span> element.

  1. The map function iterates through each character of inputValue using split(""), which returns an array of each character.

  2. For each character, a <span> element is created with a key attribute set to the index parameter passed to the callback function.

  3. The style attribute of each <span> element is set using an object literal that sets the color attribute to the color at the (index + colorIndex) % 6 position in the colors array.

  4. This expression creates a cycling effect through the six colors in the array based on the index of the character and the current value of the colorIndex state variable.

The expression (index + colorIndex) % 6 is used to cycle through the six colors in the colors array based on the index of each character and the current value of the colorIndex state variable.

The % (modulo) operator calculates the remainder of dividing the sum of the index and colorIndex values by 6. This results in a value between 0 and 5, which is used as the index to access the corresponding color in the colors array.

By adding the current value of colorIndex to the index of each character, the colors will cycle through the array as the value of colorIndex is incremented. When colorIndex is 0, the first color in the array will be used for all characters. When colorIndex is 1, the second color will be used, and so on. When colorIndex is 6 or higher, it will reset back to 0, so the cycle can repeat.

  1. Finally, the text of each <span> element is set to the corresponding character in the inputValue string using the char parameter.

  2. The resulting coloredString variable is a React element that can be rendered to display the input text with the cycling colors.


  • User can enter text to create a blinking effect
  • User can adjust the speed of the blinking effect using a range input
  • Text blinks with a variety of colors


Color Code Color Name
#333333 dark gray
#666666 gray
#999999 light gray
#FFA500 orange
#FFA07A light salmon
#FF8C00 dark orange


The font family and font sizes are defined using Google Fonts and TypeScale.

  • "Permanent Marker" , cursive
  • "Raleway", sans-serif


To run this app on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory using `cd Make-it-blink.
  3. Install the dependencies using npm install.
  4. Start the development server using npm start.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


⚑ "Make it blink!" is a π‘πžπšπœπ­.𝐣𝐬 app that creates a blinking effect for the text entered by the user. πŸͺ©







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