Marvel Database

War of Kings Warriors Vol 1 2 Textless
Quote1 More hot buns, Johnny? Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 6 1 Human Torch Variant Textless
Human Torch
Quote1 Say, Crys... I never knew you were so domestic! Quote2

Appearing in "A House There Was!"

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Synopsis for "A House There Was!"

Returning home from Latveria, Sue takes the rest of the FF to see the house that she purchased for herself, Reed, and the baby. Unbeknownst to everyone, there is somebody in the house monitoring their every move. While moving items to the house, each member of the FF begins to notice their vision is starting to get strained. When the unseen watcher reveals himself as the Mole Man, he activates a machine which makes everyone in the house go blind.


Continuity Notes[]

  • The Mole Man last clashed with the Fantastic Four during the massive attack on Reed and Sue's wedding in Fantastic Four Annual #3. Chronologically prior to this story, the Mole Man was last seen in X-Men #34, this was during his ongoing conflict with Tyrannus for dominion of Subterranea. This most recent bout was ended by the X-Men. That story ended with the Mole Man and Tyrannus being stricken with amnesia thanks to mists native to Subterranea. While the return of his memory is not explained here, that plot hole was closed in X-Men: The Hidden Years #21, wherein the Mole Man explains that the effects of the mists he was exposed to were only temporary.

Chronology Notes[]

Events that occur behind the scenes during this story affect the chronology of the following characters: Mister Fantastic:

  •  Page 1-10  - The Fantastic Four return home from Latveria, look at the strange house Sue wants to buy from Franklin.
  •  Page 11-20  - The Fantastic Four battle the Mole Man.

Human Torch:

  •  Page 1-10  - The Fantastic Four return home from Latveria, look at the strange house Sue wants to buy from Franklin.
  •  Page 11-20  - The Fantastic Four battle the Mole Man.


  •  Page 1-10  - The Fantastic Four return home from Latveria, look at the strange house Sue wants to buy from Franklin.
  •  Page 11-20  - The Fantastic Four battle the Mole Man.

See Also

Links and References

