Marvel Database

Appearing in ""Sisterhood" (Part 3)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #510

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Synopsis for ""Sisterhood" (Part 3)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #510

X-23 finds a scared Armor, who informs her that all of the adult X-Men are out of commission. X-23 promises to lead them out of the facility. Unfortunately, they are right behind Chimera, who takes notice and attacks. Before X-23 could defend herself, Pixie teleports them out.

Elsewhere in the complex, Deathstrike pulled her claws out of Wolverine, bursting his lungs, which would heal. The red Queen then instruct Spiral to summon his new "playmate." His opponent turns out to be Psylocke. Deathstrike then joins in, while the Red Queen goes into his room and takes a small box. Wolverine leave the fight to demand to Maddy to not touch his stuff.

Meanwhile, Emma is trapped in a mental illusion casted by Lady Mastermind. Then she sees a red-haired figure, who she presumes to be Madelyne Pryor, but it is actually Jean Grey, who, with an image of the Phoenix in her hand, gives her the strength to fight back, literally, as Emma assumes her diamond form and brutally punches her opponent, declaring her a traitor to their race. She then rescues Cyclops from his absolute hell: class.

Pixie then bring the Stepford Cuckoos and Elixir to help out the wounded Colossus and Nightcrawler. Then, Chimera blasts the wall beside them. However, the Cuckoos engaged her in physical combat, while Pixie goes downstairs to take out Empath, who is the source of the X-Men's disability. The Red Queen then orders Spiral to get all their fellow sister mutants out. However, Wolveirne has his claws to Psylocke's neck, but Spiral claims that have hostages to hurt if he doesn't let her go; Cyclops rushes in and urges Wolverine to let her go, which he conceeds.

As the X-Men recuperate, Wolverine complains why X-Club wasn't involved in the fighting; Scott explains that they were quarantined in the Vault in case of security breach; he hates to lose assets. He then asks Logan what did the Red Queen want; he responds that she was after a lock of Jean Grey's hair he was keeping.

Appearing in ""Sisterhood" (Part 4)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #511

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Synopsis for ""Sisterhood" (Part 4)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #511

Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus and Northstar are in the Blackbird, planning their next move. Northstar asks if the two of the men are going to speak to each other anytime soon; they both say "Nope."

At the Sisterhood's hideout, Madelyne Pryor instructs her Sisterhood to perform the spell to locate Jean Grey's body as her new host. This psychic disruption is detected by Emma, who is not knocked out this time. She brings Karma, Dazzler and Storm with her. Once the spell is finished, Madelyne orders the Wyngarde sisters and Psylocke to stay behind to prepare for the X-Men, as she and the others leave for their destination. It is then that the female X-Men arrive.

Madelyne and her servants arrive at the remains of the Xavier Institute, where it was obvious that Jean would be buried. However, Domino had already exhumed the body; Chimera is ready for a rematch; Madelyne declares that she will die; Domino reacts quicker, accounting for any possible variable, but forget about Lady Deathstrike, only for Cyclops' team to arrive.

Back in San Francisco, Dazzler attempts to get through to Psylocke, but the personality inside her is a murderous spirit that Madelyne found across space-time and she is not the Betsy Bradlock she knows. Nonetheless, Dazzler retaliates, informing her opponent that they've broke the window is so that she could utilize the sounds of the city to generate a powerful laser that blasted off half her face. Then the real Psylocke resurfaced, fighting a spiritual duel against her doppelganger, which she is able to win, proving that the good in her is stronger. She then returns to her Japanese body.

Back at Xavier's, Cyclops' team is engaged with the Sisterhood. Cyclops himself attempts to stop his ex-wife but his optic blasts went right through her. She congratulated him for making "insult, injury, and iron, all in one shot." She then opens the coffin, planning on granting him his wish of her becoming Jean all over again; he pleads her not to do this and offers his help; she rebuffs his attempts and begins her transformation. But then she realizes something is wrong; the corpse isn't Jean, but merely another one replaced by Domino before she arrived. Because only Jean's body could contain her, Madelyne is annihilated. With their leader gone, Spiral recalls the rest of the Sisterhood.

Later, back at Graymalkin Industries, Beast comes into Scott and Emma's room, demanding some answers: Logan leading a team into nowhere, bloodstained clothes in the laundry, Warren turning back into Archangel; as well as what Emma has been up to. They can't have secrets, which may destroy all that have left in such dangerous times. He announces that he's going on a mission with X-Club tomorrow and when he gets back, "we're having it aaall out...!"

Appearing in "Salvage (Part 5)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men: Legacy #224

Featured Characters:

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  • Boneyard Dog


Synopsis for "Salvage (Part 5)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Men: Legacy #224

Rogue has commandeered the Shi’ar salvagers’ ship and is ready to use it against them if they don’t cease their attack on Charles Xavier and Gambit. She fends off the enraged salvager Horse, but Jat Vor-Thrul hacks the systems and opens the vessel up for his comrade Glitter. Glitter enters the ship and uses her Shi’ar tech to knock Rogue out and drags her outside for the captain, Sovel Redhand, to execute.

A wounded Xavier manages to crawl over to Danger and speak the command code that frees her A.I. from her core programming. Danger generates weaponry and attacks the Shi’ar, overwhelming them such that they realize they are outmatched and beam away. Rogue, Xavier, Danger, and Gambit are left alone in the ruins of Maynards Plains.

With her second shot at freedom, Danger has come to recognize Xavier’s hesitance to liberate her earlier. She has also calculated the reason Rogue cannot control her powers: when her powers manifested, it was an involuntary, traumatic action that caused her mind to wall off Cody Robbins’ persona and limit the natural development of her powers. Xavier posits that by breaking down these walls - formed each time Rogue significantly absorbed someone’s personality (namely Cody, Carol Danvers, and most recently, Mystique) - her mind will be free to learn to control her powers.

Later, with Danger monitoring Rogue’s vitals, Xavier enters Rogue’s mind. He locates the partitions her mind has created and begins to break them down one by one. Most he finds empty - a result of Rogue’s contact with baby Hope - but encounter’s Mystique’s consciousness in the last one. He purges her persona and Rogue’s body begins to recover.

The next day, Rogue wakes feeling strange, convinced the procedure didn’t work. Xavier assures her that it did - that she has no reference point for how it feels to be in control of her powers, so she can’t know how that should feel. He tells her there is no owner’s manual, so she needs to figure out how to gain control for herself.

Outside Maynards Plains, Rogue meditates. Gambit brings her water and she says she is ready to test her control. Gambit is willing to be her guinea pig. The two kiss, completely without incident. She says she’s not ready to talk about their relationship, but Gambit reassures her he’ll be by her side all the same.

See Also

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