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The potions pack is mostly icons, so it will probably go into bundles with other icons once they're made, and the crops will be bundled in with other farming assets, I'm already working on a second crops pack so that will be fairly soon.

Flowers will likely be a separate pack, as it has a lot of scope, but that will be bundled in with farming stuff also.

I'm currently working on adding a human female sprite with full animations, but I'll make sure to do a female elf once that's done.

Awesome, thanks for telling me! Looking forward to it :-D

As requested, all crops now have an extra growth stage!

(2 edits) (+1)

Wow, thank you! That was fast! They look great! The crops look more 'alive' to me now, if that makes sense :) 

Your assets are really inspiring - I have so many ideas! Stardew Valley-like + proper action rpg, with an extended cooking and potions system with minigames, plus a big world with quests! I've already started writing down some dialogue ideas and prototyping some stuff. I'm just a beginner at gamedev tho (working with Godot 4), so it'll take a long while before it really becomes something. I hope I can keep my motivation up for the long haul tho, and really make something of this :)

Anyway, here are a few more food ideas for your consideration ;) : Cornbread, fruit salad, berry medley, grilled vegetables, baked potato, pumpkin pie, cake w different berries or rainbow sprinkles, stew, monster meat, candy apple, fried fish, stir-fry, muffin.
And if you make a flower pack I'd like to request tulips (my fav flower ;) ). Also absolutely hyped for the potions pack! These assets are gonna be so much fun to work with!

Keep it up, looking forward to all that you make!