Marvel Database

Quote1 Memories stop by like in-laws--You don't get to choose when the mind drifts--Triggered by a song, a place--The need for someone no longer here. You relieve everything that mattered for you then. The way it all was... And how far gone it all is. When the roof caves in--When the ground crumbles under my feet--Even all these years later--My first instinct is to turn to my parents. To advise me. To know I'm doing right. But home is gone. The worse things get--The more I need them--The harder it is to face. I gave the people of Harlem everything I had--Desperately trying to feel their shoes. Working myself near to death raising my sister and brother. Spent my life worried it wasn't enough. How could I ever live up to the bar they set? But I've got a sneaking suspicion that if they could see me now--They'd be proud. Quote2
Captain America (Sam Wilson)

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Infinite Elevator (First appearance)

Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• This is it! The all-new, Spy-Fi, highflying adventures of Sam Wilson Captain America and Nomad begin here!

• Hydra is growing, the terrorist band have has infiltrated the Marvel Universe completely! But what is their ultimate goal?

• United by Hydra, Cap’s rogue’s gallery gathers to take down the new untested Captain America and Nomad!

See Also

Links and References

