Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Reverend Mr. Graves"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Rachel


  • Grey Fox
  • Reverend Mr. Graves (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Reverend Mr. Graves"

Reno is prepared to fight off the entire group of Gray Fox's renegades when a Reverend enters the scene and takes Reno in trade for a box of rifles for the renegades. The two ride in his wagon, Reno bond, they confront a group of cavalrymen. The Reverend Graves informs them of the natives and the cavalry thank him and move in for the kill. The reverend then ungags Reno which prompts Reno to ask why the Reverend is pushing both groups into fighting one another. The Reverend explains that natives killed his family and the cavalry were too weak to grant him the vengeance he sought. Reno taking the initiative kicks the Reverend and knocks him out and then cuts his binds with the Reverend's knife. Taking a horse from the wagon Reno rides back to the native camp to rescue the Kid and hopefully stop the bloodshed, although upon getting to the camp he sees that it is already surrounded and so Reno rides straight into the camp and warns the natives of the upcoming attack. The warning comes too late as the firing begins soon after.

Whilst this was going on Kid Cassidy is still recovering from his injures with the help of Rachel. Bandaged but weak he gathers his strength and readies to leave just in time to see Reno coming towards the hut. Cassidy leaves the hut leaving Rachel behind due to her not wanting Reno to find out that she is Gray Fox's squaw. Upon meeting with Reno the two mount up just in time to be confronted by Reverend Graves who's gun is drawn. Reno grabs a gun of his own and the two seem to be at a stalemate. Reno admitting to himself he couldn't shoot a reverend drops his revolver and then is shot by the Reverend which seems to have grazed him. Kid Cassidy seeing this grabs a rifle and shoots the Reverend in turn. As he lay there dying from his wounds the Reverend confesses that he was right to be shot and that he had hoped that Reno and him could have been friends as it was after his family died that a black family was his only compatriots. The two Gunhawks bury the Reverend but are sadden that they couldn't change his outlook before it was too late.

The two then return to the native camp which has since been turned into a graveyard of natives and cavalrymen. The Major seems to think it was worth the sacrifice and soon after Gray Fox somehow still alive as well comes riding through the camp with Rachel. Reno seeing Rachel begins to mount a horse to begin his chase but is then knocked out by Cassidy who thinks to himself that this is what Rachel wanted but Reno wouldn't see it as such.

Appearing in "The Rustler!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Frontier Western #2

Featured Characters:

  • Joe Dawson
  • Clay Harper

Supporting Characters:

  • Slim


  • Dirk Yaeger (Apparent death)

Other Characters:

  • Red

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Rustler!"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Frontier Western #2

A rustling ranch hand attempts to blame it all on his employers best friend, but his friendship and trust allow him to see the truth of the situation and allow for the ranch hand to be brought to justice.


Captain Warren Worth is mistakenly referred to as Major in this issue.

See Also

Links and References

