Marvel Database


In the visions of Nostradamus, he sees the three members of the Last Caliphate resting in the capsules.[3]

In the mountains in Iraq, Nikola Tesla finds the three capsules where the three members of the Last Caliphate rest; he tells Mina, calling them those who mark the way and who are slowly waking up from a sleep of centuries.[4]

Hasan Ibn al-Haytham and his brothers Hamza Ibn al-Haytham and Haider Ibn al-Haytham are awakened by Nikola Tesla, Howard Stark and Nathaniel Richards. Everyone went to the Immortal City and announced to Michelangelo that they will travel to the end of human history not knowing whether to save the world or see it burn. Nikola Tesla tells his son Leonid that the three represent the branches of time, what is, what has been before and what will be., Then embarking all on the Human Machine they went into the future facing three scenarios where they would always clash with Isaac Newton.[5]

In all three scenarios, the three brothers perished in the fight with Newton and the Star Child.[1]

Leonid using the Human Machine with his powers defeated Newton, restored reality, and brought the three brothers of the Last Caliphate back to life.[2]

See Also

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