Marvel Database

Quote1 You know that 'anomaly' you remarked upon recently? That electric pulse you sense more and more consistently? The pulse that seemed to be completely random at first, but now registers with every cycle? It is what the humans call a conscience. It is what recognizes and differentiates good from evil. It took me centuries to finally figure out what it was. It took me even longer to realize that the best thing to do was simply heed it. What will you do with free will? Quote2

Appearing in "Manifest Destiny (Conclusion)"

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Synopsis for "Manifest Destiny (Conclusion)"

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Guest-starring the X-Men! Ikaris, joined by the full power of the mighty mutants, faces his nemesis Druig and his vile Confederation! At the foot of the sleeping colossus known as the Dreaming Celestial, a battle of titans erupts! The stakes? Not only the innocent citizens of San Francisco, but no less than the future of all life on planet Earth!

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