Marvel Database

Appearing in "Victory in the Village"

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  • Chinese Army

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Synopsis for "Victory in the Village"

In June of 1950, The US 7th Infantry Division fought their way into a nearby village to route out Chinese forces. Watching this is the elderly mayor Un Shik and his grandson Kil Ki. Kil Ki is happy to see American soldiers, Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak among their numbers, coming to liberate them from Chinese oppression, however his grandfather is not convinced as he recalls how his people have been enslaved by one invader after another over the centuries and sees the Americans as just another group coming to enslave their people. After the initial battle is over, Un Shik has his people gather up their valuables and offer them to the American soldiers. However they are shocked and surprised when Major Thorn tells them that they have come to bring them freedom and want no tribute or payment for liberating Korea from the Chinese. However, Un Shik is not entirely convinced.

Meanwhile, Kil Ki has become fast friends with Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak, offering to help them in battle, but the two American soldiers decline telling the boy that he and his pet goose would be in danger in the battle field. As the days go by, Un Shik and the other elders continue to be surprised when they watch the American soldiers provide food, clothing and medical aid to the people of their village and begin to realize that the Americans might be true to their word.

Days later, while American troops are spreading out they are about to be ambushed by Chinese soldiers lurking in the tall grass, but Kil Ki and his goose expose their position. Combat and Cookie save the boy, but his pet goose is killed by a Chinese soldier in retaliation for exposing their position. In the aftermath of the battle, Combat helps Kil Ki bury his goose and they suddenly witness a military medical chopper get shot out of the sky. While pilot survives, he arrives at the village and tells the soldiers there that the supply of blood that he was bringing to the front line had been destroyed. Hearing this, and finally convinced that the Americans do not seek to enslave them Un Shik and his people offer to donate blood to the American soldiers to replenish the supply that had been destroyed.

Appearing in "The Fighting 92nd!"

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Synopsis for "The Fighting 92nd!"

War story narrated by Combat Kelly

Appearing in "Cookie's Combat Course: The Tank-Infantry Team!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Cookie's Combat Course: The Tank-Infantry Team!"

Cookie Novak explains the specifics of a tank/infantry team.

Appearing in "Death Detail!"

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Synopsis for "Death Detail!"

In February 1945, Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak are part of the 29th "Blue Grey Division" of the US Army, helping clear up Nazi forces that run along the line of the Rhine River. They fight along side Sargent Bonner a German-American who enlisted in the United States army due to his hatred of the Nazi cause. While Bonner appears to be a loyal soldier and a great friend to Combat and Cookie, at night the pair spot him taking a raft over across enemy lines, returning shortly after. Not long later, one of the American ammo dumps is destroyed by Nazi forces.

When Bonner repeats the same activities the following night, Combat questions him but is punched in the face and told to mind his own business. The following day, the commanding officer hands Bonner the plans for their attack that day, worrying Combat and Cookie who are convinced that Bonner is a traitor. However things take a strange turn when another man appears who looks identical to Sargent Bonner and calls the Bonner among them an impostor. The new arrival easily bests the impostor, and reveals that the Bonner among them was really the Sargent's Nazi-loyal twin brother. The Sargent's brother manages to slip away by trying to cross the river but is mowed down by his own men due to the fact that he is still wearing his American uniform. Shortly thereafter, the attack on the opposite side of the Rhine occurs landing another victory for the Allied Troops.

See Also

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