0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 13, 2024
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Ho trovato questo film per caso e la prima cosa che mi ha colpito è stato il nome, un nome che mi ha incuriosito e portato a voler vedere questo film a tutti i costi.
Leggendo la trama si può ben capire che la storia non è una facile, è piena di situazioni sconvenienti ma, nonostante ciò, non mi aspettavo chissà quale finale, ho veramente pensato “cosa può mai succedere”. Beh…sbagliavo. Non credo di aver pianto così tanto da quando ho visto 20th Century Girl… Ne sono uscita distrutta, semplicemente distrutta.
Nonostante i miei infiniti pianti penso che questo film sia stupendo sotto tanti punti di vista ma una delle cose che più mi ha colpito e su cui ho più riflettuto è stato il modo in cui il titolo può essere interpretato.
Mi spiego, prima di iniziare il film avevo interpretato il titolo in una singola maniera, come se non potesse essere tanto profondo, ma in realtà mi sbagliavo. Durante il film si è potuto vedere bene come in realtà ci siano veramente tante definizioni di “man in love”.
Nella prima parte del film, “man in love” era rappresentato dal modo in cui A Cheng si era innamorato a prima vista di Wu e stava provando in tutte le maniere possibili di convincerla a uscire con lui; ho veramente amato il modo in cui ha provato a farla stare bene, le ha preso da mangiare e l’abbia aiutata con suo padre, infatti non a caso una delle mie scene preferite è proprio quella in cui A Cheng ha fatto di tutto per organizzare un degno funerale per il padre di Wu. Lì si è visto tantissimo il modo in cui lui tiene a lei e la ami sinceramente, anche lei se n’è resa conto.
In seguito, questa definizione di “man in love” è stata approfondita dalla loro relazione, con un amore così sincero e bello da far piangere. E mi è piaciuto tanto il modo in cui A Cheng abbia deciso di mettere fine al suo lavoro, perché alla fine neanche gli piaceva, lui non era quel tipo di persona e si vedeva.
Purtroppo dopo di ciò A Cheng ha fatto un grave errore, ossia fidarsi di quella vecchia bastarda, così ha preso tutti i soldi che erano rimasti a loro due e ha tentato l’impossibile.
Mi aspettavo finisse male ed è stato lì che la definizione di “man in love” ha avuto un cambiamento drastico rispetto a quello di prima. Infatti, dopo questo accaduto, la definizione di “man in love” è cambiata nel modo in cui ha scelto di usare cattive parole per esprimere un messaggio così profondo che non può essere capito se non lo si prova. Le ha fatto capire che lui non l’ha mai amata, quando in realtà quello che intendeva era che Wu non lo meritava, non meritava un uomo che non è stato in grado di fare del bene alla donna che ama con tutto se stesso. Si è fatto accecare e ha fatto una scelta terribile, non è affidabile e per questo non può stare con lei, perché lei non lo merita. Non merita una vita con un uomo così poco affidabile. Questo era quello che A Cheng intendeva con quelle parole ed è qui che il significato del titolo ha avuto una grande profondità.
Dopo di ciò, A Cheng è finito in prigione e dopo essere stato rilasciato il significato di “man in love” è cambiato nuovamente. Lì per lì, per A Cheng rimaneva solo il dovere di dover ridare Wu quello che le aveva tolto, quei soldi. L’ho visto così disperato, mi ha fatto scendere una lacrimuccia, per lui veramente era importante ridarle quei soldi.
In questa fase, ancora più importante è stato il modo in cui A Cheng, sapendo della sua malattia, ha pensato che dopo un padre morto non poteva aggiungere alla vita di Wu anche un compagno destinato a morire, sarebbe stato veramente ingiusto nei suoi confronti.
A Cheng ha pensato solo che Wu dovesse essere felice, meritava una vita così una volta per tutte. Infatti mi ha preso fin troppo la scena in cui lui la vede a cena con quel ragazzo che la trattava così bene, lei sorrideva e così come lei, anche A Cheng ha sorriso, con quel velo di dolore, in nome della felicità della ragazza; era un pò come se si sentisse sollevato dal fatto che almeno dopo la sua morte ci sarebbe stato qualcuno che la trattasse bene, meglio di quanto lui abbia fatto in precedenza. Lì non mi rimaneva altro che piangere.
Alla fine lei l’ha scoperto e si è compreso quanto lei lo amasse ancora, e così dal suo “non andare da nessuna parte”, la definizione di “man in love” ha avuto un ultimo significato in questo film. Da questo momento fino alla fine, per A Cheng l’importante era passare quel pò che gli rimaneva nella miglior maniera possibile, così da non pentirsi di nulla. L’unica cosa che poteva fare era renderla felice per un’ultima volta.
Dopodiché la sua anima si è spenta lasciandosi dietro una persona che merita tanto ma forse questo non tutti l’hanno compreso.
Mi ha veramente colpito la scena in cui A Cheng dice al padre di fare da padre a Wu, dopo che il suo era morto e anche lui sarebbe morto, a Wu non sarebbe rimasto veramente nulla, per questo l’unica cosa che potesse mai fare per lei era almeno darle quel padre che aveva perso, in modo che lei fosse più tranquilla.
Inutile dire che “man in love” mi è piaciuto veramente, è una bellissima storia che racconta tanto, mi dispiace sia così triste, i miei occhi ne sono usciti rossi e gonfi, ma posso dire che n’è valsa la pena.

