Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Different Vampire!"

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Synopsis for "The Different Vampire!"

A vampire destroys one of his own coven when he uncovers his secret that he prefers vampire blood to human blood.

Appearing in "The Worm That Turned"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Worm That Turned"

Jason plots to feed his boss to giant worms when he assumes they will make their way to the nearby air-conditioned office but instead becomes their victim when he goes down into the cellar and discovers they have broken the window to gain entrance.

Appearing in "The Manhunter!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Manhunter!"

Harry is convinced a man is guilty of murdering his wife so he hounds him day and night attempting to get him to confess. The man finally phones the police station and confesses to being a murderer. He has shot Harry.

Appearing in "The Man Who Went Too Far!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Man Who Went Too Far!"

Matt is the foreman at a rocket building facility who drives his men to hate him so much they tie him to one of the rockets about to blast off.

Appearing in "Gorilla!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Gorilla!"

A trapeze performer torments the circus gorilla until it breaks out of its cage and when he's going through his act and reaches for his partner he sees it's the gorilla.

See Also

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