Marvel Database

Quote1 Nothing to be afraid of. Nobody's ever done anything like it. But this is the next thing. Human 2.0. The old version doesn't cut it anymore. Quote2
Tony Stark

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Tony had a heart attack and several hours later, he was in the intensive care unit hooked up to a mechanical device until he could get a transplant. Tony didn't want a transplant but decided to build his own heart. The next day, he had the new heart transplanted and he felt great. He started to build a new arm and dedicate himself to rebuild himself better and stronger.

He isolated himself from everyone and locked everyone out except for a technician. The technician discovered some Iron Man armor that was moving by itself. Then, he got killed and ended on a slab with a robotic version of Tony in his Iron Man armor standing over him.

See Also

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