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35 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 21, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


As usual, Roy Chiu delivers! This movie is about a softhearted debt collector that has fallen in love with his debtor.

The storyline revolves around his life as a collector and his life with the woman he fell for. The movie has a very authentic feel to it. Very good cinematography of the poor, urban life-- very realistic to say the least.

Roy Chiu, a vibrant actor brought it and will make you cry in the last 10 minutes of the movie. Apparently, Roy won the Best Actor awards for his role in this film including the female lead Ann Hsu.

I may not want to rewatch this movie as it was painful to do so. But hey, Man In Love is definitely worth your time.

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jen o
29 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 22, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Being right next to the person you genuinely love is all that matters.

i came across this on netflix and i thought it would just be like any other movie. you know, those you just watch to pass time. But it’s 2am now and i’m bawling my eyes out & my nose is blocked af. i didn’t realise i’ve been tearing up painfully while watching the movie.

As y’all know, the male lead is a gangster and i was really irritated watching his scenes at the start. He was violent, aggressive & vulgar. However, my heart softened when i realised he had a heart of gold. I wondered if he saved or harmed the universe in his past life, to be trapped with an ill-fated life & at the same time, blessed with a kind, pure & genuine soul. A guy who sacrificed without yearning for any acknowledgement or rewards. Really, the world doesn’t deserve him. Ahhhh Roy chiu acted really well and his emotions really brought me with him in the movie. He’s really really good.

The female lead expressed herself so well too, i could precisely feel the way her heart melted at every touching moment she witnessed & feel the same way her heart crashed at every painful moment she suffered. It made me feel that the female character was so strong for even….. existing. ❤️

This love between them was passionate, fiery, yet, f*king painful. It’s so beautiful, i can’t get my eyes off them. I yearn for a love as beautiful as theirs.

Anyway, y’all really need to watch to understand those feels. & will i watch again? yea, when i need a good cry.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 1, 2023
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5

Just beautiful

I read some reviews before watching this movie and i already knew the direction it was headed.

It has the most unusual plot ever and you will see the most intriguing romance too.
a simple girl falling in love with a debt collector. it is not simple in any way possible. we get to see how they start falling for each other, but this movie is directed in a way for the audience to feel sadness. To feel pain and loss. everything is short-lived and temporary in the end for the female protagonist.
The leads depict beautiful and real chemistry. you will definitely fall for their love

The cinematography was rather average. It's basically set in some poor, rural areas and that's where the leads come from.
One downside to this movie was the soundtrack. It basically had no background music, just natural sounds.

Overall, a really beautiful movie. If you don't mind some tears to shed, be sure to tune in.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 29, 2022
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Tearjerker + Amazing performance by Roy Chiu

Completed - 3/29/2022
Subjective Rating - 9.0
Objective Rating - 7.5-8.5

Without really paying attention to the tags of this movie, I thought I was going to watch a romantic comedy. Little did I know I would be crying my eyes out. This is a definite tearjerker.

A Cheng is a kind-hearted debt collector who fell in love with Hao Ting at first sight. I have never been a fan of love-at-first sight, and I'm not going to lie, the way he pursues Hao Ting could be viewed as stalker-ish and problematic as well. But once I got past these 'hurdles', I am fully invested in their love story.

