Gazmanov, Timati, Gagarina: who else performed at Putin’s “anti-Nazi” concert with Nazi symbols?

Gazmanov, Timati, Gagarina: who else performed at Putin’s “anti-Nazi” concert with Nazi symbols?

Russian celebrity rashists came out under the slogans of Putin and openly supported military operations on the territory of Ukraine

Rashist stars supported the war in Ukraine at a concert in Luzhniki / Photo: Instagram

While a bloody war with the Russian army is going on in Ukraine, Putin’s stars are gathering for a big concert at Luzhniki to celebrate the occupation of Crimea and the invasion of Ukrainian lands. The concert-rally was called “Crimean Spring”.

Nikolai Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov and other celebrities showed their true colors not only on social networks. In support of Putin’s dictatorship, they took to the stage.

So, among the rashist stars were: Polila Gagarina, Timati, Nikolai Baskov, Grigory Leps, Lube group, Vladimir Mashkov, Nikolai Rastorguev and others.


It is worth noting that none of the speakers dared to publish a video from the concert in their social networks. But the event was not closed, so now they can not justify themselves.


Recall that the Russian authorities are convinced that they are freeing the world from the Nazi invaders. Only now they themselves perform under Nazi symbols. Putin’s concert has already been compared with the rallies of Adolf Hitler.


Not without punctures at this already disastrous event. Putin’s speech was interrupted at the very beginning, Oleg Gazmanov sang on the air instead.

Earlier, Andrei Makarevich explained to the Russians why Ukrainians should not talk about “fraternal peoples.” Liya Akhedzhakova also calls on the occupiers to come to their senses.

Dear Ukrainians, let’s keep calm, support each other and help. Our army gives a worthy rebuff to the enemy – we believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Remember, intelligence will save lives. Read our news in the Telegram channel, where we inform you around the clock about the events.

Source: Segodnya

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