Marvel Database

Quote1 Captain Marvel... I accuse you of being out of date. Of being a festering relic, an unpleasant memory. A mere half-Kree you may be, but what you symbolize is a full-blooded embarrassment. We shall have to do something about you. For that is the rule of law... --and the law of Ruul. Quote2
Ronan the Accuser

Appearing in "Dude! Where's My Kree?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Universal Weapon

Synopsis for "Dude! Where's My Kree?"

Captain Marvel flew to Hala, planning to get the Supreme Intelligence's help in restoring Rick's youth and arm, but was surprised to find the Ruul in the Kree's place. Meanwhile, Lorraine visited people from her life, attempting to reveal her return from the dead and Moondragon visited Marlo at Golden Orange Comics.

See Also

Links and References