I love A Cheng. What he went through in this movie breaks my heart. I cried so much after things went downhill for him. He's always been so kind to everyone he encounters. I want him to live happily-ever-after with Hao Ting. Roy Chiu (who plays A Cheng) is fantastic in this movie. His acting range is in total display - silly, kind, violent, betrayed, in physical and emotional pain, and heartbroken.

It's really hard for me to put into words why my gut feeling tells me this movie is worth my 9.0 rating. Maybe I was caught off-guard by all the feels. Maybe I was too impressed with Roy Chiu's acting. Maybe I am just watching the right movie, at the right time, in the right mood.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 6, 2021
Completo 4
Generale 1.5
Storia 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.0
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just another bad love story

I thought we left these harmful tropes in 2005, but I guess not.

from the very beginning, the male lead stalks and pushes the female lead to do what he wants her to do. he is in a position of power, while she is her fathers caretaker and in debt and has literally no other options. not to mention that their personalities are basically caricatures- he's a violent loudmouth with a heart of gold, and she's a tsundere in a poor position that needs help- im not sure what they even like about each other besides their looks. (I mean, he became obsessed with her after seeing her once so). she has practically no lines, but we watch her expressions soften as she realizes he has a heart of gold, or whatever.
if I was her, id be terrified that someone else's debt was pushed on me, and even moreso when the debt collector stalks me and makes me hang out with him.
it was a cute love story I guess, if you ignore the reality women go through of being stalked and murdered by men. its time to stop portraying outdated tropes of "violent male leads with kind hearts using horrible tactics to coerce women into being with them" as "goals".

to make matters worse, when she has a chance at a new life she goes back to ML. even after his death, she has to be a caretaker AGAIN to his sick father. this girl cannot get a break.

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Marilyn Hogg
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 30, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


What a brilliant movie from an excellent cast. From the first scene to the last I was enthralled by a story that I just had to keep watching. Roy Chiu is a brilliant actor and once again has put in an impeccable performance. The story was well written and the cast did justice to their characters and the emotional roller coaster that they seemed to ride on an almost daily basis. Personally I found this movie one that I would recommend to anyone who likes their movies with a bit more grit and realism. Yes the romance was heartfelt and the chemistry stunning but you wouldn't expect anything less from actors who have spent many years honing their craft. Well worth watching 10/10

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1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
27 giorni fa
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
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"A Cheng's Heartbreak: A Soul-Shattering Tale of Love, Sacrifice, and Redemption"

This film is a heart-wrenching masterpiece, one that will leave you emotionally wrecked yet profoundly moved. A Cheng’s character arc—shifting from a misunderstood debt collector to a man crushed under the weight of his past—hits with the kind of raw emotional depth that sticks with you long after the credits roll. His relationship with Hao Ting is a storm of passion, quirks, and unfiltered pain, pulling you in so deeply that every ounce of love, heartbreak, and sacrifice feels like your own.

This isn't just another romance. It's a story about love, yes, but also about family, the relentless pull of past mistakes, and the heavy burden of trying to change in a world that keeps reminding you of who you used to be. A Cheng's desperate attempts to escape his past while being unfairly judged feel painfully real, echoing the silent struggles so many of us face in our own lives.

What truly makes this film unforgettable is how the leads carry their roles with such raw strength. You don't just watch their journey—you live it. Every joy they feel becomes a fleeting moment you want to hold on to, and every heartbreak feels like a punch to the gut, leaving you gasping for air. The themes of sacrifice, tragedy, and the delicate balance of trying to survive through the pain are delivered with an authenticity that few films can match.

This is one of those rare stories that linger, haunting you long after you’ve finished watching. It’s not an easy watch—too heartbreaking to revisit often—but it’s one that reminds you of life’s fragile beauty and the importance of cherishing those we love before it’s too late.

Even though it's heart-wrenching, it's so beautifully crafted that I'll definitely be rewatching it in the future to experience those deep emotions all over again.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 1, 2024
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5

Is beautiful!

