Marvel Database

Appearing in "Don't Double-Cross a Witch!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Don't Double-Cross a Witch!"

When a man betrays a witch, she transforms him into a horse.

Appearing in "Doctor Molnar's Corpse"

Featured Characters:

  • Doctor Molnar

Supporting Characters:

  • Quadro


  • Mario Scorrega

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Doctor Molnar's Corpse"

A doctor conducting reanimation experiments on corpses by transferring blood has the misfortune of conducting his next experiment upon the body of a vampire.

Appearing in "Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones"

When the emperor building the Great Wall of China stakes the father of a laborer upon an anthill for leaving a hole between two bricks, the laborer gets the emperor alone and fills the hole with his head.

Appearing in "Possessed!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Possessed!"

When a woman is possessed by an evil spirit, her suitor acquires the services of a witch to drive the spirit out. He approaches her to kiss her afterwards, no longer fearing violence, but she knifes him to death in response to a killing he had committed. It turns out that the evil spirit was the one that would not let her kill the evil man while she was possessed.

Appearing in "Hair I Go Again!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Hair I Go Again!"

A grave-robber who steals the hair off of cadavers in order to sell it to wig manufacturers is stabbed to death by a corpse who wants its hair back.

See Also

Links and References

