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De Wikivortaro

I. (adj.) (healthy) sana; (fig.) en bona stando, bona;

(cured) risanigita, risaneskinta.
to be well - (in good health) sanesar.
to make well - sanigar (ulu).
to get well - saneskar.
well off - (state) richa; (havar) granda havajo / posedaji; (esar) en bona stando; (havar) multa pekunio.

II. (adv.) bone; (very) bonege.

go well together - fitar bone.
do well - facar bone, bonfacar (ad ulu).
speak well of - bone parolar pri (ulu, ulo).
come out well - sucesar, bone rezultar; duktar a bona fino / rezulto.
be well disposed - (tr., intr.) bon-volar, esar favoroza (ad).
well! - (interj.) bone! (now then) nu!
well and good - ha bone!, tote bone!
well up - leveskar; spricar (ek).
well nigh - preske.
(as well, in addition) tam, egale.

B. (n.) (water, oil) puteo.