I ended up looking for the film by coincidence. I was researching the backgrounds of the actors in Antumn’s Concerto when I saw the story of Tiffany Hsu’s marriage to actor Roy Chiu, co-star of her film Man in love/2021.
I was curious, since the actress had a very intense love life and her relationships were long. I got to know Roy Chiu a little and loved his cinematic history.
The film was a choice by affinity. Is beautiful!I loved! I found the performance of both protagonists exceptional. He was a spectacle in's not without reason that he received several awards for the character. Bright!
Great film, Great distraction...although, I was sad with the ending.
Anyway, very beautiful, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart...

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Watch Once, Hold In You Heart Forever

This had no business being so good, but also had no business being so sad. If you want to watch a movie where the first half is quirky and cute, while the second half will make you ugly cry, this one is a great one!

I knew what I was getting myself into with a "mob"-esq story, but Netflix recommended this to me and I didn't really feel strongly about watching something else so here I was in the same cycle. Probably going to watch a beautiful love story between a "school girl innocent" type and a "mobster with a heart of gold," and have it destroyed in the last few minutes due to "the mob life."

And this drama did have that element and storyline, but it was done in such a cute and quirky and sad way, that I was glued to the screen even though I knew something bad was going to happen. BUT unlike other "mob" stories, we got a happy ending or as much of a happy ending that we could have gotten with this tragic story.

I fell in love with A Cheng - we learn right from the beginning that he had a heart of gold, but for some reason was a debt collecting leader. He would go to collect debt from people and business owners, but instead of collecting money, he would help out in any way, and add their debt to his debt. In the beginning, we see him as a hero and maybe working on the inside to help out others who owe debt, but then we realize that he wants to help people, he just doesn't know how to do it any other way. He had a heart of gold, but didn't know how to handle every situation in another way - undercover, he was a hero and a caregiver, but to everyone else, he looked like the scum of the earth.

My favorite part of this film would have to be when he started pursuing Hao Ting - I loved the music score that they choose as if there was some kind of training montage that was taking place in the 80's but in reality, A Cheng was just convincing Hao Ting to date him romantically. I loved the funeral scene when A Cheng starts to realize that she was falling for A Cheng, and then when they go bowling and A Cheng decides to break out in song and dance. It was quirky! It was cute! It was cheesy!

But of course, there has to be a low cause not everything can be sunshine and rainbows. A Cheng falls back into old ways, and ends up in a dark place, which is when we find out some terrible news that changes A Cheng's life and makes him decide what is worth fighting for. I believe the reason why I ugly cried so much is because A Cheng was genuinely a great person who had his character and integrity put into question on multiple occasions by the same people who happened to be the ones closest to him. He had his bad days, which seemed to always be when everyone was around and he didn't always know how to express his words. And at those times when he needed someone there for him, it seemed as if those people would give up. A Cheng didn't take care of people because he wanted to be taken care of in return, and he didn't put his good deeds on a loud speaker for everyone to know. He did good things without thinking about it. He wasn't a perfect person, but he wanted to put more good out into the world than all the bad that was happening. And even til the end of the movie, even after the movie's climax settled, he took care of the people around him and made sure everyone was happy and taken care of.

Just remembering this film while writing this review gets me very emotional as A Cheng deserved a better life, but he was happy with what he had, and made everyone around him smile.

I hope Roy Chiu who played A Cheng won an aware for this movie, because it was amazing. It is definitely one of those films that you only watch once , but you hold in your heart for a while.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 2, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
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Already done, Long and so Predictable but still heart aches a little

First of all , stalking a girl because you like her troops in a romantic way should be stopped. It's not romantic at all and even playing a romantic background music to justify the act is totally not acceptable at all. If antagonist has done that then they would have put on villainize music.

It was so predictable that main guy would die in the end as he was hitting bottles in his head and all those fighting just to emotionally blackmail us. They also stretched the story line where 15 min could have been easily cut off.

The main actress acting is kind of dull but actor looks convincing in that character. Even most of the things looked staged but still somewhere heart aches a little.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 27, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Unexpectedly great movie!

I came across this movie on Netflix and I added it on my list. When I came across it here too I thought I should watch it today. Little did I know that it was a hidden gem. At first I didn't like the violence but I waited for the romance. I was so happy while I watched male lead being so kindhearted! Then he made me think that he is so stupid to make the same mistakes and I wanted to stop the movie so that I don't waste my time. I'm so glad that I don't give up easily on movies and dramas. I was rewarded once again! The last 15 minutes had me tearing and crying my eyes out. I can only assure you that you should give it a try.

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Man In Love (2021) poster